
April 2002

New Bridge Center-Believe It

Yeahh! We've got a new home - 2639A Terminal Street, Mountain View. That'
s our new address-move-in date to be determined. The City of Mountain View
conditionally approved our permit application on March 13. The partition
removal work should take 2-3 weeks to complete. Finishing touches will be
done once we move in. The particulars: Terminal Street is located off of
San Antonio (about 4 blocks east of Highway 101) . Turn right at the end
of San Antonio (at the Baylands). The Center is in the second building on
the right hand side. There is plenty of parking in front and in back. The
City specifically says that we may not park on the Baylands side of
Terminal. There is a wonderful path directly across the street for before
and after exercisers.

Walter's games at the Unity Church and Sherie's Monday and Thursday games at
the JCC will continue as usual. All of the rest of the games will take
place at this new site. The new space is about 500 square feet larger
than our old place at Elwell in a newish one-story building (3 bathrooms,
including one handicap) and a small kitchen. There will be two
refrigerators-one for the directors and one which will hold soft drinks for
purchase on the honor system and lunches for players. Although parking is
plentiful, it is requested that on the largest game day (Tuesday) people
carpool whenever possible. We want to keep our new neighbors happy. The
old schedule still appears on the back page. The directors will announce
the move-in date (once known) at each of their games. After the move, there
is a new schedule below (note some times have been changed). Also note the
return of the Friday night barometer and the Sunday afternoon club to the


MON Palo Alto BC Open 10:00 a.m. Sherie Greenberg JCC, 655 Arastradero Road,
Palo Alto
Bridge Mix Open 11:00 a..m. Kevin/Bonnie/Claire 2639A Terminal Street,
Mountain View
TUES Tuesday Noon BC Open/Strat. 12:00 p.m. Walter Miller Unity Church, YES
Rm, 3391 Middlefield Rd, PA
"Under 200" Club <200 M.P. 12:00 p.m. Walter Miller Unity Church, YES Rm,
3391 Middlefield Rd, PA
Alpine BC Open 12:15 p.m. Cameron Cotton 2639A Terminal Street, Mountain
Kevin's Tuesday Night BC Open/Strat. 7:00 p.m. Kevin O'Leary 2639A Terminal
Street, Mountain View
WED Bridge 'n Brunch Open 11:00 a.m. Sherie Greenberg/ 2639A Terminal
Street, Mountain View
Wed Aft. 49er <50 M.P. 1:30 p.m Walter Miller Unity Church, YES Rm, 3391
Middlefield Rd, PA
The Cotton Club Open/Strat. 7:00 p.m. Cameron Cotton 2639A Terminal Street,
Mountain View
THUR Thur. Afternoon BC Open/Strat 12:00 p.m. Beardsley/O'Leary 2639A
Terminal Street, Mountain View
Sherie's BC Open/Strat. 1:00 p.m. Sherie Greenberg JCC, 655 Arastradero
Road, Palo Alto
Red Club Oper/Strat 7:15 p.m. Will Watson 2639A Terminal Street, Mountain
FRI Friday Morning BC Open/Strat. 10:30 a.m. Coleman/Van Zandt 2639A
Terminal Street, Mountain View
Friday Night Barometer Open/Strat 7:30 p.m. Coleman 2639A Terminal Street,
Mountain View
SAT One Club Open/Strat. 12:00 p.m. Beardsley/O'Leary 2639A Terminal Street,
Mountain View
SUN Sunday Afternoon BC Open/Strat. 1:00 p.m. Claire Coleman 2639A Terminal
Street, Mountain View
Counting, by Gersh Wheeler

Stop looking for a magic system, which will get you tops. Stop trying to
learn how to recognize coups, squeezes, reverse dummies and other esoteric
plays, which come up rarely. The one thing that will improve your game more
than anything else is counting. Count everything: cards played in a suit,
distribution, high-card points, balance or power.

Here is a hand that the declarer counted and made his contract. But, if a
defender has also counted, he could have defeated it.

C 932
West East
S 9864 S JT3
H 2 H 964
D 82 D QJT973
C KJT754 C Q
S K75
H AK873
D 65
C A86
South became declarer at 6H after an auction that showed NS had all 4 aces.

West led the D8. Declarer saw little hope of avoiding 2 club losers, but set
out to "get a count on the hand."

