This course goes beyond the topics from Intermediate Bridge I and Intermediate Bridge II. It is designed for bridge players who have a minimum of two years experience playing duplicate bridge.
You will learn powerful and practical bidding, play and defense concept including:
There are exercises in class, homework outside of class, and each evening finishes by playing deals related to the topic. Snacks are also provided. You will be amazed at what you’ll learn, even if you’ve played for years and years!
The in-class exercises are available in electronic format so students can play the hands at home and receive commentary on their bidding and play (requires Bridge Baron software).
Our course lecturer is the very popular Frank Smoot who has taught bridge to beginners and beyond in Palo Alto for 15+ years. Frank and our wonderful volunteers give students individual attention which helps our students learn in a fun environment.
Please contact Frank Smoot email for more information.
This 8-Week Course Covers |
Declarer Play:
Class Downloads** | |
Lesson 1 | on 1/8/18 Notrump Slams |
Lesson 2 | on 1/17/18 Balancing |
Lesson 3 | on 1/22/18 Defense to 1 Notrump |
Lesson 4 | on 1/28/18 Defensive Combinations |
Lesson 5 | on 2/8/18 Win or Duck? |
Lesson 6 | on 2/17/18 Trump Ending |
Lesson 7 | on 2/25/18 Squeeze Plays |
Lesson 8 | on 3/8/18 Throw-In |
Instructions for downloading and playing files with Bridge Baron
Bridge Baron Website. We usually have copies of Bridge Baron at class which we sell at a discount.
*After registering, please send a check made out to Frank Smoot in the amount of $175 to hold your spot to:
Frank Smoot
528 S Taaffe St
Sunnyvale, CA 94086