
February 2002

Bridge Center Update

At the January 8 Board Meeting, the board voted to pursue filing a
conditional use permit with the City of Palo Alto in order to move back to
the club we inhabited for over 25 years. The application was submitted with
the City on January 9. We've heard estimates of between 4 weeks to 3
months! to go through the approval process. Part of delay in filing the
permit was due to the fact that the fee (over $2,000) is not refundable if
the use permit is denied. This was a stumbling block with the landlord, as
we wanted to sign a lease on the condition that we get a permit and he
wanted no such condition. We think we are now over that hurdle. Once the
permit is approved, we hope to move as quickly as possible. OK. Now
everybody hold your breath!

The Unit will mail all members a postcard when all plans are final.
Sunday Bridge???

Claire Coleman reports that new manager at the YWCA has notified us that she
does not want to keep the Y open for bridge if there are no other Y
activities going on. That means-Claire's Sunday game is closed until
further notice. Claire is trying to overturn this decision-so be sure to
check with her.
Unit Pro-Am Postponed

Due to the postponement of our move, and the added wrinkle of not being
allowed into the YWCA on Sundays, we are postponing the Unit Pro-Am until
further notice. Once we have a home, the Pro-Am will be our first Unit game

New Officers Elected

At the January 8 Board Meeting, the new officers were elected. Pat
McFerren, featured in last month's Kibitzer, was named President. Merle
(pronounced "Merrill") Orelove was named Vice President, Claire Coleman will
continue as Secretary and Albert Pagin, former president, will again be
Treasurer. Thanks went to outgoing Board Member Alan Templeton, who has
worked very hard for the Unit for the last several years. Alan will
continue to maintain the Unit website (
and the Winner's Circle. Some committee assignments were made and the whole
list will appear in next month's Kibitzer.
Who's Better

Our Unit Board approved an inter Unit competition between 503(us) and
507(them). The coordinators for each unit will be setting up the types of
games, stratas, places and times in the next month. Each unit will have
qualifying matches and the winners will face off in spirited competition.
Further developments will be in the next Kibitzer so be sure to check next
Dear Fellow Bridge Players and Directors

We are about to start a New Year with hopefully a new Bridge Center. I know
you all love the game of bridge as I do. I am writing in the hope that we
can encourage newer players and create a pleasant environment in which we
all can play. I am suggesting that we take a look at how we play the game
and see if we can improve that and help others to improve their mode of

Over the years I have been playing I have encountered and heard about
behavior that has created distress in other players. Some of the most common
are making unkind remarks (such as "this is not bridge") to opponents,
calling opponent "little lady" when the opponent is near sixty in age
(equivalent to calling older men "little man" or "boy"), being so into the
last hands that new opponents at the table are not acknowledged, exclaiming
"Oh!!, we got a top board" (guaranteed to make the opponents feel badly and
a not so subtle form of gloating), slapping or snapping cards down on the
table in an annoying manner, talking to opponents in a superior manner,
taking upon oneself to teach the other player how to play the hand when
assistance was not asked for, not passing the boards in a timely fashion,
playing very slowly so the opponents will go to sleep, agonizing over a pass
when there is no reason for it, intimidation of opponents by calling the
director after a small hesitation when the opponent is trying to think,
criticizing other players. And the list goes on. This does not encourage
newer and even older players to play at some games.

As bridge players we can play our part to monitor our own behavior and help
others with this issue. Zero tolerance should be used and no one should fear
calling the director if they feel that is needed. Bridge is a competitive
game, but competition should never get in the way of treating others with

And directors have their very important part to play. The players at their
games should be viewed equally, and not be viewed as "clients". The "client"
notion makes it harder to discipline "better" players for fear of losing
them. The behavior of these "better" players may be the reason that other
players stay away from your game. Players should feel that they have a fair
and equal footing with all other players. Friendliness and civility has to
be a top priority for the games.

These suggestions if implemented may cause some players to leave the game.
However, I feel that a friendly atmosphere will encourage many more to play
and make bridge the game that we love to play and enjoy playing at all the
different games.

Here's to a new environment and a new respect for each other in the New

Marianne Moutoux


Yes Santa, There is a Virginia

Virginia Savstrom directed her final game on Tuesday, December 18th, and the
air was filled with warm sentiment. After the first round, all players
gathered in a room to honor this fine lady. Albert Pagin said kind words and
gave her a handsome plaque, designed by Richard Johnson , from the Board of
Directors of Unit 503 holding a certificate of appreciation for all of her
years of service. Leona Lane then presented Virginia with a gift certificate
for an opera of her choice plus a dinner saying, "Thank you for every
Tuesday at 12:15."

