ACBL Unit 503 Minutes 5/6/2008
Present were Martie Moore, Elinor Tanck, Nita Girand, Dave Wheeler, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton, Eric Mayefsky, Trina Bowman, Mike Atherton, Steve Lubeck and Susana Krulevitch.
Last month’s Minutes were approved. Elinor – next month’s Kibitzer will again be six pages.
Treasurer’s Report – Alan Templeton informed us that all bills owed by the Bridge Center to the Bridge Club and vice versa, have been paid. $32.00 fee charged by the bank has been reversed. Free play vouchers have been deducted. Also Will’s fee for maintaining the dealing
machines, which is $24.00 per month. The unit had an $8800 profit for this year, of which $8000 came from the education program. Alan moved some cash around, $30,000 into CD’s and $9000 into a money market fund. At present there is about $50,000 in the bank, in two separate checking accounts. The Bridge Club is down $5000 for the year. However we have spent $9000 on HBAC which will be refunded. The Bridge Club has $38,200. Made over$2000 the first quarter, up 8% from last year. Alan F. of Twisters agreed to a $250 – 300 deduction per month from the rent. Would like a written agreement. Twisters will also pay for an additional HVAC unit later in the year. A new Tax ID form will have to be filed with the IRS to retain tax free status and to keep the bank from attaching money.
Nita sent a welcome packet to about 38 – 40 newcomers. Packet includes cover letter, directory, Kibitzer and a free pass. Alan C. suggested that the letter be put on the website where many more people might see it. There will be a new exhibit in June.
Two non allergenic, hospital type wall mounted hand sanitizer were installed at the Bridge Center. Wall mounted soap dispensers were installed in all three bathrooms.
Eric is looking for space for his summer game which is held at Stanford the rest of the year.
The board approved a request to have the Stanford Bridge Club run its Thursday night open game at the Bridge Center for the summer, beginning June 19th. As the club is not for profit and has aims consistent with bridge education in the unit, the board agreed to charge the educational rent rate for the club used for beginner games and other educational activities. Since the Stanford Bridge Club has a policy of not charging table fees to current enrolled Stanford students, the rent for those students will similarly be waived. For non students the fee will be
$5.00, $6.00 for special games.
Steve gave an update on the Firecracker Tournament: Everything is progressing nicely.
Fran Bennett is assisting Steve. Volunteer committees have been formed. Carolyn Lemm is in charge of caddies. She will get a list of caddies from Lorna or Roy. There will be a notice in the Kibitzer re caddies. Among other duties, caddies are expected to keep the tables clean. It is not clear if the hotel will replace the trash bags nightly. Alan C. felt that this service should be included in the rental. Hotel food will be cash – no minimum has been mentioned. Water will be free. Steve will get cost of directors from Nancy Boyd. General cost has gone up.
Mike reported on the special unit games. The Swiss games are very popular. Seating will go
strictly per sign-up sheet. Players can also sign up by e-mailing Mike. Will is in charge of the game on May 19th. Mike will contact Alan F. at Twisters to see if extra space will be available.
There will be a Mentor/Mentee game on June 22nd. Established M/M’s will play together, other players will be matched up. Claire or Will will run the game.
Bridge Pads – The Board reviewed comments received from directors and others and voted not to buy Bridge Pads at this time. The Board decided to continue with the Beta site and consider purchasing the next version of Pads when it is available. Motion was seconded and passed. Susana cast the only dissenting vote.
At Alan Cumming’s request for a predetermined maximum number of tables, Martie conferred with Will Watson and others. Martie concluded we could fit 46 tables into the Bridge Center, noted that the Unit has chairs for 38 tables, that we had 38 tables at a recent Swiss event and that 38 tables was crowded. A motion to set the maximum number of tables at 38 was made, seconded and passed.
Building Maintenence – A motion was made, seconded and passed not to install new carpeting or paint until the furnace issue is settled.
Alan C. suggested to have carpeting cleaned during Firecracker Tourno. It was decided to add carpet cleaning to the deep cleaning of the Bridge Club scheduled during the Firecracker tournament.
Alan T contacted the Diamond Company to see if they would honor our lease separately from Twisters. They would not. Our lease is strictly tied to Twisters and Diamond prefers to lease the entire building to one party. They have a new facility which is now leasing, but we cannot negotiate a new lease while we have a lease with Twisters.
Martie reported that previously approved upgrades to the media room will be completed within the next few weeks depending upon Kevin’s availability.
It was agreed that the Board does not encourage players to play at any particular game and supports all games equally.
Alan C. – Education Fund. Elinor is a new volunteer. Donna Armstrong and Steve Barasch will run the library. Two bookcases with glass fronts will be installed at $180 each. A motion was made, seconded and approved to proceed with the library and if the Education Fund does not approve of the book cases the Bridge Club will buy them.
Lessons – a committee will come up with a series of lessons (not at beginners’level) and try out the lessons for 3 months to see how they will be accepted. Lessons will begiven on Mondays and Thursdays by a qualified speaker who will receive a honorarium of $100 to $150. No definite starting date was set.
Open forum – every other Tuesday instructors will answer specific questions. A motion was made, seconded and approved to try both programs once a month for a period of three months.
Alan T. made a request not to overuse the wireless microphone and suggested storing it in a cabinet.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch