The meeting was called to order at 4 PM by Brian Samuels, President. Present were Board members Brian Samuels, Valerie Baldwin, Margot Livenspargar, Todd Mackler, Susan Griswold, Sue Barkley, Kevin O’Leary, Robert Horowitz, James Stuart-Smith, and Lee Haze. Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer; Debbie Rosenberg, Mukund Thapa, Randy Ryals, and Claire Coleman, Club Owner.

Debbie and Mukund presented several ideas for a Youth Bridge program that resulted in the following motions:

Sue G moved that the Unit give $500 to the program for seed money. Debbie will be in charge of the funds and will report their use to the Unit. Uses of the money will include providing refreshment for a Youth Bridge Party Pizza and Bridge to be held May 19 at 5:30 PM. Passed

Sue G moved to allow a representative from the Youth Bridge Team to solicit funds from the players at the Club no more than one game a month, this with the approval of the game’s director. That representative will give a short request for funds and will be responsible for the funds collected. Approved.

Sue G moved that the Youth Group be allowed to send out a onetime e-mailing to the people who have allowed their e-mail addresses to be included in the Unit directory. Passed with one dissent.

Sue G moved that the rent for the Bridge Center be waived for the aforementioned Youth Party Pizza and Bridge gathering on May 19 from 5:30 to 8 PM. Sue G will be responsible for making sure the Bridge Center is cleaned up and secured at the end of the event. Passed.

Randy Ryals brought the Board up to date on what has been planned for “The Longest Day” event, June 21 2013, sponsored by the ACBL with the Alzheimer Association benefitting from the fundraising. In addition to the regularly scheduled EZ game, Friday Morning game, and the Barometer game, there will be four additional games held at the Club from 5:38 AM until the Barometer game starts Friday night, June 21, 2013. All games that day will be Charity games. That means that bridge will be played from sunup to sunset plus at the Club. A motion was made by Sue G to allow Randy to solicit help and organize these games. Passed

Brian moved that the Unit donate $1 per player from all games on June 21 to the Alzheimer’s Association. Passed 6-4.

The minutes for April were approved. The minutes for March were approved with one correction. The final documents are on the Unit Website.

On behalf of the entire Board, Brian thanked Alan Cummings for his work on the Second Harvest Food Bank drives at the Firecracker Tournament and at the Bridge Club. Also the Board thanks Chris Bunz for her work on our new Bridge Club sign.

Brian moved that all education classes sponsored by our Unit be charged $3 per person, per session, as per our new Rental Policy, with the exception of the Lecture Series which will remain at $2. The Lecture Series was granted an exception because attendance is free. Passed 8-2.

Todd had several Treasurer’s reports. The Unit Fund has a balance of $83113 and the Education Fund, $415. He also announced that the tax returns for the year had been done and submitted.

Kevin brought a request to the Board from Faye Parsons to start a game at the Bridge Club after Labor Day beginning at 5 or 5:30. Unfortunately, this request has to be denied because of scheduling conflicts.

Kevin moved that we put a permanent Second Harvest barrel in our entry way. Passed.

Bob moved that Second Harvest drive be a part of the Firecracker Tournament until the Board decides otherwise. Passed

Kevin moved that the Unit buy 18 64-bit BridgePads to replace the 32-bit that need refurbishment at a cost of $1350. Passed.

Several Agenda items were deferred until the June meeting because of time constraints.

The next regular Board meeting will be held June 6 at 4 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary

Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 4 pm at the Bridge Center

Call Meeting To Order

Approval of April 4 Board Meeting Minutes

Guest Items

Youth Bridge – Sue, Val & Debbie Rosenberg, Mukund Thapa

The Longest Day – Randy Ryals


President – Brian

New Sign – thanks Sue & Chris Bunz; MV City Official visited BC Fri 4/19; In mid-April, I approved $170 for Stanford Splash (Youth) + Plaques $464 not $450 as approved; Kibitzer article; All Educ classes, incl Unit sponsored (Lecture Series, Frank, Celebrity Series) be charged $3 rent per person; Change to March minutes; 2013 Annual Budget Status

Treasurer – Todd

Financial Update

Kibitzer – Elinor

Previous Business

Frank Lin financial support update – Bob

Noise Reduction – Kevin & John Schwartz

Should we incorporate Unit 503? – Bob

Audio/Video Equipment Status – Val

Mounting Bidding boxes – Bob & Kevin

Trophies – Steve

New Business

Faye Parsons request to start new game Sun 5p or 5:30pm after Labor Day – Brian

Board of Director’s Manual update – Lee

New EZBridge Tue Morning at 10:30 am – Kevin

2nd Harvest Barrels – Kevin

Facility (electrical + paint) – Kevin

BridgePad Upgrades – Kevin

Bergen A/V Lessons – Val

Adjourn Meeting – Next meeting Thursday, June 6 at 4 pm at our Bridge Center

Future Agenda Items

Approve 2013 Budget – next month

Philosophy discussion: “What are our responsibilities to non-BC games in our unit? – Todd (& Brian??) [Follow up from Todd’s proposal to not charge them for hand records]

NLM Sectional