The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM by Susan Griswold, President. Present were Board members Susan Griswold, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Alan Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Sue Barkley, Henryk Szejnwald, Kevin O’Leary, and Keith Burnett. Others attending: Marian Kelly (Kibitzer), Ida Lee, Ron Kilgren, Sue Johnston (Recorder), John Schwartz.
Sue Johnston, Unit Recorder, gave a report on her conversation with the ACBL Recorder concerning the Monday game and the relationship between the Unit and the club owners. The ACBL maintains a hands-off philosophy when it comes to the clubs and recommends that districts and units take the same position. This philosophy places the power with the players and the clubs. It fosters competition, which encourages a variety of games that appeals to many players, thus improving the health and vitality of duplicate bridge. The Recorder acknowledged that our recent problems arise when a Unit Board is acting in two capacities, that of governing and that of landlord, a situation that lends itself to conflict of interest issues. The Recorder did emphasize that club owners and directors, if they are doing their jobs, encounter complaints from players who don’t understand the proprieties of duplicate bridge. If this happens in the future, Sue concluded, “Send the complaints to the Unit Recorder immediately. He or she can explain the laws and proprieties to the player. We have good directors who behave ethically and responsibly according to ACBL rules and regulations. When the player understands the reasons behind a ruling, and the director understands what the player found offensive, good communication between the player and director can be reestablished.” Sue also said neither she nor Eric Mayefsky could be Chairman of the Conduct and Ethics Committee as that post must be held by a Board Member. She will remain the Unit Recorder and as such, may not be on the C & E Committee.
A long discussion then took place concerning what could be done about the two roles of the Board. Ron Kilgren recounted what his research of different Units had found. A suggestion was made that the Club Owners take over the management of the Bridge Center. Another suggestion was that some of the Club Owners should be present at the Board meetings. No clear path emerged, so the matter is still pending.
The minutes of the May Board Meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report showed $96030 in the general account and $5937 in the educational fund.
Marian Kelly said the July Kibitzer will be six pages long and will be out by June 20. She asked for articles to put in the paper. Sue Johnston will contribute an article about conduct and ethics.
The subject of free plays to get a 49er section going on Thursdays. One, two, and three free plays were discussed. After further deliberation with Will Watson, owner of the Thursday game participating, a motion was made, seconded and passed that we offer three consecutive free sessions.
A chairman for the volunteers from our Unit was asked for. Margot volunteered.
The Firecracker report was given. Everything is on schedule. Alan and Steve will have a meeting next week with the Convention Center to finalize preparations.
The subject of the Food Handler Course was brought up. The Board voted to reimburse the food handlers (Club Owners and others who direct Unit games) for the cost of the course, around $15 per person.
The next Board meeting will be at 3:45 PM Tuesday, July 10, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary