Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors ACBL Unit 503
Thursday, July 16, 2020, 3:00 p.m. PT
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of ACBL Unit 503 (the “Unit”), was held by video teleconference at the above time pursuant to notice duly given to all members of the Board and the Unit.
Directors Present
Geraldine MacDonald, President
Marc Cervellino
Charlene Friedman
David Merenbach
Shankar Iyer
Jon Rayden
John Schwartz
Dan Thatte
Stephanie Youngquist
Others Present During All or Portions of the Meeting
Anne Keyser
Alice Smith
Alan Templeton
Call to Order
Ms. MacDonald, President of the Board, served as Chair of the meeting and Shankar Iyer acted as Secretary. Ms. MacDonald called the meeting to order and announced that a quorum of the Board members was present and that the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business. Ms. MacDonald confirmed that all participants could hear one another.
Meeting Minutes
The Board noted that the minutes of the meeting held on Dec 10, 2020 have been approved by e-mail.
Approval of 2021 Budget (Marc)
Marc presented the budget with the modifications suggested by the board at the previous meeting. The budget was approved by unanimous consent.
Financial Update (Marc)
Marc provided an update on the Unit’s financial performance for the year to date, as compared to previous periods and the trends. The board discussed the various scenarios and agreed with the projections.
Online games update (Paul)
Paul was unable to join but Geraldine read out the update from Paul.
Summary of charitable donations (Paul)
Paul was unable to join, but Geraldine read out the update from Paul. The update covered donations for CSA from the Christmas party, and Hook and Ladder winery sales.
Firecracker Update (Anne)
Anne provided an update on the state of planning for the Firecracker Sectional when the Unit is permitted to hold the tournament.
Survey Discussion (Marc & David)
David provided an update on the discussions Marc, Charlene and David have held. The team has been cleared to proceed with the survey.
Sectionals and other tournaments
The board reviewed the dates for the NLM, Firecracker and the NLM regionals.
NLM. Sept 18-19 2021
NLM Oct. 15-16 2022
NLM Oct. 14-15 2023
Firecracker 7/6 – 7/10 2022
Firecracker 7/5 – 7/9 2023
Regional NLM Feb 19-21 2022
Celebrity Fundraiser discussion(Alice)
Alice Smith joined for discussing organizing a Celebrity Fundraiser lecture by Robert Todd. The board discussed initial details such as the charges, potential dates, etc. The board authorized Alice and Shankar to continue discussions with Robert Todd and come up with a detailed proposal.
Social Team Tournament for club members (Shankar)
Shankar presented a proposal for a Social Teams tournament based on a tournament being run by another club. The board authorized Shankar & Marc to work out the details and provide an update at the next meeting.
Proposed dates for future meetings second Thursday unless noted:
February 11 | July 6 (Tuesday) | |
March 11 | August 12 | |
April 8 | September 9 | |
May 13 | October 14 | |
June 10 | November 11 | |
December 9 |
Having completed the agenda for the meeting, a motion to adjourn was moved and adopted unanimously.
ACBL Unit 503
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 14, 2021, 3:00p.m. PT
To be held by video teleconference
. For information about how to join the call, Unit members may contact geraldinem@aol.com or iyers408@gmail.com
1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes of Dec. 10, 2020 board meeting
3. Approval of 2021 budge (Marc)
4. Financial Update (Marc)
5. Online games update (Paul)
6. Summary of charitable donations (Paul)
7. Fire cracker update (Anne)
8. Survey Discussion (Marc and David)
9. Other Sectionals NLM Sept 18-19
10.Proposed dates for future meetings second Thursday unless noted:
February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 6 (Tuesday), August 12,
September 9, October 14, November 11, December 9
11. Teams Social Tournament proposal (Shankar)
12. Adjourn