Vice-President Leslie Altick called the meeting to order at 3:50 pm. Present were Board members Kevin O’Leary, Todd Makler, JimHarris, Paul Davis, and Dave Puryear. Also in attendance were Pru Saunders and Debbie Rosenberg.

Minutes from the August 31, 2015 meeting were approved.

Pru Saunders reported on the District 21 meeting. At that meeting, Unit Representatives were asked to vote on the removal of Roger Smith as National Representative. The Executive Committee had voted 5-1 to remove him. The Unit Representatives then voted overwhelmingly in favor of removing him. The removal process now requires Unit Boards to vote on the issue. Board members felt they had too little information to take a position and no personal connection with Roger Smith. Because President Jody Williams has some acquaintance with Roger Smith, three Board members voted to give their proxy to Jody, one member abstained and one voted to remove.

Jim Harris reported that he and Paul Davis will meet with IFES on Friday to discuss the electric bill, rental of the storage room, and Firecracker issues.

Debbie Rosenberg explained that the November 1 Family Bridge night initiated by SiVY is intended to encourage SiVY players and their families to enjoy playing social bridge without the formalities of a sanctioned game. There may be other members of the Unit who would also enjoy the event, so co-sponsorship was suggested. The Board agreed unanimously.

The Board began its discussion of the 2016 budget. We face a significant deficit in 2016 unless we find ways to increase revenue or reduce costs. As preliminary steps the Board considered the following items:

1) Add a second big-name lecture for the fall of 2016. The Board voted 6-0 to do this. Valerie Baldwin has already made preliminary arrangements for Barbara Seagram to come for two days in the Fall. (+$5000)

2) Reduce or eliminate the youth subsidy (currently 50% for ages under 25). The Board voted 6-0 to limit the youth discount to K-12 students. (+$1000)

3) Eliminate the printed Directory or print it every two years instead of every year. The Board voted 6-0 to print it every two years. Directory information is currently available on the website (and easily updated there) for those members who opt to have it posted. (+$1500)

4) Make the Annual Party a potluck. This would be controversial, but the Board took a preliminary vote and chose to provide a main dish with side dishes provided by attendees. (+$2000) No final decision was taken on a fee for the game to be donated to charity versus a free game with an optional donation since this does not affect the budget.

5) Reduce the credit for a second Director. This option had opposition and was not voted on. It may be discussed further at the November Board meeting. (Possible $5000)

6) Reduce the capital expenditures budget. This was defeated by a 5-0 vote. We will need the money we have allocated.

7) Sell food at the Firecracker. This idea was on the agenda, but there was not time to discuss it. (Possible $2500)

The decisions taken so far would close the deficit, but they would not solve the long-run issue of funding our Education activities, primarily the Tuesday lectures. There will be more discussion of the budget at the next meeting. The 2015 Board will pass a final recommended budget at the December meeting, but the new Board for 2016 will have the final approval in January.

Other Business:
The Board voted to send an email appeal for the Education Fund as soon as possible and see if it raises sufficient donations to resolve the issue for 2016. This will inform our November budget discussions.

The Board voted to allow the Junior teams to practice at the Center without charge.

The Board voted to adopt the new license agreement for games at the Center. This agreement is the contract between the Unit and the Directors of our various games during the week. The revisions are not intended to change the terms, but only to clarify and update the language. Directors have had the new language for several weeks and have not raised objections.

The Board voted in favor of a raise for the janitor who comes six days a week, from $1000 per month to $1100.

Jim Harris reports that table counts for Unit games continue to run ahead of last year.

The next Board meeting will be November 17 at 3:45pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

October 13 Meeting of the Board of Directors of Unit 503
Jody Williams
Edited on October 5, 2015
Approval of September 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
IFES Update – Jim
Possible D21 Recall Election – Prue
Budget Challenges – Leslie. This will be a long discussion.
Member Outreach on Budget Issues – Leslie.
Consent Agenda – Leslie. Due to the amount of time required for the budget discussion, several
smaller topics have been discussed via email. All email on these subjects is available upon request.
The idea is to identify any issues that would require discussion in advance of the meeting so that we
don’t need much discussion at the meeting itself. If anyone reading this agenda would like copies of
the emails, please let us know. Printed versions will be available at the meeting. The topics on the
Consent Agenda are:
Co-sponsor Family Card Game with SiVY at no cost to us? – Debbie
Pay the Bill for First (non-responsive) Kibitzer Publisher? Todd
License Agreement Updates – Paul
Host practice sessions for the junior team with no fees – Leslie
President – written here as Jody will be absent for this meeting. NLM sectional – Alan C is
working on one, could use help. Would like to use email blast to get volunteers to help him. We’re
working on that. Kibitzer distribution via Mail Chimp is on hold until we get a volunteer to design a
custom template. If no one volunteers, Jody will do it after the end of the year.
Unit Games – Jim
Member Involvement – Leslie
Member Communication – Dave
Firecracker 2016 – James who was out of town. Report sent via email
Facilities – Kevin
Treasurer – Todd
Adjourn Meeting