The meeting was called to order at 4:13 PM by Susan Griswold, President.
Present were Board members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Allen Wolman, and Sue Barkley. Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer, and newly elected Board members Bob Horowitz, Brian Samuels, Todd Makler, and James Stuart-Smith. Valerie Baldwin was also elected to serve another term.
The November minutes were approved after a motion by Kevin.
The next Kibitzer will be six pages, Elinor reported.
The Treasurer’s report showed $88,334 in the Unit account and $406 in the Education Fund.
Election of Officers for 2013
President: Valerie nominated Brian Samuels. There being no further nominations, a show of hands elected him President of Unit 503.
Vice President: Valerie Baldwin was nominated by Sue Barkley. No more nominations were made. Val was elected.
Secretary: Sue Griswold nominated Margot Livenspargar. There being only one nomination, she was elected.
Treasurer: Todd Makler was nominated by Brian Samuels. There being no more nominations, he was elected.
Only members of the 2013 Board voted in these elections.
Alan presented a contract from the Hyatt Hotel to set aside a certain number of rooms for use of players and directors during the Firecracker Tournament in June 2013. The hotel will hold the Unit responsible for 80% of the room fees if they are not occupied. Margot moved that Alan’s proposal to contract for 115 rooms be approved. Motion carried. A discussion followed concerning the table fee for the 2013 Firecracker Tournament. Alan, Tournament Chairman, and Steve, prior Tournament Chairman, recommended that the fees be kept at $10.00 per person per event. Margot moved that the table fees be $10.00 for the tournament. Motion carried 6-2.
Sue G. gave an update on the entrance sign. The city of Mountain View has issues with the present proposal.
Sue G.announced that the new Unit Game Chairman will be Nancy Kehl with Bev Nuding assisting her. The Unit Holiday party will be December 16. The dinner will be provided by Ming’s restaurant. Kevin and Brian volunteered to transport the toys that are donated.
The 199er Swiss Unit Game will be held on Monday, January 20 because of the Monterey Regional.
Kevin moved that a get-well gift be sent to Board member Keith, as appropriate. Motion passed.
Some of the new Board members gave statements on their goals for the next year.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 3 at 3:45 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 6 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary
(1) Administrative
(2) Items Initiated By BOD Members
(3) New Business