ACBL Unit 503 Minutes 6/3/2008

Present were Martie Moore, Elinor Tanck, Nita Girand, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton, Eric Mayefsky, Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton,  and Susana Krulevitch. Last month’s Minutes were approved. Elinor – 400 Kibitzers were printed the last two months.  80 or 90 were left over and thrown out. A suggestion was made to eliminate the “Winners’ Circle”as it is hard to make all the names fit. Motion was made, seconded and passed. Eric knows someone who can automatically generate the names of the “Winners’ Circle”. It will be on the web and a hard copy will be posted at the Bridge Center. Elinor will be away from July 23rd to August 8th. During that period all information should be sent to Marian Kelly.

Alan Templeton’s Treasurer Report – Alan noted that Swiss games are the most popular but make the least money. A motion was made to raise Unit Game fees to $8.00 but was not passed. The Unit has assets of almost $50,000. The Bridge Club has a net loss this year of about $5000 because of the $9000 spent on HVAC which Twisters is to repay.  An agreement has been drawn up to present to Twisters to deduct $300 from the rent for 23 months and a lesser amount in the 24th month. The Bridge Club has about $38,000 in assets of which almost $20,000 is in deposits to Twisters and money Twisters owes us for the AC repair. Table counts at the Bridge Center are up 5 ½ % over last year at this time. The District used to file tax returns for the units. Now every Unit has to file their own. Units are still experimenting with the proper method of filing. No decision made on filing of California taxes.

Nita’s Membership Report – there are two new members, one reinstated, two transferred into unit and one transferred out.

Dave looked into getting a solid ceiling register to reduce the draft from the AC. Twisters may get us the second HVAC unit if their finances are good.

Steve was absent. He has put the 2009 Firecracker on the District 21 schedule. Has also tried to reserve space for the 2009 game but will not get a response until September or later.  Lori and Marian will take pictures at the Firecracker and the daily results will be posted on the website.

Mike – Unit games schedule: no game in July because of the Firecracker.

Aug. 3rd date for Pairs and Club’s 50th Birthday Celebration was changed to Aug. 24th because

Elinor will be out of town on the 3rd. She intends to invite original players, 10 at the most.

Sept. 21st , Swiss teams. Oct. 19th , Swiss teams. Nov. 23rd,  Pairs, Pot Luck and Sportsmanship

Trophy. Dec. 7th, Christmas party and regular game with just pairs.

Alan C. suggested a Compact KO in place of one of the two Swiss games in the Fall. Two

sessions with a light catered lunch between sessions. Those KO’d in the first session would play Swiss in the second session. This could work if we are able to get the back room for more space. Everyone would pay the full fee for the two sessions. Charge $18.00, including food. Play 11:00 to 6:00 with one hour break in between. Space is the big problem.  Back room is $250 for two hours. Players to sign up, preference given to our Unit members. Check out Cubberly High School for possible venue. Alan will check. No separate 99er team required.

Nita suggested a format in which 2 top players would play with two lower ability players.

Elinor suggested that every member of a (Swiss) team play with every other member.

No decision on Tina’s and Elinor’s suggestion was reached for this year.

Martie – Kevin finished work on the Media Room. Janitorial contractor will do “Spring Cleaning” and carpet cleaning when the Bridge Center is closed for the Firecracker.


The Mentor Mentee tea will take place on August 25th after the regular game. The Board will authorize a nominal amount to cover extra expenses.

Alan C. went to the District 21 meeting. The Bridge Pad was problematic. It was not discussed

and the District did not move towards purchasing it. There were no specific district reps or alternates and no names were sent to the District.We got only one vote at the meeting instead of two.

Susana mentioned that some players liked the Bridge Pad and would like to know why it was

not purchased at this time.  Elinor will put a notice in the Kibitzer with an explanation.

Alan C. – 503 Education – Kevin purchased a laptop, Alan got Small Library Organizer software, Martie got a handsome bookcase and Kevin will put locks on it. The library project will be turned over to Donna Armstrong and Steve Barasch. Donations of books and bridge software can now be accepted. Eventually we will purchase some subscriptions. Library software

will keep track of borrowers. Geeske Joel is working on a lesson series for all levels of players to start in the Fall. Could develop into lectures of different levels. The project received $2000 from the ACBL Education Fund. Alan C. will attend the Las Vegas meeting. Nita suggested that Eric write about the Education Program in the Forum article.

Lori will write a summary of the Unit’s beginner’s program. The Easy Game is very popular

and is an outstanding effort.

Alan T. –  Education Program feedback – Cantor  material did not have enough exercises. Will

consider other options in the Fall and revamp curriculum.


The question came up as to who owns the Easy Game. The Unit owns it and Claire sanctions

it. Easy Game to get sanction if Unit approves. Then give the game to Claire. David will check

with the 4 people involved and Claire. They all should fill out a Licensing Agreement.

Licensing Agreement – there should be a late fee for owners who do not pay on time. Licensing

Agreements will be discussed at the July 8th meeting.  Alan T. will send everyone a copy of

the agreements on the web.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch
