
March 2002

Bridge Center Saga-Continued

We finally received word from the City of Palo Alto that our old space at
Elwell is unacceptable to move into due to safety reasons. Apparently the
law changed since we originally had the permit and the new law provides that
an assembly of people of our size (similar to the restaurant business)
requires the building to be retrofitted for earthquake damage and to have
sprinklers installed. The board is pursuing a new site. Since we don't
want to disappoint anyone again with false hope, we are first clearing it
with the City before we report any information to the membership. We will
keep you posted.
Membership Meeting Set for Tuesday, March 5

As required by the by-laws, the Unit will hold its annual Membership Meeting
on Tuesday, March 5 at 4:00 p.m. at the YWCA. This meeting permits Unit
members direct participation in the Unit's decision and policy making. Any
member who wishes to place an item on the agenda must notify the Unit
secretary, Claire Coleman in advance by telephone at 650/368-5917 or email



The Unit officers and members extend their sincere condolences to Cliff
Chernick and his family on the recent death of his son. Also, we wish our
heartfelt sympathy to Barbara Varner and her family whose husband passed
Table Talk

Unit players have been doing some globe trotting.

It's good to see Ed Alcoff back at the bridge table after his sailing
adventures. Three years ago, he bought a boat and embarked on a
round-the-world trip. He did it and now he's back looking for bridge

Marianne Cochran is doing her round the world trip , the easy way, by cruise

Elinor Tanck only went halfway around the world. She's back from a two-week
cruise of New Zealand and Australia. While in Melbourne, she "grand
slammed" - at her second favorite game, the Australian Open Tennis.

Congratulations to Qixiang Sun and Adam Meyerson, who finished second in
District 21 NAOP flight B and to Will Watson, who came in third.


President Names Committee Members

President Pat McFerren announced the following committees at the February
Board meeting.

Bridge Center Search Kevin O'Leary
Conduct/Ethics Barbara Sonsini
District 21 representative Frank Frates, Tom Snouse -Alternate Tom Ross
Computer support Richard Johnson
Education Lori Spaeth
Election Ginger Herrick
Forum Coordinator Barbara Sonsini
Historian Mary Van Tamelen
Kibitzer Editors Elinor Tanck, Lori Spaeth
Kibitzer Mailing Ethel Worcester, Lorna Corbetta
Membership (MR&R, Sunshine) Ethel Worcester
Membership List Jim Turner, Cres Cole
Photographer Adrienne Oliff
Publicity Richard Johnson
Sectional Lorna Corbetta, Ethel Worcester, Gloria Leitstein
Stanford Coordinator Pat McFerren
Supplies Ethel Worcester, Lorna Corbetta
Telephone List Lori Spaeth
Trophy Merle Orelove
Unit Electronic Contact Claire Coleman
Unit Games Kevin O'Leary, Merle Orelove, Cres Cole
Web Site Alan Templeton, Lori Spaeth, Cres Cole
Int/ Novice Richard Johnson
D-21 Contact Claire Coleman, Cres Cole


2001 Financial Report

Unit 503
Firecracker $3,881
Membership 2,121
Unit Games 721
Education 616
Interest 285
Total Income $7624

Insurance $507
Kibitzer 3191
Office (administrative) 267
Easy Bridge (Mat'l) 987
Computer 300
Other 461
Total Expenses $5713
Income/Loss $1911

Palo Alto Bridge Center
Interest $19
Total Income $19

Storage $968
Computer 79
Owner Deposits (refunded) 258
Other 12
Total Expenses 1317
Income/Loss $-1298


Bridge Center Donations, Interest, Pledges: $27,453

Player Advancements

The ACBL December 2 printout shows that the following players have moved up.

Junior Master Freya Charney
(5 MP)
NABC Master Carolyn Kwiatek
(200 MP)
Life Master Paul Cornelius
(300 MP)
Bronze LM Marianne Moutoux
(1000 MP)


A warm welcome to new Palo Alto Unit 503 members: Sally Ahnger, Gary Kao
and Eleanor Rosenberg.

Test Your Knowledge of the Laws by Morris Jones and Gary Porter

Part Two of Two. (Part One appeared in December.) Answer each of these 25
questions True or False. Answers appear after the quiz.

13. The auction proceeds: 2NT pass 2C (insufficient). The director should
allow opener's partner to correct his bid to 3C without penalty, unless the
2C bid is accepted.
14. As a defender, I should call attention to my partner's failure to alert
my alertable bid before he makes the opening lead.
15. Until a card is led to the next trick, declarer or either defender may
inspect, but not expose his own last card played.
16. If dummy notices that declarer has a quitted trick turned wrong, he
should call it to his attention as soon as possible.
17. When any player at the table notices and irregularity during the play,
he should call the director immediately.
18. Dummy is allowed to attempt to prevent an irregularity by declarer.
19. If declarer leads from the wrong hand the lead must be corrected unless
either defender accepts.
20. By law, you must count the cards in your hand before examining them.
21. By law, you must count the cards in your hand before putting them away.
22. A defender's card is considered "played" when held in a position such
that his partner could see it.
23. If a defender accidentally drops a small card face up, it is a minor
penalty card.
24. If a players revokes to a trick, it is a two-trick penalty.
25. After declarer claims the remaining tricks, if a defender disagrees,
with the claim, he should ask declarer to continue playing.

13. FALSE - If the director determines that the insufficient bid may have
been a conventional call (as in this example) and it is not accepted by the
next player, the call must be substituted with any legal call (other than
double), and his partner must pass for the remainder of the auction. Not all
cases are as clear-cut as this one, so always consult with the director.
This is an important rule to know! (Law 27B2)
14. FALSE - As a defender, you must wait until the end of the play to call
attention to a failure to alert. Otherwise your announcement could affect
your partner's defensive play and that is not allowed. If your side is
declaring, you must call attention to a failure to alert before the opening
lead is faced. (Law 75D2) (On the other hand, if you suddenly realize that
you should have alerted a bid, you should say so immediately, even if it
isn't your turn to call or play.)
15. TRUE - Surprise! (law 66B)
16. FALSE - Dummy many not help declarer play the hand. Correcting the trick
record could well affect declarer's line of play. (Law A1C)
17. FALSE - Dummy may not initiate a call to the director. Doing so forfeits
any right to a penalty. If the dummy notices an irregularity, during the
play, he should call the director only after the last trick is played. (Law
43 A1a)
18. TRUE - This is one of dummy's rights. Dummy may attempt to prevent
declarer from leading from the wrong hand and may question a possible revoke
by declarer. (Dummy cannot call attention to a possible revoke by a
defender, since declarer may not have noticed and it could change declarer's
line of play.) (Law 42B1 and 2) But dummy must not habitually remind
declarer which hand has the lead. (Law 42B2b)
19. TRUE - Either defender may accept a lead from the wrong hand by
declarer. (Law 55A)
20. TRUE - Count your cards before looking at them. (Law 7B1)
21. FALSE - However, each player is responsible for seeing that the correct
13 cards are returned to his pocket. You could be penalized if the next
table discover that the board has been fouled. (Law 7C)
22. TRUE - It doesn't matter if the defender's partner saw the card or not.
If the card is in a position such that he could have seen it, it is
considered "played." (law 45 C1) (Declarer has a different rule!)
23. TRUE - A minor penalty card must be played before any other small card
(9 or below) from the same suit, and does not have lead penalties. (Law 50C)
24. FALSE - The revoke rule is complicated and the penalty depends on the
situation. The penalty could be 2 tricks, 1 trick no tricks or more than 2
tricks, depending on who won the revoke trick and what happened afterward.
Always ask a director. (Law 64)
25. FALSE - After making a claim, declarer is not allowed to continue play.
If there is a double, the director must be called to decide the resolution
of the remaining tricks. Any subsequent play after a claim is canceled.
Remember that declarer must make a statement regarding his line of play.
(Law 68D).

How did you do? 25 NABC Director, 20-24 Legal Eagle, 15-19 Keepin' 'em
honest, 10-14 Just playing for fun,
0-9 Rules, what rules?
Changes in 2001 Unit Statistics...What Changes??? By Elinor Tanck

A look at the Unit 503 statistics as of December 2001 makes one wonder, if
we're looking at the year 2000 all over again.

The Unit membership total is 661, which is a 0.3% loss from 2000, while the
total master point increase is 0.3%. The table below compares the 2001 data
with that for 2000. An examination of the data does offer one surprise, the
decrease in the number of life masters. Another bit of trivia, which is
not obvious from the numbers, is the explanation for the increase in members
residing within the Unit boundaries of Los Altos, Palo Alto and Mountain
View. This change reflects a correction of an ACBL error persisting over
many years, which assigned players with a zip code of 94022 and 94024 to
Unit 507 instead of 503.

How has the Unit performed in the enrollment and retention of new members?
Not well, according to the recent ACBL Quip report for the 2001 calender
year, the active membership decreased by 1%, ranking 10 of 19 in District
21. The new member gains were 6%, 15th in D-21; the member losses 6%, 4th
in D-21 and the new member retention in year two, averaged 49% over the last
3 years, 17th in D-21. The average member age is 65 and the average years
of ACBL membership are 12.

The top five players in master point totals are also the same as in 2000.
Sheila Bleiman, with the most master points at 6458, has a substantial lead
over Sherie Greenberg with 5,720. The players who rank third through fifth
are: Don Rothschild, Rich Spitalnick and Peter Friedland, respectively. The
player closest to the average masterpoint total is Betty Liddicoat with
539.12 and the members at the median point are Anne Merolla with 206.48 and
Rosanne Jacobs with 206.63.