He won the first trick in dummy and took 3 rounds of trumps, noting that
East followed to all three. Then, he took the other high diamond and
trumped the third diamond. West's discard on the third diamond showed that
East started with 6 diamonds. Now, declarer took 3 rounds of spades, ending
in his hand. East followed to all 3 spades. That accounted for 12 of East's
cards. The 13th must be either the last spade or a singleton club. But, if
East held the spade, West would have held a long club suit headed KQJ and
certainly would have led a club rather than the D8. Therefore, East must
hold the singled CQ. Why the Q? With any other club in the East hand, West
would have had a natural club opening lead against 6H. The remaining cards
after 9 tricks were:
C 932
West East
H 8
C A86
Declarer let the C6 and West played the CT. Now, East had to win the trick
and give declarer a ruff and sluff to make the contract.

If West had counted, he'd have known that East held a singleton club. If
declared held the Q, there was nothing East could to set the contract. But,
if East held the Q, West must play the CK on the C6 to be sure of another
club trick.



The Unit officers and members extend their sincere condolences to the
families and friends of William Shelchuk and Arpad Barna, who recently
passed away.

William played in the Wednesday Afternoon 49er and the Tuesday "Under 200"
clubs. Arpad was a player at the Bridge 'n Brunch.
Player Advancements

The ACBL February 3, 2002 printout shows that the following players have
moved up. Congratulations!

Junior Master Donna Armstrong
(5 MP) Gary Kao
Club Master Sioux Atkinson
(20 MP) Robert McNeil
Sect'l Master James Blach
(50 MP) Barbara Oshman
Reg'l Master Franklin Gonzalez
(100 MP) Deborah Levin
NABC Master (200 MP) Bernadine Donoghue

An Ode to Bridge,
Author Unknown

I'm giving up bridge - tonight's my last night
It's Amen to Stayman, I give up the fight.
The insults and muddles are giving me troubles.
And I can't sleep at night for thinking of doubles.
My cards are all rotten and I have forgotten
Who's played and what's trumps
And what's gone on my right!
So for now its all over - I'm off to the backwood
I'm bidding goodbye to Gerber and Blackwood.
I can't stand the hassle, I can't stand the pain
I'm getting those bad cards again and again.
I'm giving up bridge - tonight's a bad night.
Declarer is horrid and nothing's gone right.
My partner's a dope and I'm losing all hope
And when she says "double", I know we're in trouble.
My points are not high, and I'm wondering why
She kept on bidding right up to the sky.
We're in seven spades and all my hope fades
When surprise, surprise, her high bidding pays
We're winning all tricks the defenders feel sick
And I have to admit my partner's a brick.
But I'm giving up bridge - tonight's my last night.
Farewell to conventions - I give up the fight!
So I leave with few words but some that are true,
Bridge is a game not for me but for you.
So be kind to your partners and don't mind their cheek
For it's only a game - oh! and see you next week.
Table Talk

In response to one of the questions in last month's Kibitzer on Test Your
Knowledge of the Laws, a player in one of our day games referred us to an
article from the September 1999 Bridge Bulletin. The question was: If
dummy notices that declarer has a quitted trick turned wrong, he should call
it to his attention as soon as possible. The answer was: FALSE - Dummy many
not help declarer play the hand. Correcting the trick record could well
affect declarer's line of play. (Law A1C). The "Ruling the Game" article
written by Brian Moran said: "It is ACBL policy that one may point out a
trick incorrectly turned by partner only if one does so immediately, i.e.,
before any cards have been played to subsequent tricks." So, which is it,
folks? It's comforting to know that our bridge players are on their toes.

It was great to see Kathy Koolmar back, directing Sherie's games while
Sherie and her family went on a cruise.

Our congratulations go to Don Rothschild and Dianne Shannon, who came in
second overal-worth 75 gold points! - in the Silver Ribbon Pairs at the
Nationals in Houston. This event, which requires prequalification, is a
national championship for seniors.

Mary MacKinnon broke her wrist. Heal quickly Mary, so you can get a good
hold on the cards for the grand slam.
Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 2, 4:00 p.m.
YWCA, Palo Alto


Palo Alto Unit Leaders in Ace of Clubs and
Mini-McKenney Races for 2001

The ACBL give the Ace of Clubs awards to the players who earn the most
points in club games and the Mini-McKenney awards for total points won
including sectional and higher ranked tournaments. Congratulation to the
Palo Alto players who finished in the top three for 2001.

