ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday August 3rd, 2010

Present were Mike Atherton, Susan Griswold, Terry Lancaster, Steve Barasch, Phyllis Gaffney, Lu Isaacs, John Mattis, Betsy Steele, and David Wheeler, while Eric Mayefsky and Grant Spaeth were absent. Alan Cummings and Elinor Tanck also attended.


Bridge Center Rehab, Status Report – Mike Atherton and Alan Cummings reported the July test results, which showed that the air quality in the Bridge Center is acceptable and that there are NOT elevated levels of mold and/or asbestos. The balance of the testing (2nd phase) will take place on September 1st and 2nd while the unit is closed for the Santa Clara Regional

Board Meeting Schedule – The September board meeting will occur at its regularly scheduled time: Tuesday, September 7th at 3:45 PM

ACBL Educational Foundation Update– Alan Cummings is scheduled to discuss the Educational Foundation and upcoming 2010 – 2011 Fall lecture series at next month’s board meeting.

2011 Firecracker– Steve Barasch announced that the Santa Clara Convention Center has been booked by another party for the upcoming 2011 July Fourth weekend. There was a lengthy discussion regarding finding a new suitable sectional location for the same weekend or a possible swap of weekends with Gilroy the week before or Santa Rosa/Napa the week after. Steve will be having further conversations with the convention center staff this week.


July’s Minutes were approved.

Kibitzer Report – Elinor indicated that we will continue to print 350 copies of the Kibitzer per month. The Unit discards approximately 50 issues per month. Elinor also presented the QUIP Report for the 12 month period ending June 30th. It showed that Unit 503 ranked quite well within the district, 4th overall in active membership trend, 12th in new member gains, and 2nd in member losses.

Treasurer’s Report – The Bridge Center had income in July of $2.8K, bringing the year to $11.3K. There were no significant items for the month. Assets were $49.0K, up $2.8K from June. For the Unit, Firecracker income was $34.1K, roughly flat with 2009. However, after higher expenses, Firecracker net income was $3.4K, down $2.0K from 2009. Total assets for the Unit were $69.0K. The Education Fund had expenses of $0.1K, reflecting the hiatus of the Lecture Series. After receiving an updated report of the holdings of the ACBL Educational Fund, assets were $11.8K at month-end. Table count through June is up 15%.

Unit Games Report – Phyllis noted that there was a 199er Unit game last night and that the date for September’s Monday Unit game, either the 6thor 13th, was still to be determined. There was also a reminder of the rescheduled constitutional vote to be held on Sunday, August 29th. The upcoming schedule includes a 2 session NAP Qualifier on Sunday October 3rd beginning at 1:15PM and the following Sunday Unit games: August 29th – Swiss Teams, September 19th – Open Pairs, October 10th – Mentor/Mentee, November 21st – Pot Luck Swiss, and December 19th – Members Only Holiday Party. Eric continues to work on September scheduling for the home leg of the Peninsula Challenge.


Mentor-Mentee List Update – Mike received an updated mentor-mentee list from Kathie Shaw and Merle Orelove. He expects to receive a final list in late September or early October, prior to the Sunday, October 10th Mentor/Mentee Unit Game.

John Prior’s Compensation Request – In a July 11th letter to the Board, John Prior requested compensation for the closing of his weekend game during the recent round of testing at the Bridge Center. The Board decided that this expense should be submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Goodwill Nominee – A 2010 Goodwill Nominee was selected by the Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Lancaster