Virginia, composed as ever, graciously thanked us all and promised to keep
an eye on all of us. She also said as her send off, she had had 5 director
calls in the first round. She seemed delighted by the tribute.

Many elves baked delicious cookies and at the end of the game, there were
many heartfelt "good-bye" hugs. Virginia will obviously be missed.


Martin Fletcher

Martin Fletcher, a regular at the Bridge Table, and a wonderful, gentle man
(British accent and all) with a great sense of humor, died in January.
Martin recently handed me an envelope, addressed to the Palo Alto Bridge
Club, within which he included a Thanksgiving card and a $1,500 donation.
The card read, "With thanks for all my happy memories at bridge." Lori


Player Advancements

The ACBL December 2 printout shows that the following players have moved up.

Junior Master Milt Liebhaber
(5 MP) Ernest Pope
Club Master Elinor Gorlin
(20 MP)
Sect'l Master Jim Houseman
(50 MP)
Regional Master Joan Kewman, Reginald Rice
(100 MP) Carl Baeuerlen, Ann L. Mollard
NABC Master J. T. Steffes
(200 MP) Greg Humphreys
Silver LM Jean Gold

A warm welcome to new Palo Alto Unit 503 members: Jack Birnbaum, John
Mattis and Paul Martino. We would also like to welcome Quixing Sun and
Marion Morgan who transferred into our Unit.


Upcoming Events:
All Games Closed During Regional starting February 12 (evening) through
February 18 except for Walter Miller and Cameron Cotton's games (see above).

Sat., Feb. 2 - Sectional, Hart Middle School, Pleasanton
Tues., Feb. 5 - Club Championship for the "Under 200" Club
Tues., Feb. 12 - REGIONAL, Santa Clara Marriott
Wed., Feb. 20 - Club Championship for the 49er Game at 1:30
Mon., Feb. 25 - ACBL-Wide Senior Game, Palo Alto BC
Tues., Feb. 26 - Club Championship for the Tues. Noon Open Game

Next Board Meeting

Tuesday February 5, 4:00 p.m.
YWCA, 4161 Alma St., Palo Alto


December Winners' Circle

Compiled by Alan Templeton



Bridge Mix
3 M. Larkin/M. Thompson
  (B) C. Lin/M. Chen
  R. Friend/M. Brabb
  (B&C) K. O'Leary/D. Lowry
10 L. Corbetta/M. Fletcher
  (B) B. Robertson/N. Irwin
  C. Dietz/L. Foss
  (B&C) C. Lane/M. Goodman
17 (A&B) M. Larkin/B. Sonsini
  F. Frates III/R. Chambers
  (B) C. Lane/M. Goodman
24 M. Yates/T. Ross
31 P. & R. Chambers
  (B) C. Lin/M. Chen
  J. Flocks/L. Spaeth
  (B) E. Jacobi/J. Samuels

Palo Alto BC
3 J. Tseng/P. Tsu
  H. Macdonell/W. Summers
10 S. & I. Krulevitch
  C. & V. Krishnamurthi
17 J. Hornback/E. Willard
  S. Maisel/W. Harwood
24 L. Finkelstein/J. Hodges
31 J. Blake/R. Levin
  S. Greenberg/J. Hornback



Alpine BC
4 G. Herrick/C. Cole
  H. Silver/R. Heller
  M. & T. Randolph
  M. Moutoux/A. Pagin
11 C. & V. Krishnamurthi
  R. Friend/D. Heller
  L. Prim/D. Hornback
  L. Doying/B. Donoghue
18 T. Bendigkeit/H. Macdonell
  F. Phillips/J. Burlingame
25 Closed

Tuesday Noon BC
4 N. Honda/G. Drew
  B. Sonsini/G. Simpson
  (B) G. Humphreys/A. Meyerson
11 M. Thompson/B. Barlow
18 L. Corbetta/R. Robinson
  (B) E. Kates/J. Keehan
  J. Flocks/M. Mackinnon
  (B&C) W. Shelchuk/C. Naar
25 Closed

Under 200 Bridge Club
4 J. Green/J. Shaffer
  (B) D. Doolittle/D. Stowell
  A. & R. Rice
11 T. McCaffrey/J. Keehan
  (B) F. Harris/S. Dunn
  W. Shelchuk/C. Naar
18 See Tuesday Noon BC
25 Closed

Tuesday Night BC*
4 D. & G. Wheeler
  (A&B) V. Vidwans/L. Gaines
  L. Cicolani/J. McCloy
  (A&B) G. Drew/M. Wilson
  (C) P. Livingston/S. Liebhaber
11 (A&B) F. Herzer/R. Haines
  L. Cicolani/J. McCloy
  (B) P. McFerren/M. Moore
18 (A&B) R. Haines/F. Herzer
  H. Deeby/B. Figueiredo
  (B) P. McFerren/M. Moore
25 Closed

*Hand records provided.