Ace of Clubs

Norman Wang 13.71
Tom S. Stevens 12.40
Cecile Naar 12.06

JUNIOR Jean C. Brandon 15.76
MASTER Robert P. Caren 13.31
Linda D. Caren 12.86

CLUB Franklin N. Gonzalez 36.64
MASTER Mike K. Sullivan 28.07
Linda C. Mattis 23.73

SECTIONAL Audrey Mitchell 36.12
MASTER Jean Franke 33.24
Leslie Kelly 29.98

REGIONAL Carolyn J. Kwiatek 51.52
MASTER Donal B. Duncan 39.00
Kathleen Kelly 37.22

NABC Marilyn Slater 70.21
MASTER Vandana N. Vidwans 42.75
Chester S. Binasik 39.31

LIFE Barbara C. Sonsini 88.62
MASTER Creswell C. Cole 60.61
Albert D. Pagin 55.61

BRONZE Virginia K. Herrick 101.91
LIFE Ernst Jacobi 95.02
MASTER Joan C. Von Gehr 86.04

SILVER Robin M. Chambers 138.36
LIFE Patricia J. Chambers 133.59
MASTER Robert Friend 121.57

GOLD Margery Yates 146.21
LIFE Carol Brigham 102.64
MASTER Tom Ross 74.16

DIAMOND Sheila Bleiman 70.06
LM Sherie Greenberg 63.14


ROOKIE Norman Wang 58.62
Robert A. Neil 20.78
Tom S. Stevens 14.75

JUNIOR Robert P. Caren 37.07
MASTER Linda D. Caren 36.62
Jean C. Brandon 18.93

CLUB Adam Meyerson 123.47
MASTER Theodore H. Hwa 72.64
Tong Neo Choo 70.78

SECTIONAL Juanita J. Girand 74.23
MASTER Alan A. Cummings 66.80
Lee M. Tsai 57.61

REGIONAL Chandler Flickinger 370.78
MASTER Paul A. Cornelius 180.12
Carolyn J. Kwiatek 117.41

NABC Vandana N. Vidwans 214.15
MASTER Louise Doying 94.47
Marilyn Slater 80.30

LIFE Barbara C. Sonsini 144.45
MASTER Michael Heyman 112.90
Albert D. Pagin 96.31

BRONZE Lori E. Spaeth 143.43
LIFE Mary R. Van Tamelen 142.15
MASTER Joan C. Von Gehr 138.79

SILVER Robin M. Chambers 261.75
LIFE Patricia J. Chambers 245.90
MASTER Carolyn Bjorklund 224.01

GOLD Ashraf El Sadi 434.15
LIFE Gary Macgregor 377.32
MASTER James R. O'Neil 313.80

DIAMOND Sheila Bleiman 720.83
LM Sherie Greenberg 162.71

Upcoming Events:
Sectional, Friday, April 5 at Masonic Temple, San Jose
Sectional, Friday, April 12 at Centre Plaza, Modesto
Sectional, Friday, April 19 at Iron Horse School, San Ramon
STAC Western Conference Week, Monday May 6-Sunday May 12


February Winners' Circle

Compiled by Alan Templeton



Bridge Mix
4 P. & R. Chambers
  (A&B) C. & V. Krishnamurthi
  J. Flocks/B. Sonsini
  (A&B) M. Van Tamelen/J. Von Gehr
11 P. & R. Chambers
  (A&B) W. Sumner/P. Chari
  R. Friend/M. Kelly
  (A&B) S. Landsman/N. Weiss
18 Closed
25 P. & R. Chambers
  M. Wilson/B. Purchase

Palo Alto BC
4 D. Hornback/A. Mollard
  M. Slater/K. Kelly
11 W. Coke/H. Macdonell
  M. Slater/K. Kelly
18 Closed
25 M. Moutoux/A. Pagin
  J. Hornback/C. Binasik



Alpine BC
5 (A&B) T. Bendigkeit/H. Macdonell
  H. Corbin/M. Yates
  (B) W. Coke/J. Brown
  (A&B) S. Hassid/H. Sung
  (C) P. Korn/M. Marx
  (A,B&C) D. Duncan/C. Binasik
12 M. Ellers/J. Chognard
  (B&C) J. Leaver/M. Smith
  R. Chambers/E. Herrmann
  (B) A. Templeton/B. Sonsini
  (C) L. Weiss/H. Silver
  (A&B) W. Sumner/C. Francis
  (C) J. Sogg/C. Kwiatek
  (A,B&C) B. Donoghue/L. Doying

(A,B&C) I. Frymire/N. Irwin
  (A,B&C) L. Weiss/H. Silver
  (A&B) M. O'Leary/E. Beckwith
  (C) C. Kwiatek/J. Sogg
  (A&B) M. Moutoux/A. Pagin
  (C) J. Brandon/R. Lynch

V. Herrick/M. Yates
  (B) T. Bendigkeit/J. Girand
  (C) S. Goldshine/C. Kwiatek
  (A&B) F. Phillips/D. Lowry
  (C) M. Goldstein/R. Randolph
  (A&B) N. Evans/B. Liddicoat
  (C) M. O'Leary/L. Frye
  (A,B&C) D. Duncan/C. Binasik

