
September 2001

Let's Make It Happen

Most of you have now received a letter urging you to contribute to a fund to
help the Board finance the acquisition of a new Bridge Center home. The
fundraising effort, chaired by Kevin O'Leary, is off to a slow but very
promising start. The Board believes a nest egg of $20,000 is needed to
finance any serious attempt at negotiation with any potential landlord-first
month's rent, security deposit, move-in and refurbishing expenses, plus a
cushion to protect us financially until we rebuild our club to its former

Our former landlord at 1000 Elwell has been in touch with us. Serious
examination of local availabilities shows Elwell to be the best potential
for our special needs. Discussions are underway.

If each of the 700 members of our Unit contributed a mere $30, our goal
would be reached. Since there will be some unable to do even this, the rest
of us need to give in proportion to what we can. Generosity on your part
shows how much you love bridge and how important it is in your life.

Our opportunity for a bridge home is NOW!! Make checks payable to the Palo
Alto Bridge Center. Time is of the essence! Please give $25, $50, $100,
$500, $1,000-or whatever you can afford. If no home is forthcoming by the
end of the year, all donations will be refunded. Mail checks to Kevin O'
Leary at 205 Thompson Square, Mountain View, CA 94043-1328, or give to
Kevin personally.

We're a great Unit! Let's keep it that way. We need a HOME. Together we
can make it happen.
Unit Individual Slated for Sunday, Sept. 23

The Unit will hold an Individual Pairs game on Sunday, September 23 at 1
p.m. at the YWCA. This event will replace the regular Sunday afternoon game.
If you are a player who partners a number of others, who play different
systems and styles, you will have a distinct advantage.

There's no need to search for a partner, because each player will play each
round with a different partner. This format makes luck and good bridge sense
show the way to winning and a reliance on special conventions the route to a
nightmare. Here's a chance to show your skill as a partner to players with a
variety of abilities and talents.

The winner of the last Individual event held in December of 1999 was Muriel
Palo Alto Leaders In Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney Races

The ACBL give the Ace of Clubs awards to the players who earn the most
points in club games and the Mini-McKenney awards for total points won
including sectional and higher ranked tournaments.
Congratulations to the Palo Alto players who are in the lead at the midpoint
in 2001.


Rookie of the Year
Norman Wang 17.26
Cecile Naar 7.04
Tom Stevens 5.95
Junior Master of the Year
Nancy Aderhold 11.51
Jon Aderhold 11.51
Richard Johnson 7.65
Club Master of the Year
Adam Meyerson 48.33
Theodore H. Hwa 30.78
Qixiang Sun 30.63
Sectional Master of the Year
Juanita Girand 36.03
Lee M. Tsai 31.92
Leslie Kelly 30.91
Regional Master of the Year
Chandler Flickinger 165.22
Paul Cornelius 79.97
Carolyn Kwiatek 70.72
NABC Master of the Year
Vandana Vidwans 96.37
Louise Doying 40.20
Marilyn Slater 33.56
Life Master of the Year
Michael Heyman 58.11
Barbara Sonsini 48.77
Creswell Cole 45.07
Bronze Life Master of the Year
Lori Spaeth 81.17
Mary Van Tamelen 79.03
Dr. John Burg 72.58
Silver Life Master of the Year
Robin Chambers 149.49
Patricia Chambers 144.83
Roger Passal 116.74
Gold Life Master of the Year
Ashraf El Sadi 256.96
Dr. Gary Macgregor 239.69
Dr. James O'Neil 160.93
Diamond Life Master of the Year
Sheila Bleiman 343.64
Sherie Greenberg 71.52

Ace of Clubs

Rookie of the Year
Cecile Naar 6.50
Karen Cano 5.03
Tom Stevens 4.30
Junior Master of the Year
Jean Brandon 6.02
Chizuko Sato 5.85
Catherine Johnson 5.55
Richard Johnson 5.55
Club Master of the Year
Franklin Gonzalez 17.81
Mike Sullivan 10.34
Lloyd Lettis 9.78
Sectional Master of the Year
Leslie Kelly 19.59
Jean Franke 14.25
James Keehan 13.13
Regional Master of the Year
Carolyn Kwiatek 27.26
Donal Duncan 22.71
Margaret Wilson 21.52
NABC Master of the Year
Marilyn Salter 28.68
Chester Binasik 20.92
Barbara Purchase 15.62
Life Master of the Year
Creswell Cole 30.36
Barbara Sonsini 30.24
Florence Yoshikawa 25.89
Bronze Life Master of the Year
Ernst Jacobi 51.36
Virginia Herrick 42.76
Alan Templeton 33.74
Silver Life Master of the Year
Patricia Chambers 62.07
Hansa Narasimhan 58.18
Robert Friend 56.53
Gold Life Master of the Year
Margery Yates 58.84
Carol Brigham 55.94
Dr. James O'Neil 32.26
Diamond Life Master of the Year
Sheila Bleiman 30.91
Sherie Greenberg

Don't Gripe-Make it Right - Become a Candidate to the Board

Before we know it, the December election date for the Unit Board of
Directors will be here.

