Updated 05-02-2018

This template is designed to be helpful for NLM Tournament Chairs, Directors, and Volunteers who are planning a Non-Life Master Sectional.


ACBL allows a unit to hold any number of NLM’s using local Tournament Directors.

-          An unlimited number of 2-day NLM’s.

-          Only 3 one-day NLM’s. 

 Formats for NLM’s can vary

-       Pairs and SWISS 
 -     A variety of Strats. – 49er, 99er, 199er, 299er

UNIT 503

Unit 503 is committed to creating opportunities for newer players to have a great tournament experience and earn silver masterpoints.

65% of the Unit’s 980 members are non-life masters.

The Unit has held 5 NLM’s beginning in January, 2016. All have been very well attended. Interest and comments have been very positive.

The success of any NLM is predicated on finding active volunteers to manage the components of a NLM and attend game day.

Following is a guideline that may be helpful to tournament chairs and volunteers.


Following are the tasks in more or less sequential order.

1st Step is to recruit a volunteer(s) to serve as Tournament Chair.

Select a date(s) for the NLM

·       Look at Unit Calendar and ACBL “Find a Tournament “  so as to not conflict with other local tournaments

·       Select a Tournament Director. (1st choice Will Watson)

·       If one of the days falls on a Sunday, ask IFES for approval of the date(s) no more than 3 months in advance. 

·       Obtain ACBL sanction for the date(s)


When all is in place it is time to begin the steps from start to finish to have a successful NLM.

      Select a format and strats.  Consult with the director on this.

      Create flyer for Bridge Center and other locations.

      Announce the NLM at least 2 months in advance.

Ask Web Master to announce NLM on Unit Web Page. 

Place sign-up form on web. This includes lunch orders if IFES.                               

      Add event to the Unit 503 website - Event Calendar.                                                                                     

      Place date(s) on the 20xx Unit Weekend Calendar.                                         

      Approximately 2 months in advance Utilize ACBL’s “Marketing Solutions” to send emails and announce NLM to neighboring units. Send follow up two weeks before  event

              498 San Mateo, 502 East Bay, 506 San Francisco, 507 Silicon Valley, 550 Santa Cruz.

      Ask 503 Game Owners to announce and promote the NLM.

      Arrange lunch with IFES – Alice Silva (alice.silva@analog.com). (Alternative is to provide lunch).

      Arrange snacks. If help needed, Tricia Steele (tricia.seele@comcast.net).

      If unable to have volunteers handle cleanup , contact Vilma Garcia. Ask Kevin O’Leary to give her dates.


·       Send “reminder” e-mail to the person who signed up for their partner(s).  Include explanation of where results can be found .  (Link is on NLM page, not “Game Results” page.)

·       Send “reminder” to those who have signed up for IFES lunch

·       As a courtesy visit Wonder Year Pre-School a few days in advance to use their parking lot for volunteers.

·       Print a list of lunch orders to give to IFES staff.

Assign a volunteer to work with IFES staff in identifying people who ordered lunch.



·       Set up table near computer station for the director to accept entry fees (for both players if pairs and all players if Swiss). Check off names and give table assignments if requested to do so by the director

·       Set up table next to entry for IFES to take lunch orders.

·       Ask IFES to set at 8:45 to collect money and take more orders.

·       At the conclusion of the 1st session, ask players to clean up on/around table to prepare for 2nd session.



Survey NLM participants one week after the NLM.  Use List of e-mails addresses for those who played is available from Pianola. Usually Paul Davis provides this


Help? Questions?   Carl Baeuerlen cullycarl@gmail.com  Alan Cummings (alan.cummings@stanford.edu)