Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

Thank You Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

My son Michael started to play Bridge half a year after I started, but became a life master before me.

I am very proud of him. We are very grateful for SiVY because it would not have been possible without the SiVY mentors’ help and the friendly yet competitive bridge play environment that SiVY provides. Nothing is more meaningful than that Michael got the last several master points required for his ranking when playing in last October’s Silicon Valley Fall Sectional with his mentor Kevin Rosenberg.

I am also very proud of Michael volunteering for the past two years teaching other kids Bridge in summer camps and in classes. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage all SiVY parents to volunteer their time to help SiVY to continue bridge activities and mentoring. I believe we all volunteer in our kids’ schools and sport teams and we know kids do better in activities that parents get involved.

Qing, 2018