The table below also compares the master point distribution for the members
for 2001 and 2000. The source of the information is from analysis of the
membership information supplied by the ACBL.


2000 2001 MP Total 2000 2001
Members 663 661
Juniors (<20 MP) 123 133 0-1 35 31
Life Masters 259 246 1-5 39 47
Highest 5753 6458 5-10 21 27
Median 199.58, 201.5 206.48, 206.63 10-20 28 28
Average 536.61 539.86 20-50 55 56
Total 355,775 356,847 50-100 75 63
100-300 118 125
Unit Residence 371 (56%) 378 (57%) 300-500 85 79
Santa Clara 128 (19%) 119 (18%) 500-1000 102 101
San Mateo 146 (22%) 146 (22%) 1-2K 68 66
Other D-21 10 (2%) 12 (2%) 2-3K 18 18
Outside D-21 8 (1%) 6(1%) 3K+ 19 20

Upcoming Events:
Sectional, Friday, March 1 at El Cerrito Comm Ctr
Club champ., Monday, March 11 at 10 a.m., Palo Alto BC
Club champ., Wednesday, March 13 at 11:00, Bridge 'n Brunch
Club champ., Thursday, March 14 at 1 p.m., Sherie & Kathy's BC
Sectional, Saturday, March 9 at San Mateo Fairgrounds
Club champ., Thursday, March 21 at 7:15 p.m., Red Club
Sectional, Saturday, March 23 at Tamalpais HS, Mill Valley


January Winners' Circle

Compiled by Alan Templeton



Bridge Mix
7 (A&B) R. Singer/F. Miller
  P. & R. Chambers
  (B) T. Schick/A. Oliff
14 M. Yates/C. Brigham
  (A&B) B. Olmo/M. Chen
  V. Vidwans/H. Bennett
  (A&B) M. Van Tamelen/A. Oliff
21 A. Levy/H. Narasimhan
  C. Brunsting/J. Flocks
  L. Spaeth/D. Wheeler
  V. Vidwans/H. Bennett
28 (A&B) M. Larkin/J. Von Gehr
  R. Friend/P. Chari

Palo Alto BC
7 W. Sumner/J. Coons
  A. Mollard/S. Greenberg
14 D. Shannahan/M. Fikes
  S. Maisel/W. Harwood
21 Closed
28 D. Hornback/A. Mollard
  T. Canning/J. Hornback



Alpine BC
1 Closed
8 J. Leaver/M. Smith
  R. Friend/D. Heller
  A. Arnold/T. Schick
  M. O'Leary/R. Kilner
15 J. Sogg/C. Kwiatek
  F. Phillips/J. Burlingame
  S. Hasid/B. Hsu
  H. Sung/A. Mollard
22 S. Blum/T. Bowman
  J. Robinson/M. Van Tamelen
  S. Hassid/C. Weiler
  D. Duncan/C. Binasik

M. Shaffer/S. Thomas
  R. Friend/M. Kelly
  D. Chang/B. Hsu
  B. Oshman/P. Livingston

Tuesday Noon BC
1 (A&B) J. Keehan/T. McCaffrey
  (C) M. & R. Lawrence
8 J. Flocks/L. Corbetta
  (B) C. Lane/M. Goodman
15 B. Schneider/D. Rothschild
22 V. Vidwans/R. Williams
  (B) J. McCarthy/L. Corbetta
29 (A&B) W. & R. Hoger
  (C) E. Moley/J. Carollo

Under 200 Bridge Club
1 (A&B) J. Keehan/T. McCaffrey
  (C) M. & R. Lawrence
8 (A&B) D. Doolittle/D. Stowell
  (A&B) M. & R. Lawrence
15 T. Aberg/J. Cook
  (A&B) J. Hyams/J. Bedke
22 (A&B) E. Moley/J. Carollo
  L. Mattis/A. Story
  (B) P. Jarman/B. Kates
29 J. Green/J. Shaffer
  (C) M. Partney/A. Sebastian

Tuesday Night BC*
1 Closed
8 H. Solleder/M. Moore
  (B) B. Briant/F. Gonzalez
  J. Rollin/J. Hancock
  (A&B) V. Vidwans/P. Cornelius
15 H. Solleder/H. Narasimhan
  (B) F. Herzer/R. Haines
  (A&B) F. Gonzalez/A. Cummings
22 (A&B) K. Siedenburg/C. Larsen
  M. Wilson/C. Davis
  (B) V. Vidwans/P. Cornelius
29 M. Moore/R. Robbins
  (A&B) K. Siedenburg/C. Larsen
  (C) C. & H. Lindauer

*Hand records provided.



