ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 8/6/07
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except Gabriella Bowling, Liz Blum, and Claire Coleman. We had almost as many “visitors” as board members. Lori Spaeth, Will Watson, Susana Krulevitch, Steve Lubeck, and Elinor Tanck were also in attendance. Steve and Susana will be among the 6 new board members we will have next year. Steve has already assumed the formidable duties of running the 2008 Firecracker. Susana has expressed a desire to do the Forum articles and become Unit Secretary. Alan C. was overcome with emotion when he heard this, and the current secretary had to be revived.
One reason for Lori’s presence was that she and Frank Smoot are about start their Thursday bridge classes. They have new updated materials and wanted the board’s approval to go in this direction. We unanimously approved.
Lori and Will were also witness to what may be the fruition of Alan C.’s long-time dream, a viable dealing machine that all directors can use. This machine does not need special cards, and Will gave a simulated demonstration of its use. Alan wanted the Unit to buy the machine and make it available to whoever is trained to use it. Roy made a motion that we buy it subject to a 90-day-no-questions-asked return policy and a 1-year warranty. We passed the motion.
July’s minutes with one correction were approved.
Elinor said the August Kibitzer will be a 6-page issue. Marion Kelly will be out of town, so Lori will resume her old job for this issue.
Maria indicated that she had sent in the Forum article.
Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The returns are in from the Firecracker, so the report was fairly normal. The Unit has a balance of $44,716.48. The Center has a balance of $35,092.18. Alan indicated one unusual bank charge. They charged us $73.50 because we put too much cash in the bank. Alan assures us that this charge will be reversed, or we will use a less neurotic bank which doesn’t mind having money deposited.
Liz gave the unit membership report in absentia (email). The numbers are 2 enlightened transfers in, 1 misguided transfer out, 1 reinstatement, and 2 new members.
Alan C. gave his between-meetings-actions report. We have had an insurance breakthrough. Now non-member owners can be added to our policy (a rider costing $100 for each owner which will be paid by the insured owner). This opens the door for John Pryor to buy Kevin’s share of the Saturday game. We also decided that non-owner directors should also have to sign a Bridge Center license.
Old Business
Martie gave the Center improvements report. Claire has purchased and installed the new bridge box inserts (and washed the bidding boxes). The new inserts have met with many favorable comments. Duane has installed most of the new cabinets. This is a vast improvement, and everyone has more room. Alan T. has purchased a new printer/fax/copier and both printers are now working. Martie wanted to replace the few old chairs that are still in use with new ones that are like the chairs we currently use. We okayed the purchase of a few more chairs.
Martie also talked about the upcoming unit games. August will be a Swiss team game with an open section and a novice section. September will be a pairs game again having two sections.
Alan C. talked about another of his dreams, having it possible for people to give tax-deductible charitable donations to the unit through the ACBL. At the Nationals in Nashville the ACBL by a 7 to 2 vote agreed to revisit the idea in San Francisco.
Ginger talked about the S.F. nationals. We need about 20 volunteers for the last day.
New Business
Ginger also talked about new board member candidates. Miracle of miracles – she has found six new people who are willing to serve on the board. Beside Steve and Susana they are Nita Girand, Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton and not-so-new Alan Templeton (he will re-up).
Steve talked about the 2008 Firecracker. He has checked with a couple of Santa Clara hotels to see if we can rent the 11,000 sq. feet we need in July. The hotels were not interested because we don’t generate enough room revenue. Our best bet seems to be the convention center where the 2007 Firecracker was held. The convention center is booked for July 4th 2008, but we have ACBL approval to hold the tournament on July 9 through 13. We still need the approval of the San Jose club, but no problem there is anticipated. Now it remains to be seen if we can get the convention center. If not, we will probably not have a sectional this year.
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler