The meeting was called to order at 4 PM by Brian Samuels, President. Present were Board members Brian Samuels, Valerie Baldwin, Margot Livenspargar, Susan Griswold, Sue Barkley, Kevin O’Leary, Robert Horowitz, James Stuart-Smith, Steve Barasch and Lee Haze. Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer; John Prior, Club Owner; Allen Wolman, Firecracker Chairman; and Jody Williams, Chairman, Bylaws Committee.
The minutes of the May Board meeting were approved.
Allen reported that all the rooms that the Unit had to guarantee at the Hyatt have been reserved. Setup and tear-down groups have been organized.
Brian reported on several items from prior Board Meetings. He brought up the subject of re-sealing and re-striping the parking lot. We may have to loan the IFES the money to accomplish this as we did for them to complete the rebuilding of the Bridge Center. It would be repaid in reduced rent. Plans will be brought to the Board for approval after they are finalized by the IFES with input from our officers.
Brian will be composing a “From the Board” article to be inserted into the Kibitzer to let the members know what is being done by the Board.
An email was received by Brian from John Prior questioning the table fees that are charged to the Club Owners. A committee of Brian and Sue Griswold will take a look at the table fees and compose a reply to John.
The Student Discount will apply to Unit games. Anyone who has a student ID will be offered a 50% discount on entry fees. Motion by Bob, passed.
The Longest Day project of ACBL will be implemented at the Bridge Center with extra games at 5:48 AM, 8:15 AM, 2:15 PM, and 4:45 PM in addition to the regularly scheduled games, EZ game at 9 AM, Friday Morning game at 10:30 AM, and 7 PM Barometer game. The Unit will guarantee directors of the extra games $50. The entry fee for the extra games will be $6. This schedule and fee schedule was accepted by the Board, motion by Sue G, passed.
Some “lingering” agenda items were addressed.
The Non-Life Master tournament was dropped for lack of a leader.
The issue of incorporation was addressed by Bob, who strongly recommended it be done. A motion was made by Margot that we incorporate with a setup fee not to exceed $2000 and annual maintenance not to exceed $500 (agent for service of process and refilling), all subject to approval by Mike Atherton, Unit legal advisor and approval by members, if necessary. Passed.
Brian speaking for the Treasurer Todd, presented the budget for 2013. It is a balanced budget and provides for a reserve of $70,000, approximately six months expenses. Sue B. moved that it be accepted by the Board. Passed.
Documents presented to Board members by email from Todd showed a balance of $75,000 in the General Account and a deficit of $1200 in the Education Account.
A report on Unit games brought this suggestion from Kevin: All directors should participate in the direction of a Unit Swiss games. He felt his should be incorporated into the license agreements for the next year.
Steve moved that Val be reimbursed for a computer she bought with which to run the Unit sponsored Saturday lessons. Passed
A motion was made by Sue G. to approve purchase of two Bergen lessons at $25 each and a series by Barbara Seagram for $470 for the Unit sponsored Saturday lesson. Passed
The July Kibitzer will be special in that it is the 50th anniversary of the Kibitzer.
Steve will recruit someone to hang the trophies on one of the walls close to the entrance. This will be done after the Center is painted.
Jody Williams gave an update on progress on the bylaws revision. She presented the Finance and Accounting Sections. Comments were solicited from Board members who have issues with the Bylaws as presented.
The noise reduction issue will be delayed until next year.
Val reported that the audio-visual equipment is “OK”. The cabling needs to be upgraded to HDMI.
Kevin is working on the bidding box table mounting project and will do a couple of tables to see if they are well received.
James reported that we are cleared by ACBL to hold the Firecracker during the week of the Fourth of July or the last week in June. The venue has not been selected yet.
Bob moved to authorize Kevin to enter into a contract for painting of the Bridge Center NTE $10,000. Kevin has received two bids for less than this.
Sue G. reported that the first Youth Bridge event held at the Center was a great success. The ACBL head of education will be conducting a Teacher Accreditation Program gratis to those who have volunteered to teach in the schools and other selected participants. Sue G. moved that the Bridge Center rent be waived for these two five-hour sessions. Passed
The Education Fund will (has) run out of funds for the Lecture Series before the end of the year. Donations will be solicited.
The next regular Board meeting will be held July 11 at 4 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary
Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 4 pm at the Bridge Center
Call Meeting To Order
Approval of May 2 Board Meeting Minutes
President – Brian
Re-sealing & re-striping the parking lot; BC Scheduling; “From the Board “ – Kibitzer article; Table Fees email from John Prior; NLM Sectional; Student Discounts II (Unit games, other games); Longest Day financial structure & pricing; Next BOD meeting 7/4?; Review of “lingering” agenda items
Treasurer – Brian for Todd
Approval of 2013 Annual Budget; Financial Update (April table count!!!); Youth Bridge banking help
Unit Games – Bob
Education – new computer request – Val
Firecracker – James
Second Harvest update, lock-boxes;
Bridge Pad Upgrades – Kevin
Kibitzer – Elinor
Previous Business
Board of Director’s Manual update – Lee
include how to schedule BC
Bylaws Update – Jody Williams
Noise Reduction – Kevin & John Schwartz
Should we incorporate Unit 503? – Bob
Audio/Video Equipment Status – Val
Mounting Bidding boxes – Bob & Kevin
Hanging Trophies – Steve
Facility (electrical + paint) – Kevin
New Business
Youth Bridge BC request – Sue
Adjourn Meeting – Next meeting Thursday, July 4 at 4 pm at our Bridge Center
Future Agenda Items
Philosophy discussion: “What are our responsibilities to non-BC games in our unit? – Todd [Follow up from Todd’s proposal to not charge them for hand records]