The meeting was called to order at 3:55 PM by Brian Samuels, President.

Present were Board members Brian Samuels, Valerie Baldwin, Todd Makler, Margot Livenspargar, Susan Griswold, Steve Barasch, Kevin O’Leary, Robert Horowitz, and Lee Haze. Also attending: Elinor Tanck, Kibitzer; John Schwartz, Club Owner; and Jody Williams, Chairman of the By-Laws Committee.

Brian greeted the Board and other attendees and welcomed Lee to the Board.

Sue moved that the minutes of the January meeting be approved. Motion carried.

Brian announced the Committee Chairmen (list attached, page 3).

Brian asked for volunteers for the Financial Committee. Margot volunteered. Alan Templeton will be asked to join the committee. Financial Committee membership is now Todd, Margot, and Brian, with Alan as a possible addition. (Note: Alan did accept the appointment to the committee)

The current balance in the Unit fund is $70,463 and in the Education fund, $4806.

Elinor announced that the Kibitzer will be 6 or 8 pages for the next issue.

Val, who has taken the Education chairmanship which had been held by Lori Spaeth, thanked Lori, as did Brian, for her seventeen years of service in that capacity. Both the Unit sponsored Jerry Helms class and Frank Smoot’s intermediate class are ongoing.

A request from teacher-owned classes that the Unit waive half the rental fee for people under 30 was brought forward. Val moved that the rental fee for people taking these classes who are under 30 be reduced to $1.50. Motion passed.

A discussion concerning the fact that the audio/visual is acceptable but not operating at 100% was held. The provider of the AV equipment is still working on improving it, although it has been paid in full. A policy will be developed to withhold payment of a portion of a contract in the future until the Unit representative who contracted for it is satisfied.

Jody presented a document putting forth potential improvements for the ByLaws. A discussion was held later in the meeting concerning incorporating the Unit. If we do decide to incorporate, this will impact the form of the formal documents for the Unit.

Bob brought forward a recommendation from the Unit game committee that all Sunday Unit games be Swiss games. Elinor noted that the potluck in November and the holiday party in December should be pair games. The sense of the Board is that more Swiss games be encouraged for Unit games. Also at the request of the Unit Game committee, Bob motioned that the fee for the Sunday Unit games be increased to $10 except for the Charity game, which will be $11. Motion passed.

Kevin gave the facility report.

Sue, acting as Parking Control representative, moved that the Unit pass a resolution that the Bridge Center be closed on the 1st Tuesday night of each month to accommodate the function that is held by the IFES on that night. Motion passed.

Kevin will meet with the weekend club owners to see what the Board can do to help them increase attendance at these games.

John Schwartz asked that the Board consider some soundproofing for the Bridge Center. Kevin was going to follow up on this and report at the next meeting

The annual Membership Meeting will be held at 12:30 PM March 10, 2013 before the Unit game. This will be published in the next Kibitzer.

A discussion was started by Bob about incorporating the Unit. Bob recommends it and ACBL suggests that Units be incorporated. The financial impact will be minimal. Bob will do some additional work on the incorporation of the unit & will report at the next meeting. A discussion was held concerning the replacement of and display of award plaques. Steve will look into the cost of replacing these awards and report at the next meeting. Elinor has the relevant historical data.

A draft of the Minutes will be posted online within five days of the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Board will be Thursday, March 7 at 4 PM at the Bridge Club.

Meeting adjourned at 5:55.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot Livenspargar, Secretary

  1. Art Coordinator Sue Barkley
  2. Board Member’s Manual Lee Haze
  3. Bridge Center Manager Kevin O’Leary
  4. By-Laws Update Jody Williams
  5. Carpool Coordinator Sue Griswold
  6. Club Owner Liaison Kevin O’Leary
  7. Computer Support Will Watson
  8. Conduct & Ethics Margot Livenspargar
  9. District 21 Representatives Bob Horowitz & Prue Saunders
  10. District 21 Forum Marian Kelly (Temporary)
  11. Education Valerie Baldwin
  12. Education Fund Alan Cummings
  13. Election Roy Robinson
  14. Bridge Center Schedule Polly Siegel
  15. Firecracker Sectional Allen Wolman
  16. Firecracker Sectional (2014) James Stuart-Smith
  17. Insurance Liaison Gil Koury
  18. Intermediate/Newcomer Liaison Valerie Baldwin
  19. Kibitzer Editors Elinor Tanck & Marian Kelly
  20. Library Valerie Baldwin & Fran Bennett
  21. Membership Sue Barkley
  22. Mentor Program Chuck Lane & Pat Chambers
  23. Notes & Flowers Joan Bower
  24. Parking Problem Alan Cummings, Mike Atherton, Sue Griswold & Alan Templeton
  1. Photographer Roy Robinson
  2. Recognition Michelle Musy
  3. Recorder Marolyn Imaoka-Yancey
  4. Supplies Dave Wheeler
  5. Member Directory Barbara Shukov
  6. Trophies Steve Barasch
  7. Unit Electronic Contact Elinor Tanck
  8. Unit Games Bob Horowitz, Bev Nuding & Nancy Kehl
  9. Website Alan Templeton

Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 4 pm at the Bridge Center

Call Meeting To Order

Approval of Jan 3 Board Meeting Minutes

Any comments on increased discussion content?


President – Brian

  • Posting Minutes, including Monthly Financial Reports, within 5-days
  • Committee Assignments; 2013 Goals
  • Close on 1st Tue evenings due to Conservative Forum?
  • Board Member Agreement; Front-Entry Bulletin Board

Treasurer – Todd

  • Creation of a Finance Committee
  • Monthly Reports (# of “Cost Centers”?)
  • Process to finalize 2013 Budget

Kibitzer – Elinor

Education – Val

  • Rental Fees for Classes & Student Discounts
  • Jerry Helms Course update

By-Laws – Jody

Unit Games – Bob

  • Table Fees; Swiss or Pairs?

Facility Update – Kevin

Trophies – Steve & Elinor

  • Replace any?; Display them?

New Business

Update on Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday games – Kevin

Sound-Proofing – John Schwartz

Annual Membership Meeting (prior to March 10 Unit Game?) – Elinor

Should we incorporate Unit 503? – Bob

Bidding boxes & cards – Bob

Adjourn Meeting – Next Meeting Thursday, March 7 at 4 pm at the Bridge Center

Future Agenda Items

Beautification Of Our Entryway -Lori

Special Recognition – Kevin

2013 Financial Reserves (Operations, Capital, Maintenance) – Todd

Reimbursement Approval – Todd

Expense Authorization – Todd

2013 Budget Presentation & Training Session – Todd

New Sign – Sue

The Playing Experience At Our Club – Bob

Education Fund – Alan Cummings

Policy For Members Posting Letters To The Unit Or Board – Brian