ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, February 3, 2009

Present were  Steve Lubeck,  Alan Templeton, Phyllis Gaffney, Jeannette McNeil, Grant Spaeth, Elinor Tank,  Mike Atherton,  Eric Mayefsky and Susana Krulevitch. Also present were Alan Cummings, Ginger Herrick and Sherie Greenberg.

Ginger suggested that we name a game at the Firecrackers in honor of  Joan Von Gehr who recently died. Alan T. said that there is a fee at Sectionals to name a  game after a person. The Unit has no policy in place for such an event and Ginger was asked to get more information. A decision was postponed until the next meeting.

Education – Sherie Greenberg suggested that we spend more money on bridge lessons in schools at the Jr. High and High School level. She mentioned that about 60 Stanford students who live at Oak Creek could have free bridge lessons on Monday or Tuesday nights, preferably with a young teacher. Eric mentioned that he already teaches bridge at Stanford, free and for credit. He felt that paying for lessons is a sign of commitment. Alan C. said that we should not hesitate to support and fund Sherie’s Educational Youth Program. It was suggested that she post a sign-up sheet and encourage students to bring a friend if class is not full.  Limited to college and high-school students. Class would run for 6-8 weeks. Board will fund if 20 – 30 students sign up and Eric will find a young teacher or teach himself.

Alan C. mentioned that the Educational Fund has raised $16,800 – to encourage people at all levels to learn bridge, always targeted at Youth Bridge. It is hard to penetrate schools. He feels that we need some structure at the board level for education programs.  Lore, Eric and Alan C. who are on the Educational Committee, will formalize some ideas and bring them to the Board. Bridge Partner Schools are running programs at middle schools. We may wish to bring them into the Bridge Center for Sunday morning bridge classes. The Bridge Center would receive rental and the Education Fund would subsidize some expenses. Promotion would be required. A motion was made, seconded and approved. Yuvel Spector runs the Bridge Partner Schools.

Alan C. said that it has been difficult to get volunteers for the Educational Program. Eric suggested that it is easier to get manpower than people with organizational skills to volunteer.

Ginger is our new Election Chairman.

Last month’s Minutes were approved.

Elinor said that there were no special items for the next Kibitzer. She mentioned that we are required to have a Membership Meeting between January 1st and April 1st with a notice in the Kibitzer. Members can contact the Secretary by phone or e-mail with any concerns but must submit something in writing. Membership meeting will be held at the Unit game on March 29th.

Alan T. gave the treasurer’s report – The Unit made $6500 on education. The Unit game made $17.00 but the Unit made $7004, of which $646 came from ACBL. Unit has $56,900 in assets. Alan asked Susana to set up a folder for incoming mail.  Bridge Club – Twisters did not bill us for $1400 for garbage pickup for the second half of last year.  This amount will be credited against what they owe us on the A/C unit. No table count for January. Assets were down $1100 last month. Education Fund in our account amounts to $1155.00.

Jeannette covered the Director’s classes.  Nancy Boyd is available April 13th, 20th, 27th and May 4th to lead the class.  There is a time conflict on May 4th. It will be a four hour class, starting at 5:30 or 6:00 P.M. So far there are five interested people. No cost was given. Grant will request money for the Director’s class at the District 21 Meeting. At Regionals there is a $65.00 charge plus a fee for downloading material. We need 10-12 interested people to make the class viable. Nancy Boys will charge a total of $1000.00. Bridge Center will charge $1.00 per hour per person. ACBL charges a fee to take the Director’s test. It was agreed to charge $120.00 per person for the entire session.  There will be an article in the Kibitzer.

Eric got sanctions for the Unit games. Phyllis is promoting the February 8th game. We already have 20 teams signed up.  Can accommodate 35 teams. Claire and Sue Johnston will run the event.

Alan T. brought up the subject of consistent tardiness at Unit Games. In the future people who arrive late may be penalized. We will let Owners know that we are taking action and we will support them if they want to do the same. Alan will send a note to the club owners.

Alan T. asked the Unit to set a policy re the use of travelers at Unit Games. The board decided that travelers (bridge pads or paper) will not be used due to the delay they cause plus potential overheard discussions of results.

Grant will contact the appropriate person at District 21 to discuss underwriting deficit in Director’s classes. This would be Bill McIntosh, who is Chairman of Budget and Finance and also Education Committee Chair. Grant will discuss this with Alan C.

Gabriella would like to be listed at the back of the Kibitzer’s Director’s list.  It was agreed that she will be listed.

Phyllis, our Sunshine rep., mentioned that people are very appreciate of any attention.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40.

Respectfully submitted,

Susana Krulevitch
