Barbara now owns and runs a School of Bridge in Toronto. She teaches tens of thousands of students a year at all levels, mostly in USA and Canada but also travelling all over the world. Barbara and Alex have now visited 171 countries.
Seagram has been the recipient of a number of awards in bridge: The Kate Buckman Award, given to the person who has contributed most to others’ enjoyment of the game and the most recent being the Audrey Grant Award for teaching. She is a Sapphire Life Master and a frequent speaker at NABC’s. She has been named #40 on the list of the top 52 bridge personalities that have most influenced the game.
Seagram was a co-founder (one of two) of the Zero Tolerance program. Barbara is the co-author of 30 published bridge books; the most well-known being “25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know” This is now in its 19th. printing and has been translated into French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Danish. This book has been named one of the top five best-selling bridge books of the last 60 years. It has just been revised and reprinted.