ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, November 3rd, 2009
Present were Phyllis Gaffney, David Wheeler, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Steve Lubeck, Jeannette McNeill, Betsy Steele, Eric Mayefsky, Mike Atherton, Grant Spaeth and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were Alan Cummings, John Mattis, Lori Spaeth, Terry Lancaster, Steve Barasch, Susan Griswold and Roy Robinson.
Bridge Center Rehab Update – Alan Cummings informed the Board that Safeco did more air testing and got a second opinion. The latest report showed some evidence of mold. Board representatives asked for a copy of the report and will schedule a meeting to determine further action.
Following was a discussion of table fees for different games. Lori mentioned that it is important and takes extra work to nurture beginners. Betsy suggested to cut off the special rate after the game is established, however it was determined that players come and go and are encouraged to move on. A motion was made to keep the lower table rate for the Beginners’ Game. The motion was seconded and approved. Grant Spaeth was not present during the discussion and the voting.
Alan Cummings mentioned that our beginners’ program is a model for other clubs, but that we could do more and offer more options to beginners. Funds from every other Charity Game can go to the Education Fund.
Nominations for District Award for Goodwill was made.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Elinor gave a report on the Kibitzer – There was an overage of 50 copies last month. 350 copies are currently printed per month.
Treasurer’s Report – Alan T. resolved the issue of a $6500 bill from the Tax Assessor’s Office.
The Unit income was down $49.00 for the month of October, but up $14,348.00 for the year, with about $64,000.00 in the bank. The Bridge Center was up $8,269.00 for the month. Total assets of the Bridge Center stand at $32,172.00 plus $14,000 held by Twisters. The table count is 6.5% below last year’s. The Education Program has $2600 in the bank and $8246.00 in the ACBL fund.
Unit Games – From now on 1:00 P.M. will be made the official starting time. Monday night’s game had seven open tables and six 99’er tables. There will be no more open section on Monday nights. Team average must be under 200 points. Monday night games are breaking even. Pot luck on Sunday the 1st was not well attended. The caterer cancelled at the last minute and Phyllis did a great job finding a new caterer on short notice.
Purchase of playing cards – John Mattis handed out a sheet on the relative cost of playing cards. ACBL cards are best for dealing machines. 300 new decks cost less than $200.00 per year. Steve Lubeck made a motion that the Unit and not the Directors should pay for playing cards. Motion was seconded and approved.
Purchase of BridgePad batteries, chargeable or non-chargeable. Batteries hold charge for about a year. Rechargeable batteries do not hold the charge for very long. Cheapest solution is to replace the AA batteries every time they run out but this is the least eco-friendly solution. Vote was deferred until we obtain more information.
Elinor discussed the Christmas Party. It will be held on December 20th and will be a free game. Table count will be kept at 35, same as last year. The meal will be catered by Chef Chu’s. Players to bring a new, wrapped toy, to be donated. Starting time will be 2:00 P.M. (Note, this was subsequently changed to 1 PM). The game will be for Unit members only. Players can sign up at the Bridge Center or on the web. Players, who sign up and do not show, will be fined $20.00.
Member behavior at bridge games – Friday Bridge Center game is considered to be among the less friendly games. Curt behavior is hard to control. Board members will try to discourage unfriendly behavior and set a positive example. Director should be called for major infractions. It was suggested that we have repeated notices in the Kibitzer stressing the importance of cordial behavior.
The meeting was adjourned after 6:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch