
August 2001

Firecracker Results Delight Unit

Players celebrated the holiday with bridge at the Firecracker Sectional held
at the Elks Lodge Saturday, June 30 through Wednesday, July 4. There were
706 tables of bridge for a financially successful event.

The top attendance was for Saturday afternoon with 108 tables. The table
count was 182 for Saturday, 155.5 for Sunday, 118 for Monday, 133.5 for
Tuesday and 119 for Wednesday with 124 tables of intermediate/newcomers for
the tournament. The total is fewer than the 725 for last year, but higher
than the 687 in 1999. An encouraging statistic is the 124 tables of I/N,
which is more than double the 53 and 55 tables in 2000 and 1999,

Of course, the Unit owes much of the success to Marianne Moutoux, the
chairman, who has sent a message.

As Chairman of the Firecracker Sectional Tournament I want to thank the many
people who helped to make this event the success that it was. It ran
extremely smoothly, from the time of set up until take down. Many people
from the Unit lent their time and energies to make that happen. The set up
and take down crew were Cres Cole, Sue Fikes, Ginger Herrick, Tom Moutoux,
Kevin O'Leary, Adrienne Oliff, Albert Pagin, Tom Snouse, John Stidd, Elinor
Tanck, Alan Templeton, Ethel Worcester and many unnamed Wednesday Swiss
"teamers." Kevin O'Leary, Merle Orelove, photographer and the other IN
committee members made the Sectional a good experience for the newer
players. The hospitality committee, headed by Mary Ann Larkin, did their
usual excellent job of making the players feel welcome with their personal
warmth and the gorgeous decorations. The Partnership desk, headed by Ethel
Worcester, managed to make the necessary and sometimes difficult
arrangements to help players pair up as partners. Thanks to her committee.
Lorna Corbetta and her caddy crew made a significant contribution to the
orderly management of the tournament. The T-shirts were a success and many
purchased one for themselves. Good design by Richard Johnson and ironing by
Richard, Ethel Worcester and Merle Orelove. David Shanahan, the son of
Dorothy and Jack Shanahan, helped the Unit achieve a financial saving by his
donating the printing of the sectional flyers.

During the event my thanks to the people who helped to keep the room looking
neat by keeping the tables clear of trash. The Elks Club did a great job of
making us feel welcome and providing the necessary amenities. Before the
players walk in the door to the Sectional, the Unit has a $18,000 bill to
pay. Even with this heavy debt, the tournament was a financial success,
making somewhere around $4,000, but the final figures won't be available
until August. I would like to end with a special thanks to my co-chairman,
Albert Pagin, who helped in many ways to make my job easier. Thanks to all
of you for coming!
Richard Jacobs of San Jose, Linda Mattis and Shirley and Marvin Falk, all of
Sunnyvale are all the wearers of a Duplicate Bridge T-shirt, awarded for the
top point totals in sections D, E, F, respectively in the I/N section at the
Firecracker. The Unit members listed below were all smiles at the
Firecracker Sectional because they were first overall. Special
congratulations go to C players Sarla and Moti Thadani, with the most
overalls including one in A. The numbers indicate multiple firsts. Carolyn
Kwiatek, Kurt Siedenburg, Chris Larsen, Doreen Hornback, Roger Passal, Gary
Macgregor (2), Sarla Thadani (3), Moti Thadani (3), Richard Johnson,
Catherine Johnson, Sherry Greenberg, Gary Yang, Anne Merolla, Alice Garber,
Ashraf El Sadi, Jill El Sadi, Barbara Barlow, Vandana Vidwans, Ivan
Stoimirov and Nevana Stoimirov.

NAOP Qualification Proceeds in August

The Alpine BC has scheduled a NAOP game for Tuesday, August 14. Players can
earn extra master points and qualify for the next level. This is the last
opportunity for players to qualify at a site in Palo Alto.

Players who place in the overalls earn sectionally-rated half red and half
black master
points. Any player who scores average or higher or finishes in the upper
half will be eligible to play in a two-session Unit final.
Fond Farewell

To all my friends in Unit 503, wonderful partners and formidable opponents:
I want to say goodbye and thank you for thirty-four years of happy times. I
wish you all good health and happiness now and in the future.
Barbara Vetterlein

The Unit also extends a goodbye and good luck to Club owner Kathy Koolmar on
her move to Arizona. The players enjoyed many years of friendship with Kathy
who is a past winner of the Sportsmanship Trophy. We thank her for her
numerous years of service to the Unit and its players.
Get Well

Get well wishes to Unit member Gene Drew who is now home from the hospital.
Hope he's back to bridge ASAP.

Tuesday, August 7, 4 p.m.
YWCA 4161 Alma Street, Palo Alto
Easy Way to Bridge

The Palo Alto Unit will sponsor Easy Bridge, an ACBL promotion, starting the
second week in September at the YWCA on a weekday evening at a date to be
determined. Faye Parsons will hold lessons and play weekly. The first four
weeks and lesson books are FREE. During August, the Unit will mail postcards
to every Unit member, so that you can encourage all your friends, even if
they have never before seen a deck of cards, to join Easy Bridge.
Beginning Bridge Starts September 10

The Palo Alto Unit knows that the only way for this great game of ours to
survive is to attract new players. And, with a little effort in the
beginning, newcomers will learn, as we have, that playing bridge is one of
life's pleasures. In addition, bridge opens up a whole new world of people
whom you would otherwise never meet.

The very popular Frank Smoot teaches the four-part Audrey Grant series,
appropriately titled Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades. This is Frank's
seventh year teaching this class! The cost per series is $60 (less for YWCA
members) plus the cost of the book.

Class times and place: Mondays from 7:00-10:00 p.m. at the YWCA, 4161 Alma
Street in Palo Alto. The first series starts on Monday, September 10. Get
there a little early - no later than 6:45 so you can sign up at the front
desk. We typically have 6-10 tables of four people. Although it would be
helpful to know if you are coming, signing up prior to class time is not
necessary. You need not attend every class and as long as you're willing to
do a little catch up, you'll be fine.

The Club series is an eight-week course for beginners who have never played
bridge before or for people who haven't played for years and want a
refresher course. The Diamond series is more of the same, and focuses on
declarer play. The Heart series continues and focuses on defense. The Spade
series puts it all together.

You may also download the free software offered by the ACBL - "Learn to Play
Bridge" found in the middle of the home page on as extra
help in "getting it!"

Please call Lori Spaeth at 650/383-5033 or Joan Von Gehr at 650/366-2554 for
more information.

Upcoming Events:

Sectional, Friday, August 3 at Hayward, Centennial Hall
Club championship, Monday, August 6, at 11 a.m, Bridge Mix
Club championship, Tuesday, August 7, at 7 p.m., Tuesday Night BC
Club championship, Thursday, August 9 at 12:30 p.m., Thurs. Aft BC
Club championship, Saturday, August 11 at noon, One Club
NAOP, Tuesday, August 14 at 12:15 p.m., Alpine BC
Sectional, Saturday, August 18 at San Francisco, Rec Ctr for Handicap
Regional, Tuesday, August 28 at Santa Clara, Westin Hotel


June Winners' Circle

Compiled by Alan Templeton



Bridge Mix
4 M. Yates/M. Berg
  N. Wolf/P. Saunders
  A. Lalchandani/E. Jacobi
  J. Flocks/L. Spaeth
11 M. Yates/L. Spaeth
  S. Bleiman/J. Woodside
  C. Brigham/B. Vetterlein
  R. Chambers/W. Brigham
18 H. Narasimhan/A. Levy
  D. Richerson/R. Heller
  K. Cheng/J. Hu
  C. Dietz/L. Foss
15 N. Wolf/P. Saunders
  M. Yates/C. Brigham
  B. Beardsley/S. Chakraborty

Palo Alto BC
4 M. Slater/K. Kelly
  H. Sung/H. Macdonell
11 M. Moutoux/A. Pagin
  S. Maisel/W. Harwood
18 B. Varner/H. Sung
  M. Slater/K. Kelly
25 S. Greenberg/E. Admanti
  S. & I. Krulevitch


Alpine BC
5 J. Weiss/W. Spicer
  B. Leonard/M. Slater
  J. Woodside/S. Bleiman
  M. & T. Randolph
12 N. Evans/J. Robinson
  L. Kelly/M. Johnson
  G. Herrick/C. Cole
  R. Randolph/H. Macdonell
19 T. Bendigkeit/H. Macdonell
  M. & T. Sato
26 F. & T. Yoshikawa
  R. Friend/M. Chen
  A. Arnold/E. Worcester
  H. Sung/B. Hsu

Tuesday Noon BC
5 L. Corbetta/M. Berg
  J. Flocks/R. Stolee
  (B) I. Creasey/E. Worcester
12 (A&B) P. Gross/G. Leitstein
  R. Friend/M. Heymann
  (B) M. Brabb/B. Chakerian
19 M. Yates/C. Brigham
  (B) M. Larkin/J. Robinson
  (A&B) L. Spaeth/J. Von Gehr
26 S. Blum/J. Von Gehr
  C. & W. Brigham

Under 200 Bridge Club
5 E. Reder/P. Miller
  Y. Kano/E. Nakayasu
12 J. Keehan/S. Waki
  (B) T. Aberg/J. Cook
19 (A&B) L. Mattis/A. Story
26 (A&B) W. Shelchuk/C. Naar

