Unit Firecracker Sectional Lights Up the World of Bridge June 30-July 4
District 21's most popular and successful Sectional is Palo
Alto's annual
Firecracker Tournament. Be there to celebrate the holiday weekend
with an
outstanding bridge array of pair and team events from Friday,
June 30
through Tuesday, July 4 at the Elks Lodge in Palo Alto.
Sectional Chairman Merle Orelove will continue the efforts
made last year to
give newcomers a special welcome. Again there will be a separate
area set
aside for those with fewer than 200 master points. There will be
Intermediate/ Novice events every day throughout the Sectional
with strata,
whenever possible, for players with 0-5, 5-20, 20-50, 50-100 and
points. The Unit will award a trophy to the player with the best
performance and, there will be convention covers and pens for
other winners.
The Sectional blasts off on Friday afternoon with Open Pairs
and the
fireworks continue in the evening with the first session of the
Prime Time Knockout Bracketed Teams, which continue through Sunday
The competition really lights up with one-session flighted
and stratified
pair games twice daily Saturday and Sunday. The pyrotechnics on
Monday will
feature the popular Swiss Teams and the contest concludes with
a grand
finale on Tuesday with two single-session stratified open pairs.
For the
convenience of players who like to play bridge and to celebrate
the holiday
in the traditional way with friends in the evening, the Sunday
and Tuesday
events will get off to an early start and finish in time to get
to the
fireworks shows.
Of course, nothing will be possible without the many generous
The 1999 chairmen did a terrific job and have volunteered again
to make sure
that everyone has a successful tournament and an enjoyable time.
Mary Ann
Larkin will head hospitality, Ethel Worcester is in charge of
and the caddy chief is Lorna Corbetta. Barbara Sonsini is helping
out by
soliciting businesses for door prize donations. Sign up now to
give all of
them a hand.
Merle is also looking for players to set up on Friday and take
down on
Tuesday. She also needs several Unit members with a friendly manner
to help
with the intermediate novice area.
The June Kibitzer will include a copy of the official Firecracker
flyer and
further details about the tournament. Remember to give Merle a
call to
volunteer for committees, set-up chores and newcomer activities
Unit Sunlight Sunday Swiss Smashing Success
The 19-table attendance at the Sunday afternoon, March 25 Unit
Swiss Teams
proved to be a popular mixture, which showed players' preference
for the
holding of Unit events in the afternoon. Thanks go to Kevin O'Leary,
Coleman and Gary Porter for managing the set-up for a complex
affair and
insuring that everyone, whether winners or losers, had a fun time.
The team
of Helga Solleder, Hansa Narasimhan, Gary Porter and Bonnie Beardsley
won all their matches came in first with the foursome of Frank
P. O'Brien, Carencay Hamel and Lou Frost second with 3 wins. The
list below
shows the teams, which finished in the overalls.
A1 Helga Solleder, Hansa Narasimhan,
Gary Porter, Bonnie Beardsley
A2 Frank Frates, P. O'Brien,
Carencay Hamel, Lou Frost
A3/6 Betsy Steele, Margery Yates,
Carolyn Bjorklund, Arlene Levy
A3/6 Shantanu Chakraborty, Perry Seal,
Caryn Villalon, Lorna Corbetta
A3/6 B1C1 Israel Bar-nir, Alan Cummings,
Sam Morley, Franklin Gonzalez
B2 Richard Kilner, Chester Binasik,
H. Zoellner, Jack Bridges
B3C2 Adam Meyerson, Qiziang Sun,
Tong Neo Choo, Jerome Louveaux
Kibitzer Welcomes Karen Manfield
Karen Manfield has joined the Kibitzer staff and will be writing
She is a lawyer but is not currently practicing. Besides bridge,
her hobbies
are music and food. Although she is now living in Burlingame,
she and her
parents, Lynn and Dale Johannesen have always played at the Palo
Alto clubs
and sectionals. We are happy to have Karen's help.
Unit Players Owe Thanks
When Unit member Jerry Becker moved away, she donated the bridge
books in
her library to the Palo Alto players. She entrusted them to Sherie
Greenberg, who distributed them to he players who participate
in the Unit
club games. Thanks, Jerry.
STAC at Palo Alto Clubs May 7-14
The Western Conference has scheduled STAC (Sectional Tournament
at Clubs)
the week of Monday May 7 through Sunday, May 14. This is a great
for players to earn extra master points, not only in number but
silver ones,
so necessary for reaching the Life Master rank. The more you play,
better the odds. All the clubs listed in the directory on the
back page plan
to sponsor STAC events.
In addition, the Unit has set aside Friday evening, May 11
at 7:30 p.m. at
the Y for an extra STAC game.
The stratification is Strata C: 0-300 master points, Strata
B: 300-750,
Strata A: 750+. Both beginners and experts enjoy the good competition
STAC games, so plan now to do lots of playing.
The Unit Board and members extend their sincere condolences
to Fred Phillips
and his family and the friends of this wife Ruth, who passed away
in March.
Player Advancements
The ACBL March 1 printout shows that the following players
have moved up.
Junior Master Jon Aderhold, Julia Seiff
(5 MP)
Gold LM Patricia Chambers, Robin
(2000 MP) Chambers, Helga Solleder
Upcoming Events:
Sectional, Friday, May 4 at Community Center, Orangevale
Western Conference STAC Week, Monday, May 7-Sunday, May 13 - all
Unit STAC, Friday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m, YWCA
Sectional, Friday May 17 at Bridge Center, Fort Ord
Regional, Sunday, May 27 at Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento
*Includes lesson and hand records with analysis. Lessons are no longer offered before the Cotton Club on Wednesday nights. |