Silicon Valley Youth Bridge

Fourth Annual Bay Area High School Bridge Championship


When: April 29, 2018

  • Team Event: 10 AM to 6:30 PM
  • Warm-Up Pairs: 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
  • Pair Event: 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
  • Lunch: 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM (Team and Pair Event participants only)

Where: Bayshore Bridge Club, 1300 Bayshore Highway #168, Burlingame, CA (map)

Who: Students in grades 9 through 12. Each team must consist of exactly four players affiliated with the same high school

Prizes: Trophy, prepaid gift cards, school pride!


For more information contact Michele Madansky

Last year's Championship


Register your Team - Team captains should register for the event by March 30th. There is maximum of two teams per school.

Team registration closed March 30. A tournament high 10 teams will be competing.

Register your Pair - Pairs are not required to sign up but those who do so by March 30th will receive a T-shirt and other gifts.

Signup for Warm-Up Pairs. Players are not required to sign up but those who do so by March 30th will receive a T-shirt and other gifts.

Players at last year's Championship.

Would you like to have a chance to win a large trophy for your high school, as well as a prepaid gift card worth up to $200? Then join other young bridge players seeking prizes and American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) masterpoints at this year's Bay Area High School Bridge Championship. Entry is free and includes lunch, snacks, tee shirts and other gifts.

Team-of-Four Event: In the morning session, teams of four players, all representing the same high school, will play against each other to choose finalists to compete in the afternoon session. The final will consist of two to four teams, depending on the total number of teams that enter the event.

Pair Event*: Members of teams that do not qualify for the finals of the team event can stay for lunch and compete in the afternoon pair event, which will also be open to new entrants. Players who wish to compete only in the pair event can arrive for lunch at 1:30 PM and stay to play bridge at 2:30. Winners of the pair event will each receive a small individual trophy and a $125 prepaid gift card. The second place pair will each receive a $60 prepaid gift card. If more than eight pairs enter, the third place pair will also receive prepaid gift cards.

Warm-Up Pairs: There will also be a single session pair event in the morning for players who aren't participating in the team championships. Players may play with a partner from any school, not just their own. Winners of this single session event will win masterpoints but no prizes will be awarded.

Conditions of Contest (the official rules for this event)

*Pairs need not consist of two players from the same school. SiVY volunteers will try to find suitable partners for players who need them.

First place prizes provided in memory of Belle Bestor, a life-long bridge player who inspired her children to become Life Masters.

Co-sponsored by SiVY Bridge and Peninsula Youth Bridge.