ACBL Unit 503 Minutes   2/5/2008 

President David Wheeler called the meeting to order. Those present were Elinor Tanck, Trina Bowman, Steve Lubeck, Eric Mayefsky, Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton, Martie Moore and Susana Krulevitch.

Elinor informed us that the next issue of the Kibitzer will have 6 pages.  400 copies will be printed.

Eric burned the midnight oil to get his column to the Forum.  We are looking forward to reading it.

Alan Templeton gave a financial update. The IRS is attaching taxes to our fund because the tax ID and our name do not match. Alan is working on getting the money back, plus $36.00 which are missing from deposits made. There was no new table count this month.

Eric indicated that the Stanford bridge game is solvent now and will repay the Club for the bridge tables. . Alan Cummings suggested they keep the $400, make it a deferred payment and invest the amount in future bridge – advertising, etc. In the past, the Palo Alto Bridge Club has contributed to other outside games which are part of the Unit.

Martie reported that the Unit supplied 50 decks of cards and that Louie Martin is in the process of brailleing them.  Dave will talk with individual club owners to explain the Board’s interest in assuring that when predealt hands are used, the owners will provide a full set of  predealt Braille hands when they anticipate participation by a blind player. The Unit is willing to pay $10 for each set of predealt Braille cards. If the owner does not wish to provide a full set of Braille boards, the Board encourages the owner to revert to shuffle and deal. The Board may decide to incorporate this agreement into the club owners license contract when next renewed.

One of our heaters was replaced; the second one should be replaced eventually at no cost to us. We were charged for garbage collection for the whole building instead of just our share. This has been resolved with Twisters.

Alan Cummings made two recommendations for benefits derived from the Education Fund.

To start a library and bring in a top name professional twice or more times per year. Donna Armstrong,with help from others,  would set up a lockable library in the front kitchen which would have to be remodeled to accommodate this project. Donna has found library software which could work on a small scale. There would be a computer, bridge software and periodicals.

Alan Templeton suggested a trial library without converting kitchen. If converted, kitchen would become a media room, also used for dealing machines.  The library was voted in with the proviso that we would minimize outlay and not involve the owners. Eric made a motion to look into bringing in a celebrity guest. The idea is for a professional to come to a club championship game, play and do a post game analysis. The motion was voted in. It was suggested that we look for someone who lives in the area.

Steve Lubeck updated us on the Firecracker tournament. Nancy Boyd will be the new tournament director. Steve has been dealing with the previous director. Ads will be placed in the Forum in May and June at $90.00 each. Steve will find out what Gene Simpson will charge for a 45 minute lecture. Separate lectures for experienced and beginning players. David Bernstein was suggested as a lecturer for beginning players, as well as Sue Johnson, Kathy Harper, Lori or Frank. Steve will find out more about the rules of play from Nancy Boyd.

Elinor informed us that the membership meeting will be at the March 16 unit game. Players may notify SK (your secretary) about anything they would like to bring up at the meeting. There will be an article in the Kibitzer about the “Teams of Two Pairs” unit game.  A new Life Master list will be compiled of  current unit members. All Life Masters will be included, from gold to diamond.

Susana will make a list of  licensees and dates their contracts expire. Licensees include owners, employees holding unit games and parties using the bridge center for non-bridge activities.  Hopefully, with the help of Alan Cummings, your secretary will keep these agreements current.

Elinor – the 50th anniversary of the Bridge Center was January 2007. We’ll celebrate in August with free play for original unit member. This was not voted on.

Alan Templeton questioned the supply of playing cards.  Seems we have plenty for the present time.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:45

Susana Krulevitch
