ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, April 7, 2009

Present were Nita Girand, David Wheeler, Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil, Grant Spaeth, Elinor Tanck, Alan Templeton, Alan Cummings, Eric Mayefsky, Steve Lubeck, Mike Atherton and Susana Krulevitch.

Last month’s Minutes were approved. It was decided that any corrections to the Minutes should be made within three days from the time Minutes are e-mailed to BOD members.

Elinor reported that the next Kibitzer will have 6 or 8 pages and will feature an update on the

Center’s water damage. Elinor received a comparative report of all units from the ACBL, showing membership, age, etc. John Schwartz has an invitational club at his home. Lori will encourage people to give Eric input for the Forum. Lori will also ask members, orally and in the Kibitzer to help set up Unit games. There will be an announcement at the end of the game to ask members to help clean up tables.

The annual Membership Meeting was held on March 29th.

Treasurer’s Report – Unit expenses for flood damage so far have been approximately $5000. $2400 profit for the year. Unit has about $52,000 in the bank. The Bridge Center bank account is low. Table count is down about 50% due to flood damage as Center was closed or players did not realize it was open.  Education Fund – $5000 was allocated to Lecture Series. It will be decided if Series will go through the summer or resume in the fall. The balance in the Education Fund is about $10,000 which is being invested.

Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton and Mike Atherton reported on their meetings and correspondence with our attorney, Susan Reinstra of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosati. They further reported on the latest testing done by Restoration Management showing continued moisture in several places but a safe level for occupancy. John Riera, of American Air Testing, indicated that the corrective work which has been suggested should be done before the weather gets hot. He also said that we should add additional air filters, as these are being effective.

Since the Center will  have to be closed for an inderteminate time while work is being done, members will be asked to explore alternative sites and relay finding to Mike Atherton. Be aware that we are a non-profit organization. We need 3500 square feet. Some sites which were suggested are the Lucy Stern Community Center (1000 square feet), Diamond building at the end of the block, Regensdorff Park and the Women’s Club in downtown Palo Alto. Helen MacDonell’s son is a realtor with a corporate relocation firm and may assist us in trying to find a space.

The BOD resolved to form an executive committe composed of Alan Cummings, Alan Templeton and Mike Atherton, empowering them to make any necessary decisions to keep the Center functioning in any location they deem acceptable, and to keep the BOD informed.

It was agreed to get 5 more HCPA filters, 3 large and 2 small.

Bridge fee increase – It was agreed to raise the fee by $4.00 per table. Alan Templeton will contact Owners informing them that we need to raise the table fee and requesting their feed back. A motion to this effect was passed. Grant Spaeth did not participate in the discussion of this item and did not vote.

Dave informed the board that the toilet in the men’s/women’s bathroom is old and needs replacing. There have been some complaints about the dishwasher. A commercial dishwasher was suggested. The cabinet in the women’s bathroom will be replaced by a smaller one for better maneuverability,  at the request of Doris Peacock. Also, the lock on the far bathroom will be replaced. A motion was made to replace the toilet if needed.

Director’s course – there has been a large sign-up. Alan T. mentioned that some present directors would like to audit the sessions as a refreshment course. He will inform Jeannette by April 13th

how many people would like to audit. Alan also mentioned that with so many people signed up we might wish to refund some money at the end of the course. This was deferred until the next meeting.

No further report on Education classes at Creekside Oaks. No further action.

Unit games – Eric and Phyllis – there was a very good turn out at the Monday evening team event. The excellent spread didn’t hurt!  In the future, there will be only one way to sign up – on the internet. There is a conflict on May 4th between the Unit game and the Director’s course. Will consult with Nancy Boyd. Look into possibility of renting the back room for the evening or maybe hold the Director’s course at Jeannette’s home.

May 4th to10th is Stack week.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch
