ACBL Unit 503 Meeting Minutes 7/16/07
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Cummings. All board members were present except Martie Moore, Eric Mayefsky, and Maria Brabb. Elinor Tanck was also in attendance.
June’s minutes were approved.
Elinor said the July Kibitzer will be delivered on Wednesday. It will be an 8-page issue.
Maria wasn’t present, so there was no discussion of Forum articles.
Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report. The unit report is somewhat skewed because of the Firecracker. All the transfers of funds have not taken place yet. That said, the unit has a balance of $26,294.17. The center has a balance $34,994.50.
Alan T. also discussed table counts. Table counts from January to June are up by about 300 tables over last year. This is rather amazing. The table counts for Claire’s Friday and Sunday games are up about 15%, and the table counts for Sue Johnston’s and Lori Spaeth’s Wednesday night game are up by about 45%.
Liz gave the unit membership report. The numbers are 3 transfers in, 1 transfer out, and 1 reinstatement.
Alan gave his between-meetings-actions report. The electrical was done in the back wall for about $500. We now can use the fan back there.
Lori and Sue raised their table fees to $8.00. Alan felt that no approval was necessary.
Kevin sold his half interest in the Thursday game to the Mattis’s. He also has an interested buyer in the Saturday game, but insurance questions are clouding the sale.
Old Business
Liz told us about our new member promotions. She now has packets (introductory material) for new members and prospective new members. We decided to print about 200 more unit phone directories (without any corrections) some of which will go in the new member packets.
Martie was not present to talk about bridge center improvements. Alan T. is still looking for a printer/fax/copier.
Roy gave a 2007 Firecracker recap. It was very successful. The tournament was enjoyed by all, and we made about $3700. Roy did a great job.
Ginger talked about the S.F. nationals. We need about 20 volunteers for the last day.
Alan C. mentioned that the mentor/mentee tea was very successful despite two very experienced players who came wanting to play with each other. This begs the question, why? Perhaps it was a chance to play against less experienced players, or perhaps it was Nancy Cadwell’s food.
Alan C. showed us the new etiquette statement which will be on the website and in the Kibitzer. The board stands behind any director who wants to take boards away from late comers or send the late comers home.
New Business
Roy and Alan C. talked about the 2008 Firecracker. Both the Hyatt hotel and the convention center are taken over the Fourth. If it is okay with the ACBL, we will try to have it either a week earlier or a week later. If this is not feasible, there will be no 2008 Firecracker.
Ginger talked about the need for board member candidates. Roy, Liz, Maria, and perhaps Claire and Alan T. will be leaving the board. Ginger mentioned some possible names, but more suggestions are obviously needed.
Alan C. talked about the very successful Thursday night’s lessons. We voted to increase Frank Smoot’s pay by $50 per quarter and increase Lori’s Spaeth’s share also.
Which brought us to the question – What after Thursday night? The unit and apparently Lori are toying with idea of sessions for partners based around the book about 25 conventions you need to know. The class might be held on Monday or Tuesday night. The idea is still very much in the beginning stage.
We then adjourned.
Dave Wheeler