The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM by Susan Griswold, President.
Present via Skype were Board members Susan Griswold, David Crosley, Bev Nuding, Margot Livenspargar, Allen Wolman, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Valerie Baldwin, Henryk Szejnwald, Sue Barkley, and Keith Burnett.
David presented the fee schedule. A spirited discussion followed. The point was made that the table counts were estimated using 2011 numbers and the total utility cost is not known, but also estimated. The fee schedule as presented is a reduction for all club owners and managers, but is projected to cover the expenses of the Bridge Club. Valerie Baldwin moved that we accept the following fee schedule for use of the Bridge Club and that the fee schedule be reviewed in six months. Allen Wolman seconded the motion.
The fee schedule is as follows: The first 20 tables of the game will pay $15.00 per table; the next 10, $12.50; and all tables over 30 will pay $10.00 per table. There will be a reduction of $50 for those games over 30 tables that use a second director.
The motion passed with no objection.
Kevin O’Leary will attend a food handling class to comply with health regulations that apply to the Bridge Club.
The Board agreed that it would be a good idea to locate a barrel or two at the Club for donations to the Second Harvest Food Bank, the Unit’s charitable contribution to the community. The barrels will be placed a month before the Firecracker tournament and the drive will be highlighted at the tournament.
Meeting adjourned at 5:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,