ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, December 1st, 2009
Present were Mike Atherton, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Steve Lubeck, Jeannette McNeill, Betsy Steele, Grant Spaeth and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were John Mattis, Terry Lancaster, Susan Griswold and Lu Issacs.
Bridge Center Rehab Update – Mike Atherton reported that representatives from the Bridge Center met with lawyers. There has been very little progress. However, Alan Templeton, Alan Cummings and Mike Atherton will patiently continue to pursue this matter and hope for an eventual favorable resolution.
Mike welcomed new Board members and expressed the Board’s appreciation to outgoing members.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Elinor gave a report on the Kibitzer – there were no left-over copies last month, mainly because Nita sent copies to new members. The January issue will have 6 pages and 350 copies will be printed.
Treasurer’s Report – The Unit income was $1,780 for the month of November and $19,968 for the year, with about $63,500 in the bank. The Bridge Center was up $8,841.00 for the month and $7,762 for the year. Total assets of the Bridge Center stand at $41,013 plus $14,000 held by Twisters. The table count was 6.3% below last year’s. The Education Program has $2,253 in the bank and $8,246.00 in the ACBL fund. Alan T. transferred money between the Unit and Bridge Center to resolve any payments owed.
Unit Games Report – was deferred until next month, since both Phyllis and Eric were absent. Roy will be consulted for the liaison to distribute toys donated at the Unit game on December 20th. Cash donations will be welcome. There will be a Unit Swiss Game on January 24th.
Jeannette reported on the Mentor/Mentee game – There are 29 Mentor/Mentee pairs. There is a lack of Mentors, and 7 Mentees are without Mentors. Players, who are not Unit members, have contacted Jeannette to be paired up with Mentors. Mentees must be Unit members, Mentors are not required to be members. It was decided against a point cut-off.
It was reported that only 90 members voted for new Board members and 77 voted illegally, i.e., they did not sign the envelope.
The following people were selected to be the officers for next year’s board:
President – Mike Atherton
Vice President – Eric Mayefsky
Secretary – Terry Lancaster
Treasurer – Susan Griswold
John Mattis expressed concern about the low number of Directors in the Unit. There are not enough to fill in when needed. There is a need for potential new Club Owners. Directors must be Unit members for insurance purposes. John mentioned that the net per table to Directors is not too attractive. Alan Templeton pointed out that Directors are free to raise table fees.
Susana mentioned that not all Directors have signed the Agreement with the Bridge Center in spite of several reminders. Grant Spaeth offered to follow up.
The meeting was adjourned early.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch