ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, May 5, 2009
Present were Nita Girand, Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Eric Mayefsky, Steve Lubeck, Grant Spaeth, Mike Atherton and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were Alan Cummings and Betsy Steele.
Alan Templeton and Alan Cummings reported on the status of the Building Rehabilitation situation. A meeting occurred at the Center on April 29th, at which both were present, along with representatives from AAA, who performed the restoration work, and Alan Fusilero, Chuck Frisone of Dymond Assoc. and John Barch, claims adjuster from Safeco. Also in attendance were our representatives from Restoration Management and American Air Testing, who presented their findings and conclusions. They have conducted further tests, resulting in findings of lingering moisture in at least two places. John Barch indicated that he would contact his claims supervisor, Benjamin Steele, and they would be in touch with us in the very near future regarding the next steps to be taken.
Response to H1N1 Flu: It was recommended that if we have knowledge of anyone having contracted the H1N1 Flu, we pass this information on to Mike who will then contact all players.
We will have a notice in the Kibitzer and tell Directors to advise players to contact Mike if they have flu symptoms. Nita suggested that we have a telephone tree organized for emergencies.
Last month’s Minutes were approved.
Elinor – Firecracker tourno will be featured in the next issue and the number of copies printed will be reduced.
Treasurer’s Report – The Directors course was very successful. Jeannette did a great job getting people to attend and serving tasty refreshments! The profit is expected to be about $1000.00.
Alan Templeton will summarize some items of interest to Directors and Players.
The income for the Unit is up about $3000 for the year. Unit paid $5400 for two air quality tests. The Bridge Center is down about $3400 for the year, due to losses when the Center was closed after the water burst. We will not receive reimbursement for loss of income, only credit for rent while Center was closed. The Bridge Center has $14,451 in the bank.
The table count in April is still below normal. Saturday game attendance is low. We are down 22% from last year due to closure.
Education Fund – received an additional $5000 from the Foundation. There were two lectures last month. Grant Spaeth suggested the total amount of the Education Fund at ACBL be mentioned in the financial report.
Table fee raise – Alan Templeton suggested that we set up a meeting between the Directors and the Board of Directors, at a date other than our regular meeting, to discuss the raise in fees and improve communication between Directors and members of the Board. We will share table fees with Directors, or as Eric pointed out, we will agree to raise the fee a certain amount and the Directors can chose to raise it beyond that. It was suggested that a Director should attend our board meeting on a rotating basis and Directors would be invited to run for office. Grant Spaeth did not participate in this discussion.
The Board discussed the letter from Linda Matthis regarding a malfunction of the BridgePad. According to the BP provider, even though the score is entered correctly in the BP, an error can be made in transmission to the ACBL. We consulted with Will who informed us that he checked the information in the BP, which was correct. There is a list available in the BP of all scores changed during the game. It was decided to be watchful of further issues.
Steve – the Firecracker Sectional is on track. A very nice ad appeared on the back page of the Forum. There is some ambiguity about the Swiss games. This will be corrected in next month’s ad. $11,500 will have to be paid to the Convention Center in advance. Water will be provided. No food the first two days. After that there will be a lunch express line. Alan Templeton received coupons for free play at the Firecracker for all his help. Application for sanction for the 2010 Sectional has to be submitted one year in advance. Steve Lubeck has applied and has mentioned it to Steve Barasch, who is next year’s coordinator. Marian Kelly helped to distribute flyers to Units – large amounts were requested. Steve Barasch is standing in for Steve Lubeck next month, as Steve L. will be out of town.
Jeanette – great turnout at the Directors’ Class. There were 28 people. Nancy Boyd did a fine job. The class opened up some communication with other Units, since members from various Units attended.
Unit games – Eric and Phyllis reported – There were 22 tables last Monday night. Some confusion about clean-up.
Format for Mentor Mentee game on June 14th has not been decided on. Should there be a master point limit for the Mentee? Game could be handicapped. Let players play with their Mentor buddies. Could have different format for 99ers who like Swiss teams. It is somewhat of a challenge to run Swiss teams and Eric will not be here in June. Alan Templeton might help Sue on Monday night.
May 17 Unit game will be Swiss – compound Pro Am. Stratify teams based on points if there is a variety of players. Will most likely to direct.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Susana Krulevitch