Tuesday Noon BC
5 (A&B) T. Aberg/J. Cook
  (C) D. Doolittle/D. Stowell
  M. Berg/H. Blume, Jr.
  (B&C) J. Vadasz/K. Smith
12 M. Thompson/B. Barlow
  (B&C) M. & R. Lawrence
  L. Corbetta/J. Flocks
  (B&C) J. Newman/J. Birnbaum
19 H. Narasimhan/I. Rose
  (B&C) J. Carolla/E. Moley
  (A&B) J. Pomeroy/J. Rosner
  (C) D. Jones/B. Durey
26 M. Thompson/N. Honda
  (B&C) A. Suares/F. Bennett
  M. Berg/R. Chambers
  (B&C) M. Partney/. Sebastian

Under 200 Bridge Club
  Included in Tuesday Noon BC

Tuesday Night BC*
5 D. & G. Wheeler
  M. Wilson/C. Davis
  (A&B) A. Cummings/F. Gonzalez
12 Closed
19 M. Moore/H. Solleder
26 P. Kamas/L. Frost
  (B) B. Robinson/L. Spaeth
  M. Wilson/C. Davis
  (A&B) P. Cornelius/V. Vidwans

*Hand records provided.



Bridge N Brunch
6 H. Narasimhan/H. Solleder
  B. Sonsini/G. Simpson
13 Closed
20 W. Coke/V. Herrick
  C. Coleman/A. Levy
27 S. Blum/H. Bennett
  G. Flocks/H. Solleder

Wed. Aft. 49er**
6 D. Stowell/S. Fisk
  T. Hall/D. Lowe
13 A. Suares/C. Naar
  C. & J. Neubauer
20 D. Doolittle/G. Williams
  J. Mattis/E. Gorlin
27 S. Hollon/D. Cohen
  E. Tromovitch/J. Seiff

Cotton Club
6 T. Bendigkeit/C. Cotton
  (B) J. Harpootlian/R. Ipswitch
  (C) B. Briant/F. Gonzalez
  (A,B&C) R. Ward/J. Newman
13 Closed
20 C. Coleman/H. Macdonell
  (B) C. Haines/L. Evans
  (C) D. & W. Spicer
  S. Cagnina/J. Stanczak
  (B&C) M. Harris/R. Bestock
27 Unavailable

**Includes lesson and hand records with analysis.



Sherie's BC
7 M. Orelove/K. Shaw
  M. Slater/I. Frymire
  B. Coyle/J. Sheppard
  J. Brandon/S. Cahn
14 Closed
21 H. Macdonell/H. Sung
  M. Moutoux/A. Pagin
  J. Sogg/C. Kwiatek
  P. Livingston/S. Liebhaber
28 J. Orgorzaly/E. Canning
  R. Robinson/H. Sogg
  L. Chaffee/J. Franke
  J. Brandon/A. Mollard

Thursday Aft. BC
7 B. Hirsekorn/C. Brigham
  (B) G. Wheeler/D. Heller
  (A,B&C) R. & W. Hoegev
14 Closed
21 (A&B) C. Macey/K. Lorimer
  (A&B) M. Chen/D. Lowry
  (C) M. Goodman/C. Lane
28 H. Narasimhan/R. Chambers
  J. Flocks/R. Stolee
  (B) G. Van Deinse/B. Chakerian

Red Club
7 R. & J. Williams
  (B) C. & T. Yang
  (C) J. & L. Mattis
14 Closed
21 C. Davis/E. Tanck
  (B) L. Spaeth/G. Drew
  (C) J. Newman/J. Birnbaum
28 (A,B&) P. Cornelius/L. Gaines


Friday Morning BC
1 M. Brabb/D. Wheeler
  (A&B) A. Arnold/J. Robinson
  (A&B) M. Chen/C. Lin
8 H. Solleder/A. Levy
  (B) C. & V. Krishnamurthi
  C. & W. Brigham
  (A&B) A. Cummings/S. Morley
15 Closed
22 M. Yates/R. Chambers
  (B) R. Levin/Muller
  M. Slater/H. Sung
  (A&B) M. O'Malley/E. Worcester

Friday Night Barometer
  Temporarily Closed


One Club
2 P. & R. Chambers
  (B) T. Moalem/M. Moore
  R. Friend/P. Chari
  (A&B) C. Maclean/D. Brown
9 M. Yates/B. Steele
  (B) R. Singer/F. Miller
  J. Kelsey/R. Dannels
  (B-tie) M. Slater/J. Burlingame
  (B-tie) J. Robinson/M. Moore
16 Closed
23 (A&B) C. Bjorklund/A. Levy
  (A&B) J. Robinson/M. Moore


Sunday Aft. BC
  Temporarily closed