Board members attend meetings, currently the first Tuesday afternoon of each
month, and chair and serve one or more of the many committees. In addition
to the meetings, it's only a few hours a month of time and you will be an
integral part of the decision making process for the Unit. Put your opinions
into action.

Please contact Ginger Herrick at 650/948-2994, if you wish to run for the
Palo Alto Unit Board of Directors.
Firecracker Recap

The following is a summary of the finances for the 2001 and 2000 Firecracker

Income: 2001 2000
Number of Tables 706 725.5
Player Fees $22,554 $20,382
ACBL Fees 8,716 8,408
District 21 Supplies 882 907
Rent 7,500 5,230
Caddies 850 995
Hand Records 150
Advertising N/A 133
Add'l Lighting 330 546
Candy 205
Miscellaneous 78
Total Expenses: $18,711 $16,219
Net Income $3,843 $4,163
Many Thanks to Walk Supporters

Thank you for supporting me for the 3-day walk! With your help, I'm well
above the $1,900 minimum, so now all I have to do is walk. There's a
backlog at the pledge office so I won't know my final account balance for
some time, but I won't be surprised if it's over $5,000. I'm amazed. Many
people left cash in envelopes so I don't even know who all contributed, but
whoever you are, thank you! Jody Williams
Beginning Bridge Starts

Introduce your friends to bridge by encouraging them to attend the Unit
lessons, which start on Monday, September 10 from 7-10 p.m. at the YWCA.
Frank Smoot will be the teacher. The lesson plan will be the ACBL Club
Series for Novice players. The cost for the eight lessons is $70, which
includes the text book.

For further information, call Lori Spaeth at 650-383-5033 NOW or Joan Von
Gehr at 650-366-2554 after September 1.

Bridge Telephone List

Did you know that we have a Unit 503 telephone list, updated quarterly,
which has all the members of our Unit plus members of other units who play
in our games. The cost of the telephone list (7 pages) is just 50 cents and
can be obtained from Lorna Corbetta. And if you don't know who Lorna is,
you're not playing enough bridge. Her phone number is 650-566-8994. Or,
send a self-addressed, stamped envelope plus 50 cents to Lorna at 615
Partridge Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025.

Tuesday, September 11, 4 p.m.
YWCA 4161 Alma Street, Palo Alto
Think You Got An Unfair Ruling? What Are Your Rights?
By Claire Coleman

In the laws of duplicate bridge many rulings are clearly covered. Others are
open to interpretation, and some are left for the director to make a ruling,
based primarily on common sense. In some irregularities there is no
specified penalty stated in the rules, so the director may award an adjusted
score, if the non-offending side was damaged. Most rules and rulings are
given to restore equity--not to give someone a top board.

If you feel strongly that the director in charge was wrong, you may ask for
a committee. However, a committee may not overrule the director on a point
of law or regulation or on exercise of disciplinary powers. The right to
appeal ends 30 minutes after the final score. Both members of a pair must
appeal. The director will appoint a committee and then must abide by its
decision. This option should only be used for highly controversial rulings,
not on an everyday basis.

Thanks, Karen

The Kibitzer editor, Elinor Tanck, wishes to express her gratitude to Karen
Manfield who helped out with this issue when Elinor was away gallivanting.

August Board Meeting-Highlights

Discussed the fundraising campaign to support new bridge center for the Unit
clubs and finding a suitable location.
Voted to pay half the cost of the air conditioner at the Y.
Easy Bridge project on hold because of difficulty in finding a suitable

Dummy's Limitations by Gersh Wheeler

The Laws of Duplicate Bridge provide certain rights and limitations for
dummy. You know you have a right to prevent declarer from committing an
irregularity, such as a lead from the wrong hand or a revoke. But, dummy
must not be the first to call attention to an infraction by an opponent.
There are also limitation to dummy's actions, which may result in dummy
losing these rights.
Dummy must not exchange hands with declarer before the play begins, must not
look at declarer's hand and must not take the initiative to look at an
opponent's hand. If dummy violates any of the rules, these are the
stipulated penalties:
1. If dummy warns declarer not to lead from the wrong hand, either defender
may choose the hand from which declarer shall lead.
2. If dummy warns declarer about a possible revoke (no hearts, partner?) and
if declarer corrects the misplay before the revoke is established, the
penalty for the revoke stands.
3. If dummy is the first to draw attention to an opponent's infraction, no
penalty is imposed on the defenders.

