ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday October 5th, 2010

Present were Mike Atherton, Susan Griswold, Terry Lancaster, Steve Barasch, Lu Isaacs, John Mattis, and Betsy Steele, while Eric Mayefsky, Phyllis Gaffney, Grant Spaeth and David Wheeler were absent. Alan Cummings and Elinor Tanck also attended.


Welcome to Nominees and Introduction of Board Members – Board Member Nominees Valerie Baldwin, Allen Wolman, David Crosley and Keith Burnett were introduced and observed their first board meeting. Nominee Beverly Nuding was ill and could not attend.

Report on Mold Remediation – Mike Atherton provided the nominees with a detailed overview of the sequenced of events since February 2009 Flood. Currently the parties involved are waiting for an October walkthrough to determine the scope and cost of the required remediation work. Preliminary estimate are that the work will last 2 months and will be tentatively scheduled for early 2011.

Report on Temporary Relocation (Roy Robinson) – Discussion on temporary relocation during the 2011 closure of the Bridge Center was tabled and put on the agenda for November.


September’s Minutes were approved.

Kibitzer Report – Elinor indicated that there was a delivery problem with October issue of the Kibitzer to the unit games not occurring at the Bridge Center. Elinor also presented the QUIP Report for the 12 month period ending September 30th. It showed that unit 503 had a record 901 current active members, an 8% YOY increase.

Treasurer’s Report – Bridge Center income in September was $3.9K.  Assets at month-end were $53.2K.  Unit income was $8.6K for the month, boosted by $14.6K of fee income from the Intermediate I class and offset by $7K of related expenses. After additional expenses are accounted for, net profit for the class should be about $2.5K.  Net assets for the unit were $79.2K at month-end.  Since July 1, 2009, an additional fee of $2 per table for all games played at the Center has been paid to help defray potential moving costs at the end of the lease of the current facility (August 2011).  Year-to-date through August table count for the Center is 5,727, an increase of 9.2% over last year.  There was minimal activity in the Education Fund during the month.

Unit Games Report – The September home leg of the Peninsula Challenge was a great success. 11 teams from each Unit played in September. The top three teams’ scores were counted and the home team outscored the San Mateo unit by 38 points, overcoming a small April setback, to win the overall match 666 – 645. As for finances, the event was break even.


Bridge Center Management – John Mattis, Bridge Center Manager, provided prospective rules and guidelines for use of the Bridge Center facilities including class and lecture scheduling and fees.

Board of Directors Election – The election for new board members will be held from November 1st – 15th. Look for ballot boxes in early November and please remember to vote.

Screen Update – John reported that he installed the new screen last month to glowing reviews. There was also a request to purchase another screen, which would be installed above the white boards. The $130 cost would come from the educational fund. The request was tabled, as the board wants further time to evaluate the usage of the current screen and the need for a second screen

Just For Fun – Sue proposed that the Unit purchase replacement cards (1?, STOP, ALERT) and complete card sets for use in the bidding boxes. She also made a motion to award directors of the Just For Fun Game free play certificates. Both proposals were approved by the Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Lancaster