ACBL Unit 503 Minutes, Tuesday January 11th, 2011
Present were Board members Susan Griswold, Mike Atherton, Terry Lancaster, Beverly Nuding, Valerie Baldwin, Steve Barasch, Keith Burnett, Lu Isaacs, John Mattis, and Allen Wolman while David Crosley was absent. Committee member attendees were Alan Cummings, Lori Spaeth, Elinor Tanck, and Alan Templeton. John Hornback and Betsy Steele also attended.
Dymond Building – The Board toured the Dymond Building located next door to the Bridge Center. Mike Atherton, Alan Cummings, and Alan Templeton provided additional information regarding the potential lease including a layout of the space and a detailed lease comparison spreadsheet. After a lengthy discussion on the merits of the site, the Board approved a motion authorizing the site committee to pay any applicable city and design fees, hire a contractor, sign a lease, and to handle tenant improvements on behalf of the Bridge Club.
December’s Minutes were approved.
Kibitzer and Unit Games Report – Elinor Tanck indicated that she will get a late start on the next issue of the Kibitzer. It will be 8 pages and include a 2 page promotional drive insert. The 4th Quarter 2010 QUIP report was sent to all board members by Sue. The Sunday January 23rd unit game will be Swiss Teams event and will have a 199er section. Keith Burnett indicated that the February Unit Game will be a Pairs Game and will be held on Sunday February 13th.
Treasurer’s Report – The Bridge Center ended the year with annual income of $26.6K. Total assets were $64.2K, of which about $23.0K is funds generated beginning in July 2009 by a game fee increase and will be used to help defray moving costs. The Unit had income of $19.1K, primarily from Education (which is expected to drop significantly in 2011) and the Firecracker. Unit assets were $79.5K at year-end. The Education Fund ended the year with assets of around $5.4K.
Bridge Center Manager Report – John Mattis provided an overview of the extensive list of general maintenance services he performs as the Bridge Center Manager such as replacing ceiling panels and installing the new projector screen. The February Board meeting will include a discussion of the Bridge Center rental policy.
Saturday Morning Fun and Learning Proposal – Valerie Baldwin proposed that the Unit begin a Saturday morning fun and learning game beginning in March. The game, copied from a successful Diablo Valley – Unit 499 effort, would be held 2 Saturdays per month and consist of a 20 minute lesson followed by the play of 8 boards. The per player cost would be an estimated $5-$6. The startup costs would include buying lesson plans and dealing machine files. The proposal was approved unanimously.
Dealing Machine – Lori Spaeth requested that the board authorize the purchase of a backup dealing machine; approximate cost $4,400. The current machine is working, but isn’t 100% reliable. The board approved the request and placed John Mattis in charge of the purchase.
Accounting Requests – There were two requests. First, Betsy Steele asked that the separate accounting for funds generated by a 2009 game fee increase be continued. It appears that the merger of accounts will make this very difficult, but Beverly Nuding will study the issue and report back in early February. Second, Allen Wolman asked that the Treasurer produce a projection of income and expense for the current year so the Board can proactively manage inflows, outflows, and any large individual item variances. Beverly Nuding will include a yearly projection beginning with the January month end numbers.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Lancaster, Secretary