Susan Zhang
Susan’s dad introduced her to bridge when she was young, but she really didn’t start playing until college in Beijing. She spent almost all of her free time in college on it. Then, when she came to the US in 1986, her busy schedule (grad school, work and raising kids) put bridge on hold. She was able to start again a couple of years ago, thanks to the bridge community in Los Altos Golf and Country Club. She also joined the Palo Alto Bridge Club and plays as many games as possible, even though she is still working full-time.
“I find bridge to be both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. I feel happy and relaxed whenever I play. I love the endless, sometimes tough challenge of the game. And more than anything, I value the companionship and the lifelong friendships I’ve made through bridge.”
She earned a MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (where she met her husband, Charlie.) She been working for Cadence Design Systems as a software architect since 1990. Other interests are golf, traveling, classical music/opera/ballet, water sports, skiing, photography.
Susan wants to serve on the board because “the club provides an intellectual, yet relaxed, happy and social, almost familial, environment for us to meet, practice, and make more friends. It provides all levels of educations for bridge players to help improve our skills. The board has performed a valuable service to all of us members. I would like to do the same by helping out, and do my small part in giving back to a community that has welcomed me with open arms.”