Bridge N Brunch
5 G. Humphreys/A. Meyerson
12 R. Chambers/W. Brigham
  M. Slater/I. Frymire
  C. Coleman/A. Levy
19 S. Blum/H. Bennett
  M. Hafezi/T. Bowman
26 Closed

Wed. Aft. 49er**
5 B. & L. Berg
  M. Pais/D. Stowell
12 D. Doolittle/G. Williams
  L. & R. Caren
19 V. Mason/T. Sera
  S. McGilvray/D. Aitchison
26 D. Lowe/E. Gorlin
  N. Kern/E. Sturman

Cotton Club
5 T. Bendigkeit/H. Szejnwald
  J. & R. Williams
12 Q. Sun/A. Myerson
  S. Morley/A. Cummings
19 R. Dannels/J. Kelsey
  A. Lin/J. Kuhn
26 Unavailable

**Includes lesson and hand records with analysis.



Sherie's BC
6 R. Kindler/A. Drummond-Hay
  L. Doying/B. Donoghue
  J. Keehan/L. Lettis
  G. Pani/J. Clark
13 L. Doying/B. Donoghue
  M. Shaffer/L. Weiss
  A. & G. Mitchell
  G. Van Deinse/M. Mickel
20 E. Ehrman/M. Kelly
  V. Herrick/W. Sumner
  J. Sogg/C. Kwiatek
  M. Feldstein/R. Chesler
27 R. Nelson/S. Greenberg
  J. Franke/N. Irwin

Red Club
6 (A&B) V. Vidwans/R. Gupta
  J. Magid/J. Hoffman
  G. Humphreys/A. Meyerson
13 J. Williams/J. Beck
  (B) F. Kitchiner/J. Stidd
20 Closed
27 Closed

Thursday Aft. BC
6 G. Wheeler/D. Rothschild
  (B) K. Lorimer/B. Chakerian
  (A&B) J. Robinson/P. Tsu
  (A,B&C) C. Lane/M. Goodman
13 (A&B) G. Wheeler/G. Drew
  J. Flocks/E. Herrmann
  (B) J. Von Gehr/V. Herrick
20 H. Bennett/E. Jacobi
  (B) C. & V. Krishnamurthi
  A. Levy/M. Hafezi
  (A&B) C. Macey/B. Chakerian
27 A. Boboricken/M. Berg
  (B) J. Von Gehr/V. Herrick
  J. Flocks/R. Stolee
  M. Chen/R. Pollak


Friday Morning BC
2 R. & J. Williams
  G. Porter/M. Moore
  (B) J. Becht/B. Bertonis
9 A. & J. El-Sadi
  R. Friend/A. Gallas
  (B) R. Kilner/M. Peterson
  (B) P., Cornelius/V. Vidwans
16 P. & R. Chambers
  (A&B) M. Chen/D. Kuo
  (B) I. Creasey/B. Chakerian
23 Closed
30 Closed

Friday Night Barometer
  Temporarily Closed


One Club
1 K. Cheng/D. Kuo
  (A&B) F. Miller/R. Singer
  R. Passal/G. Macgregor
  (B) F. McWilliams/R. Dannels
8 V. Vidwans/H. Bennett
  (B) P. Tsu/M. Chen
  T. Ross/R. Passal
  (B&C) G. Humphreys/A. Meyerson
15 C. Bjorklund/A. Levy
  (B) I. Creasey/L. Lane
  (B&C) D. Kuo/A. Lyew
  J. Flocks/F. Parsons
  (A&B) M. Heymann/F. Chasalow
  (C) R. Pollak/J. Birnbaum
22 P. Chambers/B. Beardsley
  (B) L. Gaines/P. Cornelius
  (A&B) G. Porter/V. Vidwans
  (C) R. Woolsey
29 M. Yates/B. Steele
  (B) H. Deeby/B. Figueiredo
  (A&B) J. Robinson/M. Moore


Sunday Aft. BC
7 H. Bennett/E. Jacobi
  S. Greenberg/D. Rothschild
  (B) E. Worchester/B. Leonard
  G. Humphreys/A. Meyerson
14 J. Dittmann/J. Burlingame
  F. Frates III/R. Chambers
  (B) F. Carlson/B. Kalafian
  (B) J. Chognard/B. Leonard
21 P. Chambers/T. Ross
  J. Robinson/T. Kridl
28 C. Coleman/J. Flocks
  M. Berg/S. Greenberg
  (B) T. Kridl/G. Herrick
  (B) S. Morley/A. Cummings