President Jody Williams called the meeting to order at 3:45pm. Also present were Board members Paul Davis, Leslie Altick, Todd Makler, Jim Harris, Kevin O’Leary, and Dave Puryear. In addition, James Stuart-Smith attended to report on our progress in planning the Firecracker Sectional.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

James Stuart-Smith identified both progress and the essential next steps for the Firecracker. Anne Keyser has volunteered to chair the Food Committee. James has scheduled meetings this week and next to work on the tournament schedule and the flyer. Perhaps our most urgent need now is a chair for the Parking Committee. We may need to file a parking plan with the City and this would require significant lead time. Other tasks for which we need Chairs are for Setup/Takedown, Daily Tournament Chairs, and Accommodations (Hotels for out-of-town Directors).

James discussed the preliminary budget for the Firecracker and the Board approved it. There was agreement to purchase additional chairs rather than rent them. It is far more cost-effective in only a few years. The Bridge Center will not charge rent for the event, but the budget will show the lost rent from our regular games as an opportunity cost. James noted that our own Unit accounted for less than half of the attendees at the 2015 Firecracker. Since we are holding this one at our own site, we need to make an effort to boost our own attendance to ensure its success.

The Board discussed the possibility of eliminating the printed version of the Kibitzer and thereby avoiding the expense. It is already available on the website and we plan to distribute it in an email blast going forward. The Board voted to seek member feedback on this question with a final decision to be made at the December Board meeting.

Debbie Rosenberg joined the meeting and proposed a payment if $100 per month in lieu of rent for SiVy activities. Because SiVY does not charge a fee for its bridge events and because players arrive and leave on different schedules, the traditional table fee structure is not appropriate. The Board agreed unanimously to accept this proposal as a reasonable way for SiVY to recognize the benefit of using the Center and for the Board to be supportive of SiVY’s mission. SiVY will complete the standard event license agreement so the Unit can track and schedule all events to avoid conflicts.

The Board approved a final version of the Rental License Agreement and Policy. Currently the only activities exempt from rent are the Tuesday Lectures of the Education fund and the activities of SiVY, which now has a separate payment agreement.

The Board also approved a final version of the Club License Agreement including changes suggested by Sue Johnston and John Schwartz.

The Board addressed the 2016 budget for the Unit and made final changes which resulted in a balanced budget. The changes the Board made included eliminating the print version of the Kibitzer (saving $600 and pending member feedback), accepting SiVY’s rent proposal ($1200 in revenue), and finalizing the youth discount as applying to “students under 25” (saving uncertain). In addition to changes already made, such as adding the Barbara Seagram Seminar in September, 2016, and making the Holiday Party a potluck, the 2016 budget is now expected to show a small surplus.

The biggest financial uncertainty facing the Unit is the success of the Firecracker at a brand new location. The Board voted to revisit the budget in July after we know how successful the Firecracker was. Recent Firecrackers have lost money, so it is a real concern.

Finally, the Board agreed to explore ways to fund the Lecture series of the Education Fund, which operates as a separate account. There are funds to keep it going in the Spring, but we will need to raise additional funds to finish the year.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 7, 2015 at 3:45pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm

November 17 Meeting of the Board of Directors of Unit 503
Jody Williams
Edited on November 8, 2015
Approval of October 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting Date – Jody
Robert’s Rules Revisited – Jody
Approval of the Updated Club License Agreement – Jody
Draft policy for renting/scheduling the Bridge Center – Jody
Solution for Postal Mail Problems? – Jody
May a member donate a Christmas tree to the party? – Leslie
Financial Issues – Leslie
Stop Print Run of the Kibitzer?
Monetize SiVY use of the Bridge Center?
Youth/Student Discounts Revisited
Lecture Series – act on suggestions from the Todd/Elan meeting?
Payment for duplicating hand records at Unity & LAGCC?
Plan to make a small profit instead of break even?
Follow-up to our letter to the membership.
President – pot-luck for Christmas party 2015, NLM sectional including youth discount
problem on the flyer, Josephine Ventura will help with Unit games next year, IFES Scheduling
liaison, D&O Insurance, License agreements.
Unit Games – Jim
NAP – Paul
Firecracker 2016 – James
Facilities – Kevin
Treasurer – Todd
Adjourn Meeting