The meeting was called to order at 3:45 PM by Brian Samuels, President. Present were Board members Brian Samuels, Valerie Baldwin, Margot Livenspargar, Susan Griswold, Sue Barkley, Kevin O’Leary, James Stuart-Smith, Bob Horowitz, and Lee Haze. Absent were Todd Makler and Steve Barasch.

Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer, Alan Cummings and John Schwartz.

The minutes of the August Board meeting were approved (Sue G.).

Reports from the President:

  • Alan Cummings will head the Education Fund.
  • Parking Lot re-sealing and re-striping will be done in October, hopefully on a weekend. Bob Horowitz moved that the Unit lend $12,000 to the IFES to be repaid in one year by reduction of the Unit’s rent by $1000 per month. Carried.
  • Brian, as President, approved a $400 expense for picture hanging devices and $500 for chair rails.
  • Brian also approved the use of the Bridge Center at no rent to train SiVY (Silicon Valley Youth Bridge) teachers on 8/25 as well as the use of the Bridge Center for a memorial service for Hamish Bennett. A policy will be developed to cover this type of use.
  • Nominations are needed by December 1 for District 21’s Goodwill Award. Brian will try to find someone to handle this for us.
  • Before the Nov Board meeting, Brian & Todd will meet with the Bridge Center Club Owners to discuss 2014 table fees, the 2014 Budget, the 2014 License Agreement and student discounts.

Filling in for Todd, Brian gave the Treasurer’s Report.

  • Unit 503 $87,222 Education Fund -$1808
  • Brian reported that the Finance Committee (FC) has been working on the 2014 Budget. He reported that for 2014 the FC recommends (1) the same cost-center based reporting structure, (2) maintaining the reserves at 6-months of expenses, i.e. $65K, (3) keeping Bridge Center income from table fees, unit games & education equal to the 2013 actuals, (4) adding a contingency of $5K for the Board to allocate as needed during the year, and (5) increases in variable expenses as appropriate. Todd will present the 2014 Budget to the Board at the Oct meeting.
  • A discussion followed as to what to do with funds in excess of those needed for a six month reserve fund. No decision was reached. The issue will be revisited with the Club Owners and the Board. A working meeting of the Board to discuss the 2014 budget is a possibility.

The Nominating Committee presented their slate for the 2014 Board vacancies. They are Leslie Altick, Jim Harris, John Schwartz and Jody Williams. Nominations are still open until September 15.

Kevin reported on the Bridge Center painting and carpet cleaning. The painting was $2600, carpet cleaning $610. Kevin moved to give six free plays to the people who had helped to clean up after Hamish’s memorial. A discussion followed, the thrust of which was that many people do things for the Bridge Center on a volunteer basis and are never rewarded. Motion failed. Aye—Kevin, Lee, Brian, James. Nay–Bob, Sue G., Val, Margot, Sue B.

Bob reported that the Unit Game Committee wanted to significantly reduce the amount of work it takes to put on a Sunday Unit game, primarily by eliminating the full meals and instead serving just fruit & dessert. Brian said that this was a committee decision, not a Board decision. Bob wanted to know the feeling of the board if this change were made. The Board members expressed no objection to such a change and thanked the Committee for their excellent work. As the result of the reduction in food, Bob moved that the unit game fee be reduced from $10 to $9. Vote was favorable.

The next issue of the Kibitzer will be 8 pages and include a report from the Treasurer.

John Schwartz expressed concern about the personal financial risk for Directors & Officers (D & O) of the Unit. He reported that the D & O Insurance that the ACBL provides to the unit has a $10K deductible and does not have an obligation to defend. John recommended that the unit obtain D & O Insurance to bridge these 2 gaps. He also recommended that our Bylaws be modified to contain a clause to indemnify our Directors & Officers. The D & O “gap” insurance may require that we have audited financials so Sue G agreed to contact Lynn Bartz, who is familiar with our financials, to learn what would be involved for us to have audited financials.

Alan Cummings reported that he has formed a committee to run a Non-Life Master Sectional for our unit. This would be held over a weekend at our Bridge Center. Alan is in negotiation with IFES and District 21 to find a date during the 1st quarter of 2014. After a date has been determined and agreement has been reached with our weekend Club Owners and the budget for the event has been finalized then the Board will have the opportunity to formally approve the event.

James proposed that the 2014 Firecracker tournament be held June 25-29. He believes that the fee should be raised to $12. Sue G. moved to empower James to sign a contract with the Convention Center and commit the Unit to those dates if available. Passed.

Margot moved that when a Club Owner gives a student (under 25 or full-time student card) a 50% discount on their table fee the Club Owner will only be charged 50% of the normal “rent” for that student. Carried.

A discussion of the Board of Directors’ Manual that Lee is working on was deferred until the next meeting because of time constraints.

Sue Barkley moved for adjournment at 6:10 PM. Carried.

The next Board meeting will be at 3:45 PM on Thursday, October 3.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary

September 8, 2013

Unfortunately, due to some pressing family issues, John Schwartz has decided to remove his name from the Nominees list. The Nominating Committee will reconvene to nominate a replacement.

Margot Livenspargar, Secretary

Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 4 pm at the Bridge Center

Notified Absences

Todd Makler

Call Meeting To Order

Approval of August 1 Board Meeting Minutes


President – Brian

Hamish’s Memorial no charge use of Bridge Center (policy needed); Alan Cummings has agreed to lead Educ Fund – thx Alan; Re-sealing & re-striping parking lot in Oct, exact date TBD; IFES Loan $12K “requested”; Approved ~$400 for picture hanging “system”; SiVY Bridge no-charge for use of Bridge Center for teacher training Sun, 8/25 late pm approved; Todd’s email on Sectionals – Firecracker & NLM;

Treasurer – Brian filling in for Todd, who is celebrating new twin granddaughters

Financial Update, Upcoming Kibitzer article; 2014 Budget Key Issues – Table count & table fee forecast; level of reserves; annual increases; new expenses

Nominating Committee – Val

Bridge Center painting & carpet cleaning – Kevin

Unit Games – Bob

Kibitzer – Elinor

Follow-up on Previous Business

Board Member Liability (insurance, incorporation) – John Schwartz

NLM Sectional – Alan Cummings

Firecracker 2013 Analysis & 2014 Recommendations – James

Board of Director’s Manual – Lee

Policies Needing To Be Formally Completed- Brian

New Business

Use of Patio for Monday game – Lee

Adjourn Meeting – Next meeting Thursday, Oct 3 at 3:45 pm at our Bridge Center

Future Agenda Items

Sound proofing – John Schwartz

2014 Budget – Todd

Member Email List Evaluation – Barbara Shukov

Bylaws Update – Jody Williams

Audio/Video Equipment Status – Val

Policies To Be Formally Completed

Policy For Using Our Bridge Center (scheduling, teaching, rentals, memorials)

Student Discount Policy

Free Plays Policy

Posting Obituaries on our Website