ACBL Unit 503 Minutes 9/2/2008

Present were Steve Lubeck, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton,  Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton, Nita Girand and Susana Krulevitch. Also present  were Ginger Herrick and Elinor Tanck.

The meeting started with introduction of and a presentation by Bruce Blakely, Tom Quinlan  and Bill McIntosh, three candidates up for election as District 21 representative on the  ACBL Board of Directors.

Bridge Pads were next on the agenda, as Tom Quinlan expressed an interest on the Board’s decision on Bridge Pads. The District has not voted on Bridge Pads ands their use is up to the discretion of individual Club Owners. It was agreed that the Club should buy them on  the following conditions: a written contract with acceptable pricing for 40 Bridge Pads, maintenance, cost of updates, replacements, etc. We will tell the suppliers what we would like to have covered in a Purchase Agreement which should be drafted and provided at least one week before our next meeting.

Last month’s Minutes were approved.

Kibitzer – will be 6 or 8 pages, per Elinor’s discretion. Photos from the Unit Anniversary  Game have been posted at the Bridge Club.

Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. Income is down $300 for the month, but up $9000 for the year, $5000 from the Education Program and $4000 from the Firecrackers tourno. Alan T. will break down expenses of the Education Fund and submit a summary of expenses to the Foundation on a quarterly basis. Table count of the Bridge Club is up 5% over last year.  A motion was made to accept the report and it was passed.

License Agreements – Susana – These were left in Director’s folders on August 26th and followed up by an e-mail to each Director requesting that they be signed and returned by September 1st. None were returned. The Board decided that an e-mail be sent to each director, advising them that not signing an agreement could have insurance implications. It was also decided to wait another month for the return of the agreements before taking further action.

Firecrackers 2009, July 1 – 5. The Hyatt Regency is not able to commit the space for the  2009 Firecracker at this time. Steve is working with the Santa Clara Convention Center (which is adjacent to the hotel) to secure space for next year at a satisfactory rate. He hopes to enter into a contractual agreement with them soon.

Unit Games – Mike will make announcements about the Swiss game to be held on Sept. 14th.  Will cannot attend the Unit game on October 19th and a motion was made and carried to have the game on October 26th. It will be a barometer game with a $8.00 fee.

Election – Trina will be running the election. Elinor will print the ballots. Members to be replaced are Gabriella Bowling, Alan Cummings and Ginger Herrick. New candidates are Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil and Grant Spaeth. Alan Cummings suggested that the  Board invite prospective members to attend 2008 board meetings. Ginger will take over  Martie’s position until the end of the year and is now a Board member, but will not take charge of club maintenance.

Education Fund – Geeske has scheduled 12 lectures, two for the month of September. Donna
has received 240 books. There will be publicity on the grand opening of the library and a request for more donations.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:40PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch