At tonight’s Unit 503 Board meeting it was determined that the Non-Life-Master Sectional and all previously scheduled events including classes will be held at the Palo Alto Bridge Center (PABC) as long as all participants are masked, vaccinated and boosted, if eligible. The Non-Life-Master Sectional is this Saturday February 19 & Sunday February 20.
The PABC will remain closed for our daily games until March 7, or until the first Monday after Santa Clara County drops its mask mandate, whichever is later. This decision reflects three major factors:
· Our strong desire to keep our community of players safe
· The current guidance from the county
· And, our intent to have strong meaningfully sized games when we reopen
When the PABC reopens for regular play, it will feature special promotions and will not require masks, but people will be encouraged to wear masks if masks make them more comfortable. Please look for emails and updates on Facebook and our website for more news about the reopening and our special promotions.
Any questions regarding this message or any board issues can be directed to me at
Be safe & may the finesses always be onside –