Player Advancements

Junior Master Kenneth Scott, Tom Stevens
5 MP
Club Master Richard Johnson
20 MP
Sectional Master Adam Meyerson
50 MP
Regional Master Alan Cummings
100 MP
NABC Master Paul Cornelius, Chandler
200 MP Flickinger, Maggie Wilson
Silver LM Joan Von Gehr, Ernst Jacobi
1000 MP
Upcoming Events:

All Western Reg'l, Tues., Aug. 28-Sept.3 at Santa Clara Westin Hotel
Club championship, Monday, September 10, at 10 a.m., Palo Alto BC
Charity game, Tuesday, September 11 at 12:15 p.m., Alpine BC
Club championship, Wed., September 12 at noon., Bridge'n Brunch
ACBL Instant Gold point game, Wed., Sept. 12 at 7 p.m., Cotton Club
Club championship, Thurs., Sept. 13 at 1 p.m. Sherie & Kathy's BC
Sectional, Friday, September 14 at Sacramento, Orangevale Center
Sectional, Saturday, September 22 at San Rafael, Tamalpais H.S.
Unit Individual game, Sunday, Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. at YWCA
Sectional, Friday, September 28 at San Jose, Masonic Temple
No game at 7 p.m., Tuesday, August 28, Tuesday Night BC
No game at 12 p.m., Wednesday, August 31, Bridge 'n Brunch
No game at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, August 30, Thurs. Afternoon BC
No games, Friday, August 31-Monday, September 3, All clubs
No game on evening of Wednesday, September 19, Cotton Club
No game on evening of Wednesday, September 26, Cotton Club
No game on afternoon of Thurs., September 27, Sherie & Kathy's BC


July Winners' Circle

Compiled by Alan Templeton



Bridge Mix
2 Closed
9 M. Brabb/M. Mackinnon
  (B) C. Macey/M. Ellers
  B. Beardsley/L. Foss
  (B) G. Weiss/P. Baum
16 M. & W. Mackinnon
  (B) B. Olmo/V. Herrick
  (C) D. Hornback/S. Willard
  F. Dickman/H. Bennett
  (B) W. Pomeroy/G. Skidmore
  (C) G. Leitstein/M. Orelove
23 M. Yates/C. Brigham
  (B) A. Arnold/E. Worcester
  C. Dietz/L. Foss
  (B) Y. Van Zandt/B. Sonsini

Palo Alto BC
2 Closed
9 F. Miller/D. Chang
  E. Willard/J. Hornback
16 Closed
23 S. Hassid/H. Sung
  J. Brandon/S. Cahn
30 H. Sung/A. Laird
  P. Tsu/M. Slater


Alpine BC
3 Closed
10 A Levy/I. Rose
  S. Greenberg/G. Weiss
  N. Evans/A. Arnold
  N. Stevens/L. Frye
17 G. Herrick/C. Cole
  W. Pomeroy/G. Skidmore
  N. Evans/B. Liddicoat
  A. Templeton/N. Stevens
24 J. Weiss/W. Spicer
  C. Cole/A. Arnold
  L. Prim/E. Beckwith
  A. Mollard/B. Donoghue
31 Y. Chen/P. Tsu
  T. Bowman/M. Hafezi
  A. Arnold/N. Evans
  D. Duncan/C. Binasik

Tuesday Noon BC
3 Closed
10 H. Narasimhan/R. Stolee
  (B) P. Saunders/M. Hafezi
  (A&B) M. Brabb/B. Chakerian
17 M. Fletcher/R. Stolee
  E. Jacobs/R. Chambers
24 J. Flocks/R. Stolee
  (B) B. Sonsini/R. Singer
31 (A&B) W. Yetter/M. Coy
  C. & W. Brigham
  (B) C. Sideris/P. Krupa

Under 200 Bridge Club
3 Closed
10 E. Reder/P. Miller
  W. Shelchuk/C. Naar
17 (A&B) M. & R. Lawrence
  T. Aberg/J. Cook
  (B) W. Shelchuk/C. Naar
24 (A&B) E. & M. Reder
31 (A&B) E. Moley/J. Carollo
  (A&B) J. Brandon/K. Halliday

