Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors ACBL Unit 503
Thursday, Feb 11, 2021 3:00 p.m. PT

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of ACBL Unit 503 (the “Unit”), was held by video teleconference at the above time pursuant to notice duly given to all members of the Board and the Unit.

Directors Present

Geraldine(Gerry) MacDonald, President
Marc Cervellino
Charlene Friedman
David Merenbach
Shankar Iyer
Jon Rayden
John Schwartz
Dan Thatte
Stephanie Youngquist

Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting

Paul Davis
Jim Hulseman

Call to Order

Gerry, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting and Shankar acted as Secretary.Gerry called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business. Gerry confirmed that all participants could hear one another.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

The Board noted that the minutes of the meeting held on Jan 14, 2021 have been approved by e-mail.

Financial Update

Marc provided an update on the Unit’s financial performance for the year to date, and that the actual financials closely tracked the plan.

Online games update

Paul provided an update on the attendance of the online games for January 2021. He also provided an update on the Swiss team games starting in March.

Firecracker Update

There was no updated status to report for the Firecracker tournament.

District 21 News

Gerry reported that District 21 has cancelled the Sacramento regional. The board discussed the outcome of the recent District 21 board elections. It was reported that Ms. Prue Saunders has resigned from the District 21 board, and Unit 503 will need to nominate a new member.

Youth Discounts

Stephanie provided an update regarding the request to reimburse for youth discounts provided by the club. SIVY is unable to reimburse for youth discounts at this time. We will ask PBEF to help with youth discounts. 

Robert Todd Seminar update

Shankar provided an update. We still have openings for the seminar, so we will advertise it in the Los Altos Golf and Country Club as well as to District 21 members.

Mentor Program

Jim provided an update on the mentor program. He has additional mentors who will be matched up with mentees.

Survey Discussion

David provided an update on  the discussions he has held with Marc and Charlene. The team will send out the survey shortly.

Email Services Update

Shankar provided an update on other email services that may be used to send emails to members. These services may provide more functionality than ACBL marketing solutions such as multiple lists, tracking and rich email. Shankar will continue investigation, including investigating the full capabilities and usage of the ACBL Marketing solutions and Pianola.

Team Tournament for members

Marc reported that the planning for the team tournament is complete. The teams have been lined up, and instructions will shortly be sent to the team captains to kick off the first round.

Planning for Bridge Center re-opening

The board held a discussion on proactively planning for the day the Bridge Center re-opens.


Having completed the agenda for the meeting, a motion to adjourn was moved and adopted unanimously.

ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Thursday, Feb. 11 3 p. m.
To be held by video teleconference
for information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact geraldinem@aol.com or iyers408@gmail.com

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes of 1/14/2021 board meeting
  3. Financial Update (Marc)
  4. Online games update (Paul)
  5. Fire cracker update (Anne)District 21 issues
  6. Youth Discounts (Stephanie Youngquist)
  7. Robert Todd Update
  8. Mentor program (Jim Hulseman)
  9. Volunteers needed
  10. Survey Discussion (Marc and David)
  11. Email services (Shankar)
  12. Team tournament for club members (Shankar)
  13. Adjourn