New Bridge Center On Hold
The Palo Alto Unit Board voted to sign a five-year lease for
a new bridge
center at 1954 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View. It is an attractive
newly renovated building with 3120 sq. ft of space, one block
south of
Rengstorff Avenue. Because of problems with a use permit for this
from the city of Mountain View, the Unit is also pursuing the
Elwell site of
the former Bridge Center. The Unit will mail all members a postcard
when all
plans are final.
Winners Trophy Goes to Greenberg and Cummings
The 2001 Winners Trophy, awarded for the best record in the
Unit games, goes
to Sherie Greenberg. Sherie, knows how to win, as proven by her
past awards
in 1993, 95 and 98. Alan Cummings, who finished eighth, will receive
trophy for the top C player. The list below shows the final standing
of the
top players. Thanks go to Pat McFerren, Trophy Chairman, for this
1 Sherie Greenberg 8.60 6/7 Helga Solleder 5.69
2 Don Rothschild 7.53 6/7 Betsy Steele 5.69
3 Hansa Narasimhan 6.99 8 Alan Cummings 5.50
4 Margery Yates 6.28 9 Franklin Gonzales 4. 84
5 Patricia Chambers 6.11 10 Robin Chambers 4.11
Five Elected to Unit Board at Dec. 9 STAC
In the December Unit election, the members chose Claire Coleman,
Herrick Kevin O'Leary, Gloria Leitstein and Barbara Sonsini to
two-year terms on the Unit Board. They will form the 2002 Board
with the
current members: Cres Cole, Richard Johnson, Pat McFerren, Merle
Albert Pagin and Ethel Worcester. The Unit extends appreciation
to out-going
Board members Tom Snouse and Alan Templeton. Unit members cast
63 eligible
The winners in the STAC game in Strata A were N/S Diane Shannon-Don
Rothschild and E/W Franklin Gonzales-Alan Cummings, also first
in B, C with
a 70.2% game. Don and Elaine Ehrman at N/S were second in A and
first in B,
C. The list on page 3 shows those who finished in the overalls.
Unit Pro-Am on Tap Sunday, January 27
The first Unit 2002 game is a Pro-Am set for Sunday, January
27 at 12:45
p.m. The Board has not yet selected a site for the event. Players
with under
200 master points will draw for a "pro" partner. Good
manners and a friendly
attitude are a plus for this event. Name tags will help keep everyone
on a
first name basis.
Both Pros and Am's need to make a reservation with Kevin O'Leary
650/965-1827, e-mail to or sign up with your
director. Please reserve by Wednesday, January 23 to make sure
everyone will
have a partner.
Pat McFerren Wins Unit Sportsman-ship Trophy
Pat McFerren is this year's recipient of the Sportsmanship
Trophy Award.
The award is for "ethical, friendly and gracious manners
at the bridge
Retired since 1988, she was a Kodak Processing Lab Senior Engineer
for 44
years. Introduced to bridge in '89 or '90 by her neighbor and
Unit 503
member, the late Roy Sherman, it didn't take Pat long to acquire
partners, as well as friends.
Patricia's other love is her wonderful horse Jackie, who is
about Pat's
vintage, which is just fine by her. She rides Jackie nearly every
day. Pat
has been keeping horses at the Stanford Old Red Barn since 1959.
Pat plays
primarily at night, because of her joy of being with, and responsibility
Jackie during the day.
Pat has served on the Unit 503 board for several years and
was a recent
recipient of the ACBL Goodwill National Committee. She has also
served as a
volunteer at partnership and hospitality desks at every local
event for
several years.
When it was announced she won the Sportsmanship Award, Pat
was "thrilled,
surprised and honored to be in such elite company." "To
be included in that
group is very special," she said. She went on to say, "The
Game is the
thing, but the people is what makes it."
The November 9 awards ceremony included a potluck and a Unit
game. The top
pair overall in the 10-table match was Chandler Flickinger and
Robinson, who placed first in flights A, B and C. Other finishers
in the
overalls are on the Winners Circle page.
Table Talk
From the Nationals in Las Vegas: Carolyn Kwiatek won several
seconds and a knockout to earn 18+ points.
Email sent to Election Chair: I suppose that since there are
only 5
candidates running that all will be elected, but I wanted to cast
my ballot
anyway just as a way to let them know I appreciate the work they're
going to
put in for our unit and to say "THANK YOU".
Virginia Savstrom Retires
Good luck to Virginia Savstom, who is retiring from bridge
directing. She
will, however, continue to teach bridge. Since 1991, she directed
the Alpine
Bridge Club, which played at the YWCA in Palo Alto. In the past,
she was
also the owner and director of the Thursday evening, Cardinal
BC. As of
January 1, 2002, Cameron Cotton will direct the Alpine Club.
Seasons Greetings from the Kibitzer staff and contributors:
Elinor Tanck,
Lori Spaeth, Alan Templeton, Karen Manfield, Ethel Worcester,
Corbetta, Gersh Wheeler, Jim Turner, Joan Von Gehr, Jim O'Neil,
Cres Cole,
Ernst Jacobi and Claire Coleman.
Jerry Beardsley
Jerry Beardsley, who was an avid bridge enthusiast at our Club,
several times a week, died on Tuesday, November 27 after a bridge
game in
San Jose. Our heartfelt sympathy to Bonnie, his wife of 48 years,
and a
director in our Unit. We will miss him.
Upcoming Events:
No games scheduled Sunday, December 23 and Sunday, December
No games scheduled Tuesday, January 1: Alpine BC at Y, Tuesday
Noon BC and
"Under 200" Club at Unity Church and Tues. Night BC.
Regional, Tuesday, January 1-6 at Hyatt Regency, Monterey
Sectional, Saturday, January 12-13 at Rec Ctr Handicap, SF
Unit Pro-Am Game, Sunday, January 27 at 12:45 p.m. ( Place TBD)
Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 8, 4:00 p.m.
Contact Claire Coleman at
650/368-5917 for location
*Hand records provided. |
**Includes lesson and hand records with analysis. |