Tuesday Night BC
3 Closed
10 L. Cicolani/J. McCloy
  (A,B&C) C. & H. Lindauer
  C. Larsen/K. Siedenburg
17 F. Herzer/R. Haines
  C. Coleman/M. Brabb
24 (A&B) F. Herzer/R. Haines
  P. McFerren/C. Coleman
  (B) C. Larsen/K. Siedenburg
31 L. Cicolani/J. McCloy
  (A&B) S. Malek/J. Mrazek
  (B) K. Siedenburg/C. Larsen



Bridge N Brunch
4 Closed
11 B. Winkleman/C. Brigham
  W. Pomeroy/W. Coke
18 L. Corbetta/B. Sonsini
  E. Jacoby/H. Bennett
25 A. & B. Boatman
  H. Corbin/B. Beardsley

Wed. Aft. 49er*
4 Closed
11 J. Hanson/T. Stevens
  S. McGilvray/D. Aitchison
18 A. Suares/C. Naar
  A. Battle/C. Edwards-Page
25 K. Cano/D. Niemann
  J. & M. Newell

Cotton Club
4 Closed
11 L. Frost/C. Hanel
  R. Pollak/J. Birnbaum
18 J. Beck/C. Riffle
  J. Rollin/J. Hancock
25 L. Friedman/M. Condon
  H. Deeby/B. Figueiredo

*Includes lesson and hand records with analysis.



Sherie & Kathy's
5 M. Marx/P. Korn
  M. Slater/J. Burlingame
12 A. Templeton/C. Cole
  B. Donoghue/L. Doying
  L. Chaffee/J. Franke
  L. Welch/A. Laird
19 A. Merolla/A. Garber
  B. Donoghue/L. Doying
  A. & G. Mitchell
  J. Keehan/J. McCaffrey
26 D. Shannahan/M. Fikes
  E. Ehrman/M. Kelly
  L. Chaffee/J. Franke
  A. & F. Dame

Thursday Aft. BC
5 H. Narasimhan/A. Levy
  A. Gallas/M. Mackinnon
  (A&B) M. Goodman/C. Lane
  (B) N. Evans/A. Arnold
12 M. Fletcher/P. Saunders
  G. Wheeler/F. Frates III
  (B) B. Ross/N. Brubaker
  (B) M. Goodman/C. Lane
19 P. & R. Chambers
  (A&B) L. Lane/M. Sato
  (B-Tie) P. Saunders/M. Hafezi
  (B-Tie) K. Lorimer/C. Macey
  (C) G. Leitstein/L. Blum
26 L. Spaeth/J. Burlingame
  T. Ross/R. Chambers
  (B) G. Weiss/P. Baum


Friday Morning BC
6 P. & R. Chambers
  (A&B) D. Lowry/J. Blake
  (C) C. Hughes/H. Bailey
13 F. Dickman/H. Bennett
  C. Kwiatek/R. Chambers
  (B) W. Pomeroy/G. Skidmore
  (B) G. Herrick/W. Coke
20 T. Ross/P. Chambers
  (A&B) F. Carlson/R. Robinson
  (B) J. Brown/V. Herrick
27 N. Wolf/B. Sonsini
  A. Gallas/S. Chakraborty

Friday Night Barometer
  Temporarily Closed


One Club
7 (A&B) G. Porter/M. Moore
  R. Friend/D. Kuo
  (B) Y. Van Zandt/B. Sonsini
14 (A&B) J. Brown/P. Tsu
  Y. Van Zandt/M. Fletcher
  (B) I. Creasey/B. Chakerian
21 (A&B) S. Chakraborty/M. Brabb
  C. & W. Brigham
  (B) J. Robinson/M. Moore
  (C) A. Laird/J. Walsh
  (C) C. Anderson/H. Byrd
28 M. Yates/T. Ross
  C. & W. Brigham
  (A&B) A. Gallas/S. Chakraborty
  (B) P. Gross/E. Yanklowitz


Sunday Aft. BC
8 F. Jackson/J. Stein
  C. & T. Ross
  (B) M. Larkin/M. Moore
  (B) F. & T. Yoshikawa
15 F. Lowenthal/G. Macgregor
  G. Porter/H. Narasimhan
  (B) V. Vidwans/W. Watson
  (B) F. & T. Yoshikawa
  (C) A. & B. Sign
  (C) C. Lane/W. Biderman
22 J. Von Gehr/T. Bowman
  (A&B) M. & T. Randolph
  (B) L. Spaeth/S. Chakraborty
29 B. Beardsley/B. Krop