Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting ACBL Unit 503
Thursday, April 8, 3:00 p.m (UTC – 09:00)

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of ACBL Unit 503 (the “Unit”), was held by video teleconference at the above time pursuant to notice duly given to all members of the Board and the Unit.

Directors Present

Geraldine(Gerry) MacDonald, President
Marc Cervellino
Charlene Friedman
Shankar Iyer
David Merenbach
Jon Rayden
John Schwartz
Dan Thatte
Stephanie Youngquist

Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting

Patricia Steele
Kevin O’Leary

Call to Order

Gerry, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting. Gerry called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business. Gerry confirmed that all participants could hear one another.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

The Board noted that the minutes of the meeting held on March 11, 2021 have been approved by e-mail.

Financial Update

Marc presented his regular financial update. The Unit game participation rate seems to be declining while the rest of the games are looking healthy. The Robert Todd Seminar provided a healthy boost to the club’s finances.

Online Games Update

Paul was not present so the update of the state of online games was deferred.

Planning for Bridge Center Reopening

Jon Rayden and David Merenbach provided an update on the subcommittee’s progress in planning for re-opening the bridge center. They have identified a list of about 54 items categorized into about eight categories which are being addressed by the team. These include items such as facility sanitization, facility upgrades, capacity, etc. The committee is continuing to drill down into the details to come up with recommendations from the board.

It was noted that a date for re-opening cannot yet be set. Gerry will send an update on the bridge center to the  members.


There was a discussion regarding the artwork that is displayed on the walls. In preparing for the upgrades, it was suggested that the artwork be removed. A motion to remove the artwork was proposed. It was seconded, and unanimously passed by the board.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm 

ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Thursday, April 8, 3 p. m.
To be held by video teleconference
for information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact geraldinem@aol.com or iyers408@gmail.com

1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes of 3/11/2021 board meeting
3. Financial Update (Marc)
4. Online games update, a (Paul)
5. Update from reopening committee (David and Jon)
6. Bridge Center Artwork, Sound paneling, carpeting
7. Adjourn