ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes    7/11/06

The meeting was called to order by president Alan Cummings. Absent were Dave Wheeler, Dave Bernstein, Gabriella bowling, and Liz Blum. Elinor Tanck was present.


The minutes of the 6/06/06 were approved.

Elinor reported that the August issue may increase to 8 pages.  She also summarized the June QUIP ACBL report (she received as electronic contact) which includes a comparison of Unit membership statistics with other clubs in the District and ACBL.

Treasurer Alan Templeton reported that there were no unusual finances last month, the Unit has not received bills from the Mentor Tea and that table counts at the Bridge Center continue to remain above last year, about 6%, which is very good news.

Alan C. reported that in response to a request to improve the sound system Kevin O’Leary is looking into a new wireless system and with speakers mounted throughout the Bridge Center.

Old Business

John Hornback reported on the Firecracker 2006.  The tournament was a big success with a total of 767 tables.  This is almost 50 more than last year.  Despite increased costs in almost every category, the event ended with a net profit of over $2,800.  John presented copies of his Summary of Attendance by Event, a Preliminary Final Budget, a Preliminary Financial Report, and a list of notes to help in planning for next year’s tournament.

The Board congratulated John on a job well done!

Alan C reported that while the Ballroom at the Hyatt Regency is booked in 2007, there may be an opportunity for space in other areas in the Convention Center and perhaps the hotel. He and Ron will be working on 2007.

Liability Insurance. The Unit has signed a new liability insurance policy. Limits of liability increased from $1.0M/2.0M to $2.0M/$4.0M. Cost of the new policy is $850 compared to $2,128 for the old policy.

New Business

The Board is revising and updating the Unit’s Constitution & By-Laws (C&BL’s), which were last reviewed in 1987(?).  Thanks to Elinor Tanck and Gene Drew. When completed, the new C&BL’s must be approved by a two-thirds vote of Unit members in attendance at the meeting.  Rather than calling a special election for this purpose, the Board decided that the new document would be adopted for use on a provisional basis until it is voted on as an additional measure on our regular election of Unit officers and Board members at the end of this year.

A notice to this effect will be placed in the Kibitzer along with a brief explanation of any major changes or additions to the old C&BL’s.  Both the old and new documents should be made available on the Unit’s website for any members who wish to look at them or make comments.

Owners’ Meeting. Roy has arranged a meeting on Thursday, July 13, with the Owners of games at the Bridge Center to discuss the new License Agreement, special games master point awards, resources on the web site, etc. Note: meeting was cancelled  due to scheduling conflicts and/or lack of interest.

Training Class for New Directors. Postponed.

Meeting with Twisters. Alan C, Alan T, and Duane Coleman are meeting with the owner of Twisters to discuss space issues, improvements to the Bridge Center, etc. and also to discuss an extension of the current Sub-lease that expires August, 2008.

Bridge Center Capacity. Alanc C drafted a note for the Kibitzer to let members know that the capacity is 130 (32 tables) per the Mountain View Fire Marshal . There were 31 1/2 tables on July 10th.  The day is near when we will have to send people home.

After some discussion of recent non-bridge activities conducted at the Bridge Center, including the display and possible sale of artwork, sale of other merchandise such as, for example, jewelry or Girl Scout cookies during games, or use of the Bridge Center for activities other than the conduct of bridge games, the Board decided to place an article in the Kibitzer outlining the conditions under which such activities might be conducted.

Non-bridge activities are limited by our Bridge Center lease agreement and the terms of  our License Agreement with Club Owners.  Activities that take place during games are disruptive to players and Directors.  It was decided that any non-bridge activities at the Bridge Center must be approved in advance by the Board.

Bridge N Brunch. Sherie Greenberg informed the board that she intends to sell her Wednesday afternoon game (Bridge N Brunch) to Sue Johnston.  The  Board enthusiastically approved her request to allow Bridge N Brunch to continue operating at the Bridge Center under Sue’s ownership.

Alan Cummings,