Bridge N Brunch
2 H. Narasimhan/V. Vidwans
  I. Frymire/N. Brubaker
9 H. Bennett/S. Blum
  S. O'Donnell/N. Pappas
16 H. Narasimhan/H. Solleder
  G. Rosenthal/F. Frates III
23 H. Bennett/S. Blum
  J. Burlingame/C. Cole
30 H. Narasimhan/H. Solleder
  W. Sumner/P. Chari

Wed. Aft. 49er**
2 R. & C. Johnson
  E. Tromovitch/J. Seiff
9 R. & S. Caeton
  J. Seiff/E. Tromovitch
16 A. Suares/C. Naar
  S. McGilvray/D. Aitchison
23 D. Doolittle/G. Williams
  C. & J. Neubauer
30 D. Doolittle/G. Williams
  M. Pais/S. Atkinson

Cotton Club
2 L. Gaines/P. Cornelius
  J. McCloy/L. Cicolani
9 M. Cordell/M. Cochran
  W. Watson/L. Sink
16 W. Watson/L. Sink
  R. & J. Williams
23 J. Kuhn/A. Lin
  R. & J. Williams
30 P. & R. Kilner
  S. Cagnina/J. Stanczak

**Includes lesson and hand records with analysis.



Sherie's BC
3 R. Nelson/G. Gusman
  D. Duncan/C. Binasik
10 R. Nelson/G. Gusman
  R. Kindler/A. Drummond-Hay
  D. Foti/F. Omori
  G. Pani/J. Clark
17 N. Brubaker/A. Welch
  H. Sung/S. Hassid
  L. Chaffee/J. Franke
  J. Clark/G. Pani
24 A. Templeton/C. Cole
  R. Kindler/A. Drummond-Hay
  J. Sogg/C. Kwiatek
  P. Livingston/B. Oshman
31 A. Templeton/C. Cole
  J. Brown/V. Herrick
  H. Maggipinto/S. Waki
  J. Dammann/J. Thornley

Thursday Aft. BC
3 L. Corbetta/T. Schick
  (B) B. Ross/C. Macey
  (A&B) B. Olmo/V. Herrick
10 C. Brigham/M. Yates
  (B) B. Hirsekorn/B. Sonsini
  A. Levy/H. Narasimhan
  (A&B) J. Von Gehr/V. Herrick
  (B&C) G. Leitstein/L. Blum
17 M. Larkin/N. Honda
  (B) R. Stolee/L. Spaeth
  J. Flocks/E. Herrmann
  (B) J. Burlingame/M. Van Tamelen
  (B&C) C. Lane/M. Goodman
24 F. Dickman/H. Bennett
  (A&B) J. Chognard/N. Brubaker
  J. Flocks/R. Stolee
  (A&B) J. Von Gehr/A. Oliff
  (C) M. Orelove/G. Leitstein
31 (A&B) G. Wheeler/G. Drew
  (A&B)N. Pappas/S. O'Donnell
  (A,B&C) C. & V. Krishnamurthi

Red Club
3 Closed
10 (A&B) P. Kamas/P. McFerren
  (C) J. & L. Mattis
17 R. Gupta/R. Williams
  (B) J. Beck/C. Riffle
  (C) J. Birnbaum/J. Newman
24 K. Siedenburg/G. Porter
  (B) R. Gupta/F. Gonzalez
31 (A,B&C) J. Birnbaum/J. Newman


Friday Morning BC
4 Closed
11 B. Krop/K. Harper
  (B) K. O'Leary/J. Klonizchii
  (C) J. Sogg/G. Pani
  (A&B) W. Pomeroy/G. Skidmore
  (B&C) S. Morley/A. Cummings
18 P. & R. Chambers
  (B) V. Blume/R. Lachman
  C. & W. Brigham
  (B) P. Livingston/B. Oshman
25 P. & R. Chambers
  (B) B. Hirsekorn/D. Wheeler
  S. Greenberg/F. Dickman
  (B) R. Robinson/F. Carlson

Friday Night Barometer
  Temporarily Closed


One Club
5 (A&B) R. Singer/F. Miller
  R. Friend/D. Kuo
  (A&B) A. Gallas/A. Lyew
12 A. Levy/C. Bjorklund
  (B) E. Yanklowitz/P. Gross
  J. Flocks/B. Sonsini
  (A&B) N. Pappas/R. Gerrits
19 J & R. Williams
  (B) R. Singer/F. Miller
  T. Pearson/D. Brown
  (A&B) M. Moore/J. Robinson
26 (A&B) W. Coke/V. Herrick
  H. Narasimhan/R. Gupta
  (B) A. Gallas/M. Brabb


Sunday Aft. BC
  Temporarily closed