Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

Summer Camp Tournament

Summer Camp ended with an optional tournament on Friday evening which gave 36 of the campers a chance to play in a formal duplicate event against other campers at all experience levels. For some of the players it was their first tournament. All of them enjoyed the evening and many of them vowed to play again soon!

Hardly a sound was heard during the tournament as all the players were concentrating on their game. One teacher observed, “I was a little worried the campers would make too much noise during the adult club game [which was ongoing during part of the SiVY Camp duplicate]. Now I’m worried that the adults will disturb the kids!”


Trophy Winners

For purposes of awarding trophies and American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) masterpoints, the game was “stratified” according to the experience levels of the campers at the beginning of the week. Strat A were the most experienced players and Strat C were the least experienced players.

Trophy winners were Kevin Huang and Michael Hu (First in Strat A), Rory Xiao and Brent Xiao ( Second in Strat A), Anand Chandra and Griffin Eberlein (First in Strat B), Jonathan and Matthew Shi (Second in Strat B), and Leo Yang and Arthur Zhou (Tied for first in Strat B, first in Strat C), and Kayl Nash and Kyra Eberlein (Second in Strat C).


See all the results

Our tournament was American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctioned awarding masterpoints (MP) to high scorers. ACBL membership is not required for our games but is strongly suggested. You can join online or at the Bridge Center on the night of an event. Adult membership is $28 for the first year and junior membership only $15 per year. Both include a monthly print magazine and registration of masterpoints (start earning towards becoming a Life Master!).