Tuesday Night BC
5 R. Daniels/J. Kelsey
  P. McFerren/C. Hanel
12 L. Cicolani/J. McCloy
  E. Tanck/L. Frost
  G. Drew/M. Wilson
  H. Shea/B. Schneider
19 J. Harpootlian/R. Ipswitch
  P. Kamas/M. Cochran
  J. Owens/D. Hofer
  C. Larsen/K. Siedenburg
26 K. Siedenburg/C. Larsen
  D. & G. Wheeler
  G. Drew/M. Wilson
  A. Robertson/E. Edwards



Bridge N Brunch
6 M. Berg/M. Hafezi
  J. Flocks/H. Narasimhan
13 M. Yates/K. Harper
  A. Levy/C. Coleman
20 T. Moalem/M. Hafezi
  J. Burlingame/M. Van Tamelen
27 S. Blum/H. Bennett
  A. levy/C. Coleman

Wed. Aft. 49er*
6 D. Stowell/S. Fisk
  L. & C. Caren
13 S. Hollon/E. Webster
  L. & C. Caren
20 B. & L. Berg
  M. Patton/K. Pickert
27 D. Doolittle/G. Yang
  L. Mattis/A. Story

Cotton Club
6 S. Chakraborty/R. Pollak
  R. O'Brien/J. McCarthy
13 O. & J. Berger
  D. Fecher/R. French
20 H. Macdonell/C. Coleman
  M. Moore/S. Chakraborty
27 C. Hughes/H. Deeby
  R. O'Brien/J. McCarthy

*Includes lesson and hand records with analysis.



Sherie & Kathy's
7 M. Marx/P. Korn
  T. & F. Yoshikawa
  H. Macdonell/C. Cotton
  A. & G. Mitchell
14 M. Howe/W. Worcester
  S. Schaffer/K. Kelly
  G. Pani/J. Sogg
  T. Hall/D. Halden
21 M. O'Leary/C. Weiler
  R. Randolph/M. Goldstein
  R. Chesler/M. Feldstein
  J. Franke/D. Halden
28 E. & D. Ehrman
  K. Shaw/M. Orelove
  L. Chaffee/J. Franke
  J. Rosner/R. Mankoff

Thursday Aft. BC
7 M. Hafezi/S. Chakraborty
  M. Fletcher/P. Saunders
  T. Ross/R. Chambers
14 R. Williams/H. Narasimhan
  B. Hirsekorn/W. Brigham
  L. Mattis/W. Miller II
  R. Friend/R. Pollak
21 H. Narasimhan/R. Williams
  G. Wheeler/R. Friend
  M. Hafezi/W. Yetter
  L. lane/M. Sato
28 H. Bennett/A. Kridl
  G. Wheeler/D. Rothschild
  T. Ross/R. Chambers
  R. Friend/M. Brabb


Friday Morning BC
1 S. Greenberg
  W. & C. Brigham
  (B) A. Story/Jadrenski
  (B) L. Chakerian/I. Creasy
8 S. Chakraborty/R. Pollack
  S. Koppett/A. Levy
15 H. Bennett/A. Kridl
  B. Beardsley/R. Chambers
  (B) M. Fletcher/J. Von Gehr
  (B) M. Troster/N. Federle
22 C. Lin/M. Chen
  J. Flocks/M. Hafezi
  (B) W. Pomeroy/G. Skidmore
29 A. Arnold/M. Petersen
  E. Jacobi/H. Bennett
  (B) M. Slater/K. Kelly

Friday Night Barometer
  Temporarily Closed


One Club
2 M. Larkin/S. Blum
  J. Von Gehr/K. Koolmar
  C. & W. Brigham
  E. Jacobi/N. Charles
9 H. Bennett/V. Vidwans
  L. Corbetta/S. Chakraborty
  T. Ross/R. Passal
  M. O'Hara/F. Lowenthal
16 G. Porter/P. Cornelius
  V. Herrick/C. Cole
  E. Jacobi/F. Parsons
  J. Flocks/J. Von Gehr
23 R. Singer/A. Galvacs
  J. Brown/P. Tsu
  J. Flocks/F. Parsons
  J. Dittmann/C. Kwiatek


Sunday Aft. BC
3 L. Corbetta/M. Moore
  R. Friend/T. Coleman
  (B) T. & F. Yoshikawa
  (B) R. Martin/E. Worcester
10 K. Cheng/D. Kuo
  C. & W. Brigham
  (B) M. Heymann/G. Mcglaughlin
  (B) F. & T. Yoshikawa
17 M. Berg/A. Boboriken
24 M. Yates/B. Steele
  R. Friend/M. Chen
  (B) M. & T. Randolph
  (B) B. Chakerian/L. Lane