ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 9/11/06
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except Dave Bernstein and Liz Blum. Will Watson and Lori Spaeth were also present.
August’s minutes were approved.
Lori gave the Kibitzer report. It will be a 6-page issue.
Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The unit has a balance of $40861.05, and the bridge center has a balance of $19829.50. The profit for the Firecracker was $2873.03.
Alan C. gave the between-board-meetings news. The bridge center has been re-lamped for about $1000. We, also, now have crash bars on the back doors (thanks to Duane Coleman). This should reduce the petty thievery situation in the bridge center.
The board was appalled over the removal of the blue door cover from the dishwasher. We currently have a full-scale investigation underway, and the full force of the board’s censure will be brought to bear on the culprit(s).*
Old Business
The new by-laws were discussed. The size of the board was an issue. It is hard to find 11 people in our unit who are willing to serve on the board. Having nine people is easier, but it may be difficult to get a quorum for meetings. There will be an approval vote on the new bylaws and constitution at the unit game in November.
Same old news with our bridge center lease. The current lease runs through 2008. Mr. Twister is negotiating extending his lease, and we would want to piggyback on these negotiations.
New Business
The Roy has the 2007 Firecracker under control. After the previous two years, this is pretty amazing. In addition, Alan C. has a place for the 2008 sectional already selected.
Mona is working on rotating the art work. Apparently, Kevin has two people who want to display their work. October 1st is the change over date. It remains to be seen if this takes place at this time.
The board feels that all activities that involve the bridge club building should be licensed. The Unit Secretary may be in charge of the licenses.
We discussed the pay of the unit game director. We have tentatively agreed to $5 per table with a minimum of $75. If boards are made, that is an additional $25, and team games would be an additional $25. If caddies are used, we would pay $25 per caddy (director not included as caddy).
Alan T. is setting up a free wireless internet connection for the bridge club. Mr. Twister could also use it – a price saver and faster access. Amazing.
Alan C. is getting three refuse cans from Stanford. Two will be trash and 1 will be recycling. All three will have lids.
Alan and Gabriella gave us news from the District 21 meeting. We will be the host committee for volunteers at the Nationals.
We briefly mentioned the Goodwill member. We need names. If you think someone is qualified contact, your nearest board member.
We talked about replacing the carpet. We will wait until the lease situation is cleared up before taking any action. We will have the cleaning company try more spot cleaning. Claire will talk with a rug guy to see what our options are (e.g., replacing a ripped section of carpet).
Alan C. talked about putting a better speaker system in. He has a guy who will do it. He will get and present the details.
Apparently the toilet in the women’s room is cracked. There is going to be a short restroom test for those who wish to use our restrooms. The Secretary will be issuing licenses to those who pass the test.*
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler
* Parts of or all of the preceding paragraph should not